Hello, My 1979! - Chapter 13

Published at 28th of June 2024 05:36:27 AM

Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Outburst

4 days ago

Su Zhaohua was stunned for a moment, then shouted even louder, "What did you just say?"


No matter what his grandparents were like, they were Su Zhaohua's parents. While Su Zhaohua himself didn't have many faults. When it came to his grandparents, he was simply filial.


Su Zhaohua had always been treated worse than his two younger brothers since childhood. Even several aunts were treated better than him! But Su Zhaohua felt that this was how it should be.


Regarding this, Su He had no comments to make! But wanting to be as filial as he was, that was impossible.


Su Zhaohua didn't think about it. Did he really want Su He to experience the same treatment he did? And then expect Su He to be just as filial?


When Su He came out, he saw his grandmother Sun Meixiang and his mother Ye Chuanxiu with tears talking nearby.


Su He did not know if he should be the one wiping away tears. He picked up the bucket and did not pay attention to anyone else.


Xiao Nanhua followed closely behind Su He, looking worried and scared.


Su He, who was the least favored in the family, and Xiao Nanhua, who was second, seemed to need to comfort each other


Su Mei brought out handkerchief, which she had embroidered lately but paused seeing the overall scenario.


Ye Chuanxiu knew a little embroidery, which was passed down from Sun Meixiang, and now it was passed to Su Mei.


Su Mei was about to get married, and had start embroidering for her dowry. Since the family did not have much money to buy things outside, they had to make as many things as they could themselves.


Su Mei also thought to herself, ‘Fourth Brother was right in saying this. In this family, Fourth Brother does the most work and eats the least. He's the eldest son in the family, but he's still just a child! If Mom and Dad act the same way, this family will eventually end up in a similar mess as Grandparents' side!’


But she was still somewhat timid and didn't say much about it.


Su Rong came out of the room with a sullen face, not caring about what Su He had said. She had known since she was a child that if she wanted to benefit, she had to fight for it herself. Just like her little aunt, who had curried favor with her parents, even at her two uncles' houses, her little aunt was not at a disadvantage. Although she did not know why her fourth brother had suddenly rebelled today, it was because her father was injured. Otherwise, her fourth brother would have been beaten.


Su Rui's eyes flickered. Although she didn’t know what everyone was thinking, she thought that what Fourth Brother said today seemed right.


She still remembered last year when she went to Grandparents' house for New Year's, and nearly got hit by Third Uncle.


If Fourth Brother hadn't helped her block the blow, she would have been miserable!


As for Su Yucheng, he came out of the room with an ugly expression, his eyes rolling, and went to his grandmother and mother.


When he got closer, he heard his grandmother Sun Meixiang say to his mother, "You shouldn't spoil Yucheng like this."


Su Yucheng pouted and was somewhat annoyed with Grandma too. How could she say that about him!?


Sun Meixiang said, "Have you ever thought that the fourth is also your child? He's your eldest son, after all!"


Su Yucheng's eyes showed disgust. What did it matter if he was the eldest son? He should be given all the good things!


Then, Su Yucheng heard Sun Meixiang say, "I heard what Teacher Li said last time."


Ye Chuanxiu was startled and hurriedly said, "Mom, you must not say anything. This family can't go on like this. If He'erzi doesn't come back to work, how can we support the family? He has two older sisters and a younger brother who all need to go to school!"

{Knew it!}


Su Yucheng stopped in his tracks, feeling like he had heard something he shouldn't have.


Sun Meixiang also lowered her voice and said, "You know it yourself. Have you thought about how much you have wronged He'erzi since he was a child? He actually got into high school, but you asked Teacher Li not to say anything. You asked him to come back to work and earn money to support his two older sisters and younger brother's education. Do you know what face you will have left as a mother if He'erzi finds out in the future?"



Ye Chuanxiu covered her face and cried. Sun Meixiang quickly comforted her, and Su Yucheng covered his mouth and left quietly


What did he hear? He'erzi actually got into high school? How come they said he failed before? In the family, his second sister Su Rong got into high school, and she was the one who walked around arrogantly. His third sister did not get into high school, she barely finished first middle school.


In the family, although third sister was not as good as his second sister, she was second only to him and his second sister. Now that He'erzi had gotten into high school, what would happen if He'erzi found out?


"It's good that He'erzi is coming back to earn money and not allowed to go to school. Everything in this family belongs to me. My eldest sister, second sister, and third sister should hurry up and get married and give me everything from their in-laws' families!" Su Yucheng thought of what his second and third uncles had said to him, and he believed it.


Su Rong heard her mother crying and came out, impatiently saying, "Mom, what are you crying for? If you can, drag He'erzi out and beat him, and he'll behave!"


Su He was in the nearby kitchen and heard Su Rong shouting. However, Su He did not say anything more. He was thinking, was it necessary to change their way of thinking in such a family? How could such a poor family have such an atmosphere? He thought of his paternal grandparents' family and felt helpless. Was this inherited? He did not know what his parents were thinking, enduring the unfairness they had suffered and repeating it with their children.


{So, girls were favored in this family… then when 5th was born, who is a son, the favor got shared to him… but the 6th was born, but she was not favored…}


Xiao Nanhua hugged Su He's leg and said, "Dodo, what's wrong?"


Looking at Xiao Nanhua expression, Su He's heart warmed up a little.


He hugged Xiao Nanhua and felt an urge to cry.


He knew that he had been impulsive today, but he really couldn't bear it anymore. These were the thoughts and emotions of the deceased Su He, the grievances that had been suppressed for fifteen years by his previous self.


After venting, Su He felt that his heart was much brighter and less oppressed. He knew that after this outburst, the grievances of his previous self had been expressed. From now on, the emotions of his previous self had been eliminated.


Su He knew that in the future, he could slowly explore and see if the people in this family were really like his grandparents at heart. If so, he would only take care of himself and Xiao Nanhua. As for the others, he would not care about them as much.


After cleaning the fish, Heizi came out and ate the entrails.


At the same time, Heizi stood beside Su He and rubbed its head against Su He's thigh, comforting him!


Petting Heizi's head, Su He also relaxed.


No matter what, besides Xiao Nanhua, there was also Heizi and Heixing!


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!