Hell App - Chapter 103

Published at 9th of March 2023 09:47:42 AM

Chapter 103

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The long line moved forward in a hurry. Every time the female teacher sitting at the desk finished registering a child, the iron door would open a small slit to let the registered child in.

Two hours later, the sun was rising very high, and Bai Yan hid from the sun under a leafy tree.

At this time, there are not many people still waiting in line. The campus is already full of children. Only a few children are still standing outside the big iron gate and being led by their parents.

The parents of these children have a relaxed smile on their faces, and a few occasionally have painful faces, and they are also heartbroken for their own benefit.

No one is truly sad for the child.

It’s no wonder that parents who had planned long ago would never bring their children to the ‘Special Zone’ to sign up. They had already spent money to send their children to ordinary primary schools. How could they come here?

Bai Yan hid under the tree, with kite-colored eyelashes covering half of his eyes, his eyes still tingling. So he raised a hand to cover the sun above his head to make his eyes feel better.

In the place where he was hiding, one could hear the conversation between the female teacher at the desk and the parents.

Now, standing at the desk is a mother with a slightly bulged belly and a girl in her arms.

The mother held a boy in her hand and said to the female teacher with a smile on her face: "Teacher, this is my child who is making trouble. He is six years old this year. Please help me sign up for him."

The female teacher noted down the child’s age and name, as well as the woman’s home address.

Seeing the female teacher finished filling in, the pregnant woman hurriedly said: "Teacher, can you also sign up for my daughter?"

"How old is your daughter this year?"

"I'm two years old this year, can you accept two-year-old children here?"

"It's too young, come back in two years." The female teacher raised her head and asked deeply, "It's not easy to have a child. Your family already has a child to go to school in the Special Zone. The country will not treat you badly. Children can go to ordinary schools for free. You send all your children to the'Special Zone', and there is no one by your side. What should you do if you are old and unable to move?"

It is not the first time that a woman is a mother, and she naturally knows the benefits of raising a child.

Whenever children have income in adulthood, one-third of their income will be credited to their parents' accounts to repay their parents for their parenting grace.

In this respect, raising children is really a profitable business. Just like her parents, they had four children in total. After they grew up, these two old men stopped working. They waited for the four children to be respectful every month and enjoyed it a lot.

The woman gritted her teeth at the thought of the two old immortals at home, wishing that they would die sooner, and it would be best if they were hit by a car when they went out today. In this way, I don’t have to pay one-third of my monthly income, and I can also receive an inheritance and live a relaxed life.

However, when returning to herself, a woman also wants to have more children, and she also wants to raise her children as soon as possible. Like her parents, she will not have to work and wait for her children's filial piety.

Therefore, she understood the doubts of the female teacher, but she was helpless.

Every child is a big fat sheep that can cut her hair for a lifetime. If it weren't for an accident, she really didn't want to give up any child easily.

I was very interested in seeing the female teacher. She didn't say anything about it, so she just stuck her in the registration.

The woman hesitated for a moment and said with a painful expression on her face: "Teacher, you don't know, I can't help it! I work in a special company, and our company's income and benefits are very high, but the company's internal system is harsh and the implementation is the last. Elimination system, no idlers."

"Recently, my performance has not been very good. I have been going to the tail end of the crane. It is estimated that I will be laid off by the end of the year. If I was eliminated from the last place before, I would lose my job and find another one. But recently, our company has cooperated with the government. The eliminated person will not be fired, but will be sent to work in the Special Zone. You also know what the Special Zone is. I really have nowhere to go..."

Upon hearing this, the female teacher suddenly realized: "No wonder you have to sign up for your daughter. I have heard that if you sign up for two children, the parents will be pardoned. Then, I will sign up for your daughter too, etc. There is a demand in the coming year, we will be the first to go to your house to collect it!"

"Okay, trouble you teacher!"

The woman looked elated when she heard the female teacher's reply.

When the iron door was opened, she saw the boy standing by the door and not leaving. She pushed the boy in, and then hugged the girl and left without hesitation.

The two-year-old girl was held in her arms by a woman, gnawing on her fingers ignorantly, obviously not knowing what terrible deal the woman had just made.

The woman has a slightly bulging belly and has no nostalgia for the son who enters the "Special Zone". She still has one in her belly. Send her two children to the "Special Zone" to make a profit without losing. The life of the child is not important to her own life. ...

The woman's back gradually disappeared, and other parents sent their children into the school district and left without any burdens like her, without even looking back.

Behind them, there was a child with early wisdom who stood behind the iron gate and looked at them with spiteful eyes, clearly knowing that he was abandoned by his parents.

When the figure of the last parent was gone, the female teacher instructed the two soldiers to raise the desk, got into a car and left.

