Hello, My 1979! - Chapter 21

Published at 28th of June 2024 05:38:14 AM

Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: Looking Down on People

2 days ago



Borrowing tools from the car owner, Su He opened the car hood and began inspecting. As expected, a wire had come loose, and some parts of the insulation layer on other wires were damaged, exposing the wires and making short circuits more likely. Su He secured the wire and pointed to a few spots, saying, "Uncle, you should seal these places with tape later to prevent short circuits. By the way, do you have any tape in your car? If you do, I can help you with it. If not, you'll have to go back and do it yourself."


The middle-aged man shook his head, "No!"


He then asked, "Is this a family visiting relatives?"


Su He smiled, "No. This elderly lady had heatstroke and was lying by the roadside. She is going to visit a friend in town. I am going home on the way, so I planned to take her there."


The man looked over and saw that both the girl and the elderly lady were alert. Although he didn’t intervene, they both smiled at him. The elderly lady indeed looked like she might have had heatstroke. After all, one wouldn't typically kidnap elderly women.


Xiao Nanhua said, "Dodo, are you done? It's too hot, the elderly lady might get sunburned!"


This kid even called him brother, though not very clearly, it was understandable.


Without tape, Su He couldn't do anything.


He closed the hood and asked the middle-aged man to start the car. This time, it started smoothly.


The middle-aged man gave a thumbs up, "Little brother, you are amazing!"


Su He smiled modestly, "It's nothing, I just heard a lot and watched it a few times, and I understood it!"


He couldn’t very well say that he had transmigrated here, and the fact that he hadn't formally learned about car repair meant that he could only say that.


The middle-aged man was surprised.


Seeing this, Su He was about to leave.


The middle-aged man then suggested, "I can help you take the old lady to town? I happen to be passing by too!"


Su He paused and looked at the elderly lady, "Grandma, what do you think? My Water buffalo can't go as fast as the car, and it's sunny."


But the elderly lady shook her head, "It's fine, I'll take the Water buffalo. That car ride is too bumpy, not as stable as your Water buffalo."


Riding on a Water buffalo isn't actually stable. However, Heixing was very sensible and didn’t jolt while walking.


Seeing the elderly lady’s reluctance, the middle-aged man didn’t insist. He took out some money to give to Su He, but Su He declined, "It's okay, it's just a matter of moving my hands, no money!"


The man insisted on giving the money, but Su He, supporting the elderly lady, left without taking it.


The middle-aged man watched Su He's back and suddenly laughed, "Young people are still pure and simple!"


The jeep was indeed fast, but when it was close to Su He and them, it obviously slowed down.

Although the road was paved, the car would kick up a cloud of dust when it passed by.

Slowing down was a sign of courtesy.


Su He smiled but said nothing. This world would be better if everyone showed such courtesy.


After that, Su He encountered no issues and arrived at Zhangshu Town without incident. At that time, Zhangshu Town wasn't very large, with only a few thousand residents.


The buildings along this road were quite old-fashioned, mostly made of adobe bricks, which were slightly better than those in Nanzhu Village. The roofs were tiled, not thatched!

Su He asked, "Grandma, where exactly is your friend? I'll take you there!"

The old lady had rested for a while and felt somewhat better; her complexion improved noticeably. Upon hearing Su He's question, she pointed in a direction and said, "Over there. Just keep going straight, and I'll tell you when we're there."

Su He didn't have any objections. Once he entered the town, he held onto the Water buffalo's rope to ensure Heixing didn’t stray from the path!

Following the direction given by the old lady, he eventually stopped in front of a red brick house. The yard was quite spacious. Su He knocked on the door, and soon someone responded.

It was a middle-aged woman who opened the door. Upon seeing Su He, she had a guarded expression and asked, "Who are you, and what do you want?"

Su He ignored the middle-aged woman's attitude and pointed to the elderly lady on the Water buffalo's back. "This lady said she was coming to visit a friend at your house but fell ill on the way. I brought her here. Can you confirm this? I'll carry her inside!"

The middle-aged woman glanced inside, where an elderly woman in a blue gown had already come out. She immediately recognized the elderly lady on the Water buffalo's back and exclaimed, "Shu Jin? What happened to you?"


Su He repeated what he had told the middle-aged woman. The elderly lady in blue had already come out by then, and Shu Jin, the elderly lady on the Water buffalo's back, managed to squeeze out a smile. She said, "I came to see you, but on the way I got heat stroke. Thankfully, this young lad here saw me, gave me water to drink, and even put a straw hat on me. He let me sit on his Water buffalo and brought me here!"


The two elderly ladies seemed to have endless words to say to each other. Su He, sensing they needed privacy, interjected, "Um, why don't I carry her inside for you? You can chat at ease. I need to head back home!"


The elderly lady in blue hurriedly slapped her forehead and said, "Oh yes, I completely forgot to invite you in. Son, would you like some water?"


Su He shook his head, "We have water with us! Xiao Nanhua, wait for me here. I'll take Grandma Shu Jin inside, and then we'll go back!"


Xiao Nanhua nodded, "Okay, I'll wait here for you, won't go anywhere, won't go with anyone anywhere!"


It seemed Xiao Nanhua remembered what he had said before. Even though the incident with He Lang was a misunderstanding, it was good that Xiao Nanhua remembered it all!


Su He carried Grandma Shu Jin inside. She wanted to give him money, and so did the old lady in green! But Su He didn’t accept it and left directly. He called for Heixing and let him carry Xiao Nanhua away!


Grandma Shu Jin still exclaimed: “What a good young man! Doing good deeds without taking money; he didn’t even leave his name!”


The middle-aged woman interjected sarcastically: “Didn’t he call out ‘Xiao Nanhua’?”


The old lady in green turned back and glared at her daughter-in-law.


The middle-aged woman pursed her lips and added: “Just look at him; you can tell he’s a country bumpkin with all that grease on him! His clothes are all patched up too!”


The old lady in green glared at her daughter-in-law again.


Not daring to stand long the daughter in law hurriedly left, leaving space for the two grandmothers.


Grandma Shu Jin said: “On the way here, that child saw a man’s car broken down and helped fix it. That’s when he got all greasy. He was worried about getting grease on me while supporting me; he wiped it all on his own clothes!” She said this with emotion.


The old lady in green also said: “He’s a good kid. It doesn’t matter if his clothes are patched up; as long as his heart is clean, he is clean.”


Grandma Shu Jin nodded: “I owe much to this child for helping me along the way. I don’t even know where he’s from; we must thank him properly! I even forgot to say thank you just now!”


Meanwhile, Su He left the yard and took Heixing for a walk around town. He saw where the Education Bureau was located but didn’t linger; then he decided to head back home. This matter could wait until he came back alone another day.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!