Hello, My 1979! - Chapter 19

Published at 28th of June 2024 05:36:27 AM

Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: He Lang

4 days ago

“Heizi, Heixing, watch over my little sister. Don’t let anyone take her away!” Su He instructed Heizi and Heixing once more. The dog and the Water buffalo both responded to Su He’s words. Su He knew they understood him; although they couldn’t speak, they were very reliable in their actions. In fact, Su He felt that using ‘it’ for them was not appropriate; ‘they’ was more fitting!


After giving his instructions, Su He quickly left with a bucket of water and headed into an alley nearby. Making sure no one was around, he swiftly entered the warehouse!


He went straight to the kitchen, added some water to the rice cooker, plugged it in, and pressed the cooking button. Seeing the rice cooker working normally, Su He smiled and hurried off to check the warehouse!


First, he went to the meat section and took a piece of beef and two pieces of pork. Then, Su He went next door and found the frozen buns according to his memory. He opened the packaging and took out several boxes of buns. There were meat buns as well as lotus seed paste and egg yolk buns.


The warehouse had electricity, so Su He thought that the refrigerator should also be working. With this in mind, Su He took several more pieces of meat – beef, lamb, and pork – emptying a section nearby! On his way out, he saw a package containing breakfast pancakes. Su He opened it too and took it with him.


The packaging box was thrown into the workspace on the first floor to be dealt with later. After several trips, he finally finished taking everything. The refrigerator was indeed working, so Su He put most of the items inside it. The rest he placed on the cutting board.


He cut a piece of pork into small pieces – this was for Heizi. Having been out for so long, if he was hungry, surely the dog must be too! As for Heixing, it was still a mix of soybean flour and corn flour – premium feed indeed.


"In the future, I can add some hay to make it taste even better!"


Heixing wasn’t picky about food, but if he could eat better, Su He believed Heixing would like that too.


Su He sliced a piece of pork and beef into strips and stir-fried them briefly over fire. The rest he planned to marinate later so that there would be cooked food ready to eat. This marinade was something Su He had learned specially; it was a secret recipe.


For this purpose, he went back to the spice storage room and took out some spices. The quality of braised meat depended on these spices. Not too much – otherwise, the meat would become bitter. Not too little – otherwise, it wouldn’t be fragrant enough.


Luckily there was more than one rice cooker in the kitchen; otherwise, he wouldn’t have time and would worry about boiling off all the water in the braised meat. Such tasks were common for Su He in his previous life; he knew exactly how much water to use.


He put everything in place, added water again, pressed the cooking button, set the timer, and when time was up, it would automatically pop up. The previous rice cooker was also about ready; Su He placed buns on top – three with meat filling, three with lotus seed paste filling, and three with egg yolk filling.


He had actually bought many other fillings as well but planned to eat them later. On this side, he also prepared breakfast pancakes by stuffing them with beef and pork slices in between.


“A delicious roujiamo is ready!”

After waiting a while longer, seeing that the buns were steamed properly, Su He turned off the power. He took a paper bag and packed all these items before carrying out the bucket.


Inside the bucket was a well-mixed combination of soybean flour and corn flour! He placed the water he had brought in a container in the kitchen.


Just as Su He hurried out of the alley, he heard Xiao Nanhua shouting loudly, "Go away, Dodo said to wait for him here. I shouldn’t leave with anyone else!”

Su He grew anxious. Could it be that Xiao Nanhua encountered kidnappers or traffickers? He had been worried about this and rushed back as quickly as he could.

However, he noticed that the person was a young man who didn't look like a bad person. But these days, those who look like bad people often can't do bad things because people are wary of them.


What slightly reassured Su He was that although the young man was persuading Xiao Nanhua to go with him, he did not make any move to touch her. Otherwise, with Xiao Nanhua’s small stature, she wouldn’t be able to resist!


But it’s hard to say because Heizi and Heixing were both glaring at the young man menacingly. If the young man made a move, Heixing’s horns were no joke. Although Heixing was not yet one year old, he was already over one meter tall, and his horns were beginning to show their formidable presence. A poke from those horns could peel off a layer of skin if it didn’t kill!


Heizi’s threat was not small either; when a dog bites a person, it is absolutely terrifying. Those canine teeth could easily bite off a person’s flesh. They could even break bones!


Su He had been bitten by a dog in his previous life and honestly, if it weren’t for Heizi, he would be quite afraid of other dogs.


“Xiao Nanhua!” Su He called out loudly.


Hearing Su He’s voice, Xiao Nanhua immediately turned her head and then happily shouted, “Dodo, you’re finally back. He said he would take me to…” Where exactly she forgot.


Just as Su He was about to speak to the young man, the young man spoke first: “You child, how can you leave such a small child here? Don’t you know that several children have gone missing in the city recently!”


Su He was startled and realized that the young man meant well. He quickly thanked him: “Thank you for your kindness. I have meat buns and roujiamo here; would you like some?”

The young man felt somewhat embarrassed by Su He’s offer. He intended to say no thanks but smelling the meat in the air made his stomach rebel. Seeing that Su He wasn’t dressed very well but ate quite well made him hesitate to say more.


Seeing his embarrassment, Su He directly handed him a paper bag. This paper bag was custom-made by Su He himself without any markings, so there was no need to worry about it being recognized. “Eat up; consider it my thanks for watching over my sister.”


Then he turned back and threw several pieces of meat next to Heizi: “Heizi, this is your lunch!”


He also placed the bucket next to Heixing: “This is for you!”


Both Heizi and Heixing started eating happily.


Seeing this, the young man clicked his tongue in amazement.


Su He looked up and smiled: “They’ve helped me a lot; if I’m able to provide for them, naturally I shouldn’t mistreat them!” Not to mention Heizi who is strong at guarding the house; just last night, he helped chase away the thief. Heixing is the Water buffalo that saved his life when he crossed over yesterday!


Su He turned back and handed Xiao Nanhua a roujiamo: “Eat up but be careful; it’s hot!”


Xiao Nanhua took the roujiamo and couldn’t wait to take a bite. It was indeed hot, but she couldn’t bear to let go of the meat. She opened her mouth and blew on it several times before taking another bite.


Seeing Xiao Nanhua’s adorable actions made both Su He and the young man couldn’t help but chuckle!


After making sure Xiao Nanhua was settled, Su He then turned to the young man: “By the way, may I ask your name?”


The young man smiled: “Just call me He Lang!”


Lang? That character is quite amusing; if it were in later generations, it would surely be teased by others. “How about I call you Lao He?”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!