Hello, My 1979! - Chapter 15

Published at 28th of June 2024 05:36:27 AM

Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Going to the City

4 days ago

Su He responded with a nod, overhearing his grandparents expressing their concern.


After putting away the flashlight, Su He entered the house. Candles were also lit in the house.


Nanzhu Village did not have electricity yet, which was why everyone went to bed early!


Ye Chuanxiu held a candlestick and asked with concern, "Is everything okay? Are you okay? I heard someone screaming. Did you get hurt?"


Who among those who dared to steal cattle would be a good person?

When they met someone who was desperate, they would even stab people with knives.

Such things had happened in Old River Village, which worried Ye Chuanxiu.


Su Mei, Su Rong, and Su Rui also came out. Though the candlelight was dim, it was clear they were worried too.


Xiao Nanhua hugged a small pillow and asked, "Dodo, are you okay?"

"I'm fine! The thief was knocked over by Heixing and I hit him with a stick. He ran away." Su He said.

Only then did the others relax. Ye Chuanxiu said, "It was a false alarm. It's good that the cattle weren't stolen!"

The cattle were also the most important property in the family. If they were stolen, it would be a real loss.

Su Rong muttered, "Why are you shouting so loudly? You scared everyone to death!"


Although her words were harsh, her intentions were good. Su He was about to retort, but he didn't say anything in the end.


Ye Chuanxiu and the three sisters returned to their rooms. Su He overheard Su Zhaohua and Ye Chuanxiu asking about him, and upon hearing he was fine, Su Zhaohua also relaxed.


When Su He returned to his room, Su Yucheng was sleeping soundly, completely unaware of the commotion.


Lying on his bamboo bed, Su He reflected on his words from earlier that night, realizing he had been somewhat impulsive.


"The family can still be changed, but it's all because of poverty."


Su He knew that it wasn't just poverty, but also his parents’ inability to guide them.

Ye Chuanxiu was still a teacher, who is supposed to guide others, but she couldn't figure out what to do with her own situation.

Children should be guided from a young age!

Looking at the lying Su Yucheng, Su He said, "The first priority is this kid! If it really doesn't work, beat him a few more times and he'll be honest!"

Su Yucheng, who was lying on the bed, was still dreaming and felt a sense of danger.

He hugged his body and curled up in a corner of the big bed.

Su He chuckled, "I can't tell you were a sensitive type."


Then, he planned to get some more sleep and wake up around five in the morning, which would allow him to reach the city by seven or eight.


However, Su He tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.


Finally, he decided to enter his study space and read a book for a while.


Not sure when it started, but Su He thought it was time to buy a watch; otherwise, it was too inconvenient to check the time. The Su family had an old-fashioned clock that chimed on the hour but just ticked away the rest of the time. After reading for a while, Su He came out of the storage room and heard the clock chime five times. The light outside was already brightening slightly—it was summer, after all, and it got light early.

Su He folded the tattered blanket that had a few holes in it. Despite its condition, it still served to cover his stomach.

Thinking about the packet of snacks from yesterday, Su He remembered he had put it in a space after a quarrel with Su Yucheng. There were only seven or eight pieces, just enough for everyone in the family to have one each.

Su He hadn’t intended to call Xiao Nanhua, but remembering his promise, he knew he should keep his word. After all, you shouldn't lie to children.

The house had four rooms: one for the parents, one for the three sisters, one shared by Su He and Su Yucheng, and the last one was a utility room where Xiao Nanhua's small bed was. The room mostly stored farming tools and other odds and ends.
{Picked up!}

Su He gently shook Xiao Nanhua, who just turned over and continued to sleep soundly. Smiling, Su He decided to leave but whispered, "Xiao Nanhua, it’s not that Fourth Brother didn’t wake you. You just wouldn’t get up. I’ll go sell these things and bring back some food for you!"

Maybe it was Su He's words or the promise of food, but Xiao Nanhua woke up immediately. Seeing Su He, he quickly got up, "Dodo, wait for me!"

Su He, amused by how Xiao Nanhua always woke up at the mention of food, had no choice but to take him along. When they came out, they saw their mother, Ye Chuanxiu, was also up. "Mom, I'm going to sell the stuff!" Su He said.

In those days, selling things was actually forbidden, but people found ways. They needed to make a living, after all. Everyone did it secretly, selling whatever they could. If caught, they could still argue their way out.

Ye Chuanxiu nodded and reminded him, "Be careful not to get caught!"

Su He nodded, "Got it!" He took a bucket, emptied most of the water, leaving just enough to keep the river snails alive. He also grabbed two silver carp, placing them in the bucket before heading out. Their dog, Heizi, followed along. Su He also brought their water buffalo, Heixing, and divided the load into two buckets, hanging them on Heixing.

For Heixing, this weight was nothing. Su He usually sold things in town, which required crossing a bridge from Shanlan Village. But he figured he might get a better price in the city, even though it meant swimming across the river from Rulin Village.

Su He placed Xiao Nanhua on Heixing’s back and prepared to swim across. "Sit tight and don’t fall!" he instructed Xiao Nanhua, then spoke to Heixing. To his surprise, Heixing mooed as if in understanding.

Su He swam across the river with Heixing following, matching his pace and keeping steady so Xiao Nanhua didn’t even wobble. On the other side, Xiao Nanhua patted Heixing’s back and praised, "Heixing, you’re amazing!"


Heixing responded with a contented moo.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!