Hello, My 1979! - Chapter 11

Published at 28th of June 2024 05:36:27 AM

Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: What Right Do You Have to Eat Candy?

4 days ago

Ye Chuanxiu talked incessantly, mentioning many people in her family, but she did not mention Su He and Xiao Nanhua. Su He's heart felt a little sour.


Just because he was more sensible, did that mean he was not considered?


And what about Xiao Nanhua? At such a young age, shouldn't she be the more pampered?


Unfortunately, her three older sisters had already enjoyed all the love and affection. And there was an older brother who had taken away all the pampering that should have been hers. Forget it, from now on, the younger sister would be his to pamper!


Su He did not say anything about Ye Chuanxiu’s words. Anyway, he will cook these carp today and would sell the rest, save some money, whether for household expenses or for school, all of which required money.


At the entrance of the village, Su He met a familiar person.


"Dongzi, where have you been?"

{combination of two Chinese words: “dong” (which can mean “friend” or “brother”) and “zi” (which is often used as a suffix for names or nicknames). So, loosely translated, “Dongzi” could refer to a friendly or brotherly person.}


This was Su He's classmate and best friend, named Gu Dong, one of the few families in Nanzhu Village not surnamed Ye.


Gu Dong smiled, "I went to my uncle's house. Just got back today!"


Saying this, Gu Dong quickly lifted his school bag, and pulled out something from inside.


"Here, this is from my uncle's house. It's a city pastry, try it!"


It was a pastry wrapped in oil paper. Su He reached out and took it, then thought for a moment before saying to Gu Dong, "Then, you take two of the fish I caught back to eat!"


There was no need for good friends to be polite with each other. Gu Dong immediately looked at the fishes for pick.


Su He said, "Leave the silver carp for me. My dad hurt his foot and can't eat crucian carp."


Gu Dong nodded and skillfully picked up the two crucian carp, holding them by their gills and leaving.


Ye Chuanxiu opened her mouth, but the fish were given away, and she couldn't say anything. Besides, the other party had given a package of pastries.


There was also a son in the family who hadn't been eating much lately and had been making a fuss! This bag of pastries had solved an urgent problem. Su He did not know it, but Ye Chuanxiu had already decided where the pastries would go in just a moment.


Even if he knew, Su He wouldn't mind!


Su He wanted to reform this spoiled child, Su Yucheng. After being reborn, his whole family was quite strange. Su He did not want such a family and naturally wanted to slowly reform it.


"I'm going this way. See you later, brother. Catch me some good thing next time. You're better at that!"


Gu Dong said before heading towards his own home.


Su He nodded, although he was a young man, this friendship was not bad. Friends from childhood could be friends for life, as long as their ideas were not a problem. In the future, there would be opportunities to pull this friend closer.


Gu Dong's uncle seemed to work at the supply and marketing cooperative in the town, which was a good job. In the past, Gu Dong often brought good things to Su He, but they were usually given to Su Yucheng.


Parting ways with Gu Dong, Su He's family continued on their way home.


Heixing returned to the cowshed on its own.


Actually, calling it a cowshed was an exaggeration; since it was hand crafted by Su He himself.


The main body was made of bamboo, and there was a lot of thatched grass on the top. Su He did not even tie the Water buffalo rope, but directly put it on Heixing’s back.


An old horse knew its way, and an old Water buffalo was the same.


Although Heixing wasn't old, it still remembered its home.


While walking, Heixing also enjoyed the delicious food.


Su He planned to prepare something good for Heixing later. This Water buffalo could not only eat grass, and needed some high-quality feed to grow well.


As soon as he entered the door, Su Yucheng, who was playing with ants on the ground, saw the bucket of water and the pastry in Su He's hand!


"Oh, there's something good to eat!" Su Yucheng rushed straight towards the pastry in Su He's hand. He would be able to eat what was in the bucket later.


But Su He raised his hand, dodging Su Yucheng grasp. Did he not see that he was holding something in his hand?


Su Yucheng saw that he had not snatched it, and wanted to snatch it again, but how could he snatch it from Su He?


Su He let Su Yucheng pass by, lightly bumping into him with his body, causing Su Yucheng to stumble and almost fall. Immediately, Su Yucheng started to cry. There were not many tears, just dry tears!


Su He knew that he was calling for reinforcements! In the past, Su Yucheng was like this!


Sure enough, Ye Chuanxiu saw the situation and hurriedly said. "Hezi, Yucheng is your younger brother. Can't you just let it go? After all, he always eats these goodies!"


Su He saw the situation and thought to himself, ‘This mother is really biased to the extreme.’ He said, "This thing was given to me by my friend, how did it become his? Is he the only child in this family?"


Ye Chuanxiu opened her mouth, wanting to say something. Usually, wasn't it like this? But the words that were about to come out of her mouth were stuck in her throat and could not be said.


Su Yucheng saw the situation and was afraid that his purpose would not be achieved, so he immediately lay on the ground and started to roll around. The courtyard was originally muddy, and his already dirty clothes became even dirtier with one turn.


Ye Chuanxiu said, "Look, your younger brother is like this. These clothes will be torn later!"


Third sister Su Rui hadn't paid attention at first, but when she heard Ye Chuanxiu's words, she immediately said, "If the clothes get dirty, are you going to wash them?"


It seemed that she was also trying to provoke Su He. Mostly because, she was the one washing the clothes in the house.


Although she was a bit cunning, she couldn't escape washing clothes!


Su He did not pick up the topic, but turned his head and said, “Let him roll if he wants to roll. If the clothes are torn, Mom, you will sew them. You sew patches on my clothes and I wear then, can he not?”


This remark left Ye Chuanxiu speechless. It was all her own children, and this matter was done by her, but Su He did not mention it, so she unconsciously forgot it. But when Su He brought it up, what could Ye Chuanxiu say?


Su He had worn other people's unwanted clothes for so many years, with patches sewn on them.


Su Yucheng had new clothes to wear every year, this differential treatment, was just because there was a child who could cry! {Why don't we just gut him?}


Su He didn't care about these things. He turned his head to Su Rui and said, "You are unhappy, meaning you don't want to eat pastries. Anyway, there are not many pastries, I originally planned to divide them among everyone equally, but in the end, there won't be much. It's just right that there is one roller and one who doesn’t want to wash clothes.”


“Xiao Nanhua and I will have more to eat.”


Su Yucheng was still rolling around, thinking that Su He would compromise, but unexpectedly, Su He said this! He stopped and found to his surprise that Xiao Nanhua was holding a piece of milk candy in her hand.


"Give it to me. What are you doing eating ‘my’ milk candy!?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!