As a result, only a group of heavily guarded soldiers remained near the elementary school, as well as 500 newly enrolled children and several teachers in the school.

"Okay, your parents are gone, and they won't come back no matter how much they howl, so please shut up and wait in line!"

When all the parents left, the faces of the teachers on campus changed. They didn't even bother to put on a business smile, and directly yelled at the children impatiently.

According to the above requirements, there are a total of 500 students in a class with 50 children.

Because this is a newly established ‘special zone’, there is only one grade for the time being.

There are no unnecessary requirements above, and the teachers don't want to be troublesome.

They picked out the children who had fled on campus one by one and gathered them together. Soon, all the five hundred children arrived.

Five hundred students stood together under pressure, trapped in square inches like little piglets, and let the teachers choose.

In a short while, each head teacher selected the students and ordered 50 children to be managed by themselves.

Bai Yan was assigned to class four, and the head teacher of their class was a woman named Ning Xiuli.

Ning Xiuli was dyed with big wavy yellow hair and was full of wind and dust, and she did not look like a teacher.

However, compared with other teachers, Ning Xiuli is already quite good.

When other teachers saw that the children were disobedient, they did it directly, and although Ning Xiuli was very uncomfortable with her position as a teacher, she at least didn't do anything with the students. It seems that she still has a little bottom line.

After recounting the number, it is determined that there are not less than 50 children.

Ning Xiuli scowled and said unceremoniously: "After you go to school, you don't even want to go home. Registration here is the beginning of school. You can leave school only after graduation. To be honest, six years will pass soon. Is it clear?"

There were twos and threes of catering from the crowd, and there were still many children who did not agree and were crying with their heads down.

Upon seeing this, a vicious look flashed in Ning Xiuli's eyes, but she still suppressed it and led a group of students into the teaching building without being impatient.

A bunch of people walked towards the fourth grade of the first grade. On the way, a few children who didn't cry looked around, full of curiosity about the things in the school.

The facilities in the school are extremely old, the paint on the walls has faded, and there are many peeling walls, dotted, and even spider webs hanging in the corners.

As everyone passed by, the wooden floor made a creaking sound, which obviously took a long time.

When approaching Class 4, a girl suddenly said, "Teacher, the pictures here are so strange, why do their eyes turn?"

"Where do you have so many questions?" Ning Xiuli scolded, but she reacted quickly, and a trace of fear flashed in her eyes: "Moving pictures? Don't talk nonsense, why do people in the pictures move?"

"Where is the picture? You can quickly show it to me!"

The girl was very happy to receive the teacher's attention.

She immediately pointed to the wall with her little finger and said to one of the photos: "It's her! When we walked by just now, her eyes were moving with the teacher... Teacher, did you know her?"

When the girl pointed to the picture, Bai Yan also immediately looked in the direction the girl was pointing.

It was a half-length painting of a woman. The portrait was framed by a wooden frame and hung upright on the wall. There was nothing suspicious about it.

Below the portrait is a line of scribbled handwriting. According to the handwriting, this is a female principal of the school a long time ago.

In the portrait, the headmistress smiles amiably, looks amiable, and every wrinkle on her face looks so kind.

However, unlike the kind face, the headmistress' eyes were weirdly tilted, her eyes tilted towards the fourth class, staring straight at the place where Ning Xiuli stood just now.

Bai Yan remembered that at the beginning, the female principal’s eyes should be looking straight ahead, not like this.

The picture is not a TV, so the people on it won't move.

The girl is telling the truth.

Because I witnessed it with my own eyes, I believed the girl's words in vain. However, Ning Xiuli looked at the picture, only to feel that the female headmaster's eyes were seeping, and she was suspicious of the girl's words.

She knows what the **** this is, and it is no surprise what happens in the ‘special zone’.

However, Ning Xiuli still couldn't believe that she had only come for such a short time, and something terrible happened.

Thinking that children at this age love to lie, Ning Xiuli's eyes immediately became vicious.

She was frightened and frightened in her heart. In order to conceal her fear, she reprimanded the girl: "Shut up! Don't talk nonsense, say anything unlucky? Get me into the classroom!"

"Teacher, I didn't tell..."

"shut up!"

Before the girl finished her words, Ning Xiuli slapped her and ordered the crying girl to roll into the classroom.

All the children were rushed into the classroom, and Ning Xiuli stood at the door and glanced at the picture anxiously. The headmistress' eyes on the portrait became more and more weird, which made her feel more disturbed.

At this point, she had already believed the girl's words, but she comforted herself, as she promised them--

If the ghosts on the campus start to kill people, these dead children who should have died are the first to kill.

Although there are risks in staying in the ‘special zone’, as long as you be careful, teachers like them are still not that easy to die.

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