Hello, My 1979! - Chapter 24

Published at 28th of June 2024 05:38:14 AM

Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Disciplining Su Yucheng


Ye Chuanxiu remained silent!


Su Yucheng still didn't know what was happening and asked back, "Why can't she support me for a lifetime?"


The atmosphere became awkward for a moment. Director He stood outside, embarrassed to come in.


Ye Zhenhan also somewhat knew about the situation at his eldest daughter's home. At this moment, he stayed outside chatting with Director He and didn't come in.


Su He also wanted to take this opportunity to convince his parents.


Several other sisters also had the same intention, all wanting to convince their parents.


Otherwise, how will they live in the future?


Su He sighed and asked. “Mom, you think that me being bullied by my grandmother in the Su family is fine, since you think boys should be tough, but you don't think my three sisters should be bullied, and I completely agree with that.”


“You think I should share with my brother and sisters. I agree with that too.”


“But like my second sister, who does nothing all day long, and just dreams of becoming a city dweller one day. What if, what if she doesn't make it? How will she live then?” {ball curved 90 degrees}


Su Rong, who had been minding her own business, quickly came out and said, "Who says I can't be a city dweller?" when she heard Su He mention her.


Su He sneered, "Are you absolutely sure you can become a city person? Do you think it's easy to get into university?"


At that time, it was really difficult to get into college. If you couldn't, you could only settle for second best and go to a vocational school or a teacher's college.


Ye Chuanxiu graduated from a teacher's college, but didn't she end up going back to her hometown to teach?


Was it really that easy to stay in the city?


Without connections and background, it's really difficult!


Su Rong pursed her lips, still stubbornly saying, "I can become a city person!"


Su He helplessly said, "Alright, even if you become a city person, do you think life in the city is easy? Do you think city person don't need to eat once the rationed food runs out? Come on, there's a public security officer from the city outside, ask him if the monthly ration is enough to eat and enjoy?"


Director He felt a bit awkward, but seeing Su He's expression, he still said, "Many urban workers also can't get enough to eat!"


He was a person within the system and couldn't say much else.


Su Rong pursed her lips, biting her lips. Su He had shattered her cloudy dreams.


She had thought that as long as she became a city person, life would be luxurious and endless enjoyment!


Who knew, she only found out today that many urbanites also can't get enough to eat!


As for eating well, that's even harder to say.


Su Rong wasn't stupid!


Su He saw Su Rong had been hit, but he wasn't embarrassed. He continued, "Urbanites also need to live, they need to buy necessities, they also get sick, they also need to go hospital, they also need to buy clothes to wear, they also need someone by their side.”


“Mom, by spoiling Second Sister like this, how will she survive in the city? Our family isn't wealthy enough to support a pampered daughter!"


With a hint of sarcasm, Su He decided to stop while he was ahead! Let’s focus back to the baby boy.


Then he said, "And as for Su Yucheng, Mom, you're spoiling him now. He's a tyrant at home. He chooses everything first, and if he's not satisfied, he throws a tantrum or asks you to beat someone up. Can you do this for a lifetime? When you're old, who will take care of him? Have you ever questioned until how long will he be like this? Will he grow up like this?"


Su Yucheng said, "Of course it's you! You all have to take care of me!"


Su He thought to himself, "Good!" He pointed at Su Yucheng and said, "Mom, look at him. He's becoming more like our uncles every day. Acting like a second-rate thug all the time. Do you think this will end well? Do you really want us siblings to take care of him in the future? When we grow up, who will be able to take care of him every day? Ask Second Sister, even if she becomes a city person, will she be able to take care of Su Yucheng?"


Su Rong didn't say anything with pursed lips. Of course, she didn't want to take care of him. Who would like a stupid freeloader like him?


Whoever wants to take care of him, take care of him! I will have nothing to do with him.


Ye Chuanxiu remained silent, and Su He took the opportunity to strike while the iron was hot, saying, "And what's more, even if we help once, can we do it every time? Everyone has their own life. Are you going to follow him around every day to solve his problems? Mom, do you want to raise a troublemaker and visit him in prison someday?"


It was this last sentence that was most hurtful!


Ye Chuanxiu staggered and almost fell to the ground!


"No, it can't be, right." Ye Chuanxiu's speech was somewhat stuttered.


In the room, Su Zhaohua's breathing accelerated and he slapped a few times on his bed, a sound Su He could hear.


If he spoke without reason and facts and examples, they certainly wouldn't care about his words.


But over in the Su family at Laohe Village, both Second Uncle and Third Uncle are like this, which Su Zhaohua could definitely imagine.


Thinking that their beloved son might turn out like that in the future, both of them became somewhat afraid.


Su Yucheng, this fool, still didn't know what was happening and kept shouting, "Mom, make him give me the candy. If he doesn't, you should hit him!"


Listen, are these words a younger brother should say?


Ye Chuanxiu looked at her beloved son and, unknowingly, he had turned into this?


Ye Chuanxiu had no way out and couldn't bring herself to act. She turned her head and asked, "What do you think we should do?"


Su He seized upon this opportunity and said, "It's simple. You hand Su Yucheng over to me. If he doesn't listen, I'll give him a beating. If he does well, I'll reward him with some candy. He'll naturally learn what he should and shouldn't do!"


Although reluctant, Ye Chuanxiu also feared that Su Yucheng would become like Su He said.


With difficulty, she nodded and turned to enter the room, closing the door behind her.


After all, she was a teacher and knew what was good and bad for children!


Su Yucheng still didn't know what was going on and continued to shout and bang on the door, "Mom, what are you doing inside? Come out and snatch the candy for me! You should hit He Yazi!"


He Yazi!


Su He smirked, grabbed Su Yucheng, turned him around, and slapped him hard on the buttocks.


It was a slap on dead flesh, painful but not dangerous.


Su Yucheng screamed in pain. It really hurt.


From childhood to adulthood, apart from the very few times Su He had hit him, he had never been beaten.


Who dared to hit him?


Even his several sisters didn't dare. Su Rong only snatched things from him, never daring to hit him.


"He Yazi, you're courting death!" Su Yucheng shouted!


Su He slapped him again, hearing the crisp sound of real pain!


The faces of the Su siblings changed, unsure of what to think.


Su He didn't care, just intent on disciplining this unruly child.


This was a long-term matter.


Su Yucheng kept cursing, and Su He kept hitting!


Su Yucheng cursed once, and Su He hit him once!


There were definitely no fewer hits, and the force wasn't light!


Gradually, Su Yucheng dared not curse anymore.


He knew his parents wouldn't come to rescue him today. To avoid being beaten, he could only refrain from cursing.


As for fighting, Su Yucheng knew he couldn't beat Su He!


If it really came to a fight, what would Su He do, calling in Heizi to bite him?


Heizi wasn't close to him.


He was raised by Su He and could refrain from biting family members, but he wouldn't be too affectionate either!


Bending down, Su Yucheng sobbed softly.


It was simply heartbreaking to hear!


Su He knew the time was almost right!


Su He said, "From now on, you need to behave. As long as you behave, I have plenty of the snacks we brought back yesterday and this milk candy. I'm not a stingy person. As long as you behave, I'll give you milk candy to eat! Now you decide whether you want it or not!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!