Hello, My 1979! - Chapter 12

Published at 28th of June 2024 05:36:27 AM

Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Quarrel

4 days ago



Su He turned around and saw Xiao Nanhua sitting on the ground, covering her eyes with her hands, tears streaming down her face.


The candy had also fallen to the ground, and Su Yucheng didn't mind the dirt at all. He picked it up from the ground and put it in his mouth!


Su He put down the bucket and slapped Su Yucheng's hand.


The candy immediately fell to the ground, and Su Yucheng couldn't believe his eyes.


When did he ever get beaten for eating candy at home!?


He rushed towards Su He, looking like he was definitely going to beat Su He today.


His fingernails were filthy, covered in dirt and ants from playing in the mud.


His fingernails were also not short. It seemed that Ye Chuanxiu had been a bit busy lately and had no time to trim his nails!


Su He gave a light push, and Su Yucheng rushed past him and bumped into Ye Chuanxiu.


It was his mother's heartache that made her immediately hug Su Yucheng!


"Mom, look at what He Yazi did, he hit me!"


Su He couldn't help but laugh in anger, "What are you calling me? See if I don't beat you until you don't even recognize your mother!"


Su Yucheng jumped up and down, "Mom. Look at him, He Ya... He's going to hit me!"


Su Yucheng was still going to call He Yazi, which is something only elders can call.


How can someone younger than Su He call him that?


Su He raised his hand to hit someone.


Su Yucheng was also a "good man" who didn't want to suffer losses, so he quickly used the word "you" instead.


Ye Chuanxiu comforted Su Yucheng, and looked at Su He with a very complicated look.


Su He said, "What? Do you think I did something wrong, Mom?"


Ye Chuanxiu's thoughts were complicated, "He's your younger brother!"


Su He asked back, "Then isn't Xiao Nanhua his younger sister? Did you pick Xiao Nanhua up from the trash? You're not like this to your three older sisters!"


Ye Chuanxiu was speechless, Su Rong walked out and said, "He Yazi, are you saying this because you're not happy with me?"


Su He nodded, "Yes, I'm not happy with you, so what? You don't do anything all day and set a good example for Su Yucheng, shouldn't I be unhappy with you?"


Su Rui lowered her head and said nothing!


Su Rui also had a lot of resentment towards her second sister, Su Rong, for not doing anything.


But Su Rong's grades were good, and she was among the best in the No. 4 Middle School in the city.


It was also because of this that Su Rong always felt that she could escape the mud pit of the countryside and go to work in the city in the future.


So what Su Rong always said was, "I won't do these things, I'm going to be a city person in the future!"


At this moment, Su Rong was also angry and pointed at Su He and said, "You, I'm going to go to college. In the future, I'll stay in the city, get a salary, and eat commercial grain. Don't blame me for not taking care of you in the future!"


{Commercial grain: Grains bought, where as in the village it is either by distribution or from their own land}


Su He sneered, "I can't even rely on you now, can I rely on you in the future? When you go to college and go to the city, even if you get salary, I'm afraid it won't be enough for you to eat!"


Su Rong liked to eat snacks, and she was waiting for Su Yucheng to grab the snacks, and then the two of them would split them.


In the past, the two of them always ate the most of whatever was in the house!


Su Rong didn't know what to say to Su He's sudden resistance!


After waiting for a long time, Ye Chuanxiu was also stunned. She didn't expect that her most obedient son actually had so much resentment in his heart.


But thinking about it carefully, shouldn't Su He have resentment?


Ye Chuanxiu didn't know. So she didn’t say anything.


Su Rong waited for a long time, but did not get her mother's support, and was also a little disappointed.


Su Rong pointed at Su He and said. "Fine. I won't rely on you, and I won't use your things. You don't expect anything from me either, in the future."

Su He scoffed, "I never expected anything from you before, and I definitely won't expect anything from you in the future. I just hope you keep your word and don't use my things from now on. Oh, the fish and wild lotus root in this bucket, I caught them. Don't you dare eat them later!"

Su Rong was furious and went inside to find Su Zhaohua.

Su He also knew this, and didn't say anything.

He went to the side, picked up Xiao Nanhua, and said, "Xiao Nanhua, don't cry. Tomorrow, I'll go sell the fish and buy you candy. I won't give it to anyone, I'll keep it all for you!"

Only then did Xiao Nanhua stop crying and look at Su He, "Really?"

Su He nodded. He had plenty of candy in his storage. He would just take some out tomorrow for Xiao Nanhua.

Xiao Nanhua said, "Then I'll go with you Dodo!"

Su He said, "I leave very early in the morning, you won't be able to wake up!"

Xiao Nanhua vowed, "I can wake up. When Dodo calls me, I'll definitely get up!"


Su He casually agreed, not paying much attention.

A three-year-old child, how could they possibly wake up?

He didn't care anymore, picked up the bucket, and was about to go to the kitchen to cook the fish.

Ye Chuanxiu's cooking skills were not bad, but she didn't use much oil, and she wouldn't know how to handle this fish!

Then, he heard a loud shout from inside the house, "He Yazi, come in!"

Su He didn't even need to think to know that Su Rong must have gone to find Su Zhaohua.

This little cotton jacket is really considerate, isn't she?

Su He put down the bucket and walked in.

Xiao Nanhua followed worriedly, her eyes filled with fear.

Su Yucheng was also smug. Mom wouldn't stand up for him, he could go to Dad.

Su Yucheng ran in first, found Su Zhaohua and complained, "Dad! He Yazi beat me and stole my food!"

Listening to these words, it's hard to believe that this is coming from a child. They've been spoiled rotten!

Su He walked in and saw Su Zhaohua lying on the bed at an angle, his face flushed with anger.

His foot was still wrapped with a bit of gauze, where he was injured.

Su He just glanced at it and said, "What? Dad, are you also going to defend Su Yucheng, who bullies his sister? Don't you think you're spoiling Su Yucheng too much? And Su Rong, how old is she already? She doesn't do anything all day long. Not to mention the tuition for school, did she earn a single work point for the food at home?"

Su Rong rolled her eyes, obviously not taking it to heart.

Su Zhaohua scolded, "I'm willing to support her, what business is it of yours?"

There you have it, this little cotton jacket. Su Zhaohua’s indulgence wasn't new either.

Su He said, "You're willing to support her, that's your business. I'm not saying you can't support her, I just won't give my things to those two ingrates. After all these years, don't you know what kind of people you've spoiled?"

Su Zhaohua: "They're very good, they're all my good daughters and good sons!"


Su He sneered, "Yes, your good son just hit your little daughter and said she don't deserve candy. Do you remember who said that? It was last Chinese New Year at Grandma's house, Uncle San said it to your daughters. Hmm, he hasn't been good to your son either!"

After saying that, Su He turned around to leave but added, "Have you ever thought that you're no different now from Grandma and Grandpa?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!