Hello, My 1979! - Chapter 14

Published at 28th of June 2024 05:36:27 AM

Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Midnight Thief

4 days ago

After preparing the carp, Su He left the two silver carps untouched, intending to sell them in the city the next day. In such a poor household, it was necessary to find ways to earn money. Although Su He had spoken impulsively earlier, it was clear that Su Zhaohua's injury required a trip to the hospital. When he entered the room earlier, Su He vaguely smelled a foul odor. Although he did not unwrap the bandage, he knew that in such weather, covering the wound with a bandage and sweating could easily lead to infection.


He had some anti-inflammatory medicine in his warehouse, but Su He did not dare to take it out. Such medicine did not exist in this era, and he could not explain where he got it. He cleaned all the river snails and planned to do business honestly.


After cooking the fish, Su He first served some to Xiao Nanhua and himself, and they ate a large bowl of rice with pickled vegetables.


Bringing the fish soup to the main hall, he noticed his grandmother had already left, and the rest of the family had started eating. Despite previous claims that they wouldn’t use Su He’s things, both Su Rong and Su Yucheng eagerly grabbed the fish pieces. Su He didn’t mind; after all, they were family, and such matters couldn’t be taken too seriously.


Every family fights and makes a scene. Some reconcile, some take it a matter as a pinch of salt. But at the end, you either make the bridge or destroy it.


Su He found a place and quickly entered the space. He went to the warehouse and found a jar of salt and moved a bag of rice to the first-floor hall. He thought for a moment and moved the opened box of chocolates and the white rabbit milk candy to the bedroom for easy access.


He also moved a bag of soybeans and a bag of corn kernels, and after thinking for a moment, he took out a piece of meat weighing about two catty.


There was a small kitchen outside the warehouse, and Su He went there and found that the kitchen was usable. However, outside the kitchen was a vast expanse of white fog. Su He did not dare to enter, as he did not want to get lost. And frankly, he was afraid.


He did not know if he could directly exit the warehouse through the fog, or lost in the fog, for all he knew. If he walked in that frog and exited this space, and couldn’t enter later than it would be a disaster.


Su He entered the kitchen, which had complete kitchen utensils. In his previous life, he liked to cook for himself, and he had bought many useful kitchen utensils. As a bachelor, it was alright, right?


He cut the meat into pieces and crushed the soybeans and corn kernels. He planned to mix them with water. He turned on the faucet, but to his embarrassment, there was no clean water, only electricity. Su He did not mind and put everything in the first-floor workshop. For now, he could not directly take things from the warehouse or put things into it. He could only store them in the first-floor workshop or the second-floor bedroom. The study and gym could not be used for storage. Su He named the underground warehouse the "Preservation Warehouse."


Su He lightly cleaned the wild lotus roots he had brought in earlier and moved them into the Preservation Warehouse without washing them. He weighed the wild lotus roots, which weighed a full 50 catty.


Exiting the warehouse, he noticed Xiao Nanhua had finished eating and was in the main hall. Taking a bucket of water, Su He headed to Heixing’s shed, accompanied by Heizi. Before reaching it, he heard Heixing’s welcoming him with a moo.


Su He opened the cattle pen, patted Heixing’s head, and fed Heizi some meat from the warehouse, which Heizi eagerly devoured, having never had such meat before despite often catching mice.


Su He took out the soybean flour and corn flour, mixed them with water in the bucket, and realized that he had forgotten to bring a stirring stick. He went outside and found a stick the thickness of a pen and mixed the soybean flour and corn flour.


He offered the mixture to Heixing as an evening snack, knowing that more food would help the calf grow faster. After a short conversation with Heixing, Su He put the stick back in the warehouse for future use and returned to the kitchen.


He added a little salt to the bucket of river snails to make them spit out sand.


Su He put the bucket in the corner and returned to the hall, but no one paid attention to him. Su He sighed and did not think too much about it.


At around seven or eight o'clock, everyone returned to their rooms to sleep since there was no entertainment. Su He planned to go to the city early the next morning, so he also went to bed early. Su Yucheng was making noise on the bed, and Su He almost could not help, but get up and hit him


Eventually, he dozed off, only to be awakened by the sound of a Heixing mooing and the sound of Heizi barking. He cursed and jumped out of bed, opening the door to see what was happening.


As soon as he opened the courtyard door, he saw someone running from the Water buffalo shed. Su He instinctively took out a stick from the warehouse and hit the person hard. This person had come to steal the Water buffalo!


The person screamed and pushed Su He before running away faster.


Realizing it was a cattle thief, Su He hurried to check on Heixing and Heizi. He entered the warehouse to get a flashlight—a small, pen-sized high-tech gadget from the 21st century not available in this era. Despite its size, it provided ample light.


When he arrived at the Water buffalo shed, Su He saw Heixing greeting him, but looking a little listless. There was a foul smell in the air, and Su He found a handkerchief on the ground. When he went closer, he knew what it was.


Ether—This substance was known to most people in the future and was used to knock people out. However, cows might have stronger resistance, and Heixing might have been more alert, so the thief did not succeed.


"Sure enough, someone came to steal the Water buffalo!" Su He did not know why, but he suddenly thought of Ye San Shou. "Could it be that Ye San Shou wanted to steal Heixing?"


"He'erzi, is that you?" his grandfather's voice came.


Su He replied, "Yes, Grandpa. Someone came to steal Heixing just now, but Heixing stopped him, and he ran away."


His grandfather cursed a few times, as stealing a Water buffalo was a serious crime in the countryside and could lead to a major feud.


Cattle were the main source of labor, and there was almost no substitute for them in plowing fields. If people had to plow the fields manually, it would be very tiring.


After speaking for a while, Su He said, "Grandpa, it's okay. Heixing is smart and was not stolen. Heizi is also guarding here. You should go to sleep."


"You should also go to sleep. If there's anything, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!