Hello, My 1979! - Chapter 25

Published at 28th of June 2024 05:38:14 AM

Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 Analysis


After waiting for quite a while, Su Yucheng still hadn't gotten up.


Su He wasn't anxious either. He stood up and said to Su Yucheng, "Since you don't want the milk candy, that's fine. Your information isn't that important anyway. I don't need to think about it; I already know who could have asked you to bring that piece of cloth. I'll have Chief He ask around. As for you, because you're not cooperating, you don't get the milk candy. Xiao Nanhua, come out and have some milk candy. Big brother promised you yesterday. Be careful not to let your fifthy brother snatch it from you."


Pausing for a moment, Su He saw Su Yucheng move slightly and knew that Su Yucheng had been too pampered before.


At this moment, he still had hope, thinking that his parents or one of his sisters might bring him milk candy!


When Xiao Nanhua came out, Su He gave her two pieces and said, "If your fifth brother snatches your milk candy, you tell your fourth brother. Fourth brother will deal with him then!"


Su Yucheng had originally harbored this thought; he could definitely overpower Xiao Nanhua at home!


By then, the milk candy would be in Xiao Nanhua's hands, but he could just snatch it back!


However, upon hearing Su He's words, Su Yucheng felt a sharp pain in his butt.


Unable to bear it, he shifted uncomfortably outside!


Suo He handed out some milk candies to elder sisters. Su Mei was surprised, “Do I get some too?”


You're all grown up now, and you still need candies?


Suo He replied, “Big sister didn't do anything wrong, so of course she gets candy. As for Second Sister...”


Su Rong interrupted sharply, “What about me?”


Suo He said, “If you help me wash the clothes today, I'll give you some candy!”


Second Sister had a strong personality that needed some adjustment too. As for giving beating like Su Yucheng, that was not an option; girls were always treated a bit differently.


Su Rong was unwilling. She wanted the candy but didn't want to comply.


In the past, she would definitely have gone to her parents to act cute.


As the 'little cotton-padded jacket' favored by her parents, she had been very pampered by them.


But now, even her parents' most beloved youngest brother couldn't get help; she didn't think she didn’t think she could do more!


She pointed at Xiao Nanhua and said, “She gets to have some, why can't I? Why do I have to wash clothes for you?”


Those snow-white milk candies looked so tempting!


Suo He glanced at Su Rong and said, “She's a little sister, but you're not! She's only three years old, but you're not? Besides, she went with me to the market and even cheered me on. Have you ever done that?”


Su Rong sighed helplessly, rolled her eyes, and turned into the room!


Su He shrugged indifferently, "Fine, don't eat it then. Anyway, I won't be as naive as I was this morning. Things won't stay. Once we finish this packet, there won't be any candy left. And the village definitely doesn’t have this candy!"


Su Rui walked over with a wry smile and called out, "Fourth Brother?"


Su He nodded, saying to Su Rui, "If you take candies, you will wash dishes!"


Su He took out two candies. Su Rui thought for a moment and then took them.


Turning back, she asked, "Now that I've taken the candy, what if I don't wash? What will you do?"


Since she already had the stuff, could he really take it back if she didn't wash?


Su He didn't care at all, just calmly said, "Maybe you gained some advantage today, but how long can you keep it? Next time I have something delicious, can you trick me again?"


Su Rui froze at his words, shrugged her shoulder, and said, "I was just kidding. I'll wash the dishes."


That's giving in!


Su Mei smiled. She didn't expect Fourth Brother to suddenly become tough, but this change was quite good too!


She was about to get married, and in the future, household matters would have to be handled together by these several younger siblings together. So, it was good!


She felt more at ease now!


Su He looked at Su Yucheng and finally said, "Well, these are the last two candies. If no one eats them, I'll just eat them myself..."


Before he finished speaking, Su Yucheng stood up, "It was Gangzi’s grandma who asked me to come and get them!"


After saying this, Su Yucheng stared at Su He, “I've said it, my candy!”


Su He readily handed the candy to Su Yucheng and smiled, “That's more like it. Doing things right earns rewards. Doing things wrong also earns rewards!”


Su Yucheng looked bewildered. Didn't he just get a beating earlier?


Su He said, “Reward: a serving of stir-fried pork with bamboo shoots!”


This is a local saying in Nanzhu Village, meaning getting a beating!




Su Yucheng retreated without losing face, scoffed once, and walked away.


Rubbing his butt, it still hurt a bit.


Su He didn't think Su Yucheng was lying, just Gangzi?


Gangzi was a kid from the village, the same age as Su Yucheng, usually playing together.


But how did Gangzi’s grandmother get dragged into this?


Grandma Gangzi definitely didn't steal the buffalo, so it probably means someone made Grandma Gangzi do it!


And the only person who could make Grandma Gangzi do this is…


Su He walked out and said to Chief He, "My younger brother said it was Grandma Gangzi who told him to take that piece of cloth!"


Chief He's face turned serious; he understood the importance of this information.


If it has nothing to do with stealing buffalo, why would someone come to take that piece of cloth?


Ye Zhenhan said, "Stop making baseless accusations. Grandma Gangzi is an elderly woman, how could she steal a buffalo?"


Su He replied, "Grandma Gangzi naturally wouldn't steal buffalo, but Gangzi has an uncle! He is very close to Ye San Shou! The more I think about it now, the more I feel that the person I beat up yesterday sounded very similar to Ye San Shou!"


"Who is Ye San Shou?" Chief He asked.


A hesitant smile appeared on Ye Zhenhan's face; even he felt awkward mentioning this village bully.


Su He had no such concerns and continued, "Ye San Shou is an uncle in the village, but he's lazy and lives by stealing."


After a pause, Su He added, "Actually, it shouldn't be difficult to track down these cattle thieves, at least to find those buffalo!"


Chief He looked somewhat surprised at Su He and asked, "Oh? Why do you say that?"


Ye Zhenhan, worried that Su He was talking nonsense, said, "He Yazi, don't speak recklessly. You don't have the skills to catch thieves. Don't end up unable to explain yourself if you can't catch the thief later!"


Chief He waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about it!"


After he finished speaking, he looked at Su He with a gleam in his eyes.


Su He said, "In fact, this is a very simple matter."


Ye Zhenhan glared at Su He. He was usually very serious, and this glare would have made even Su Yucheng dare not to roll around.


However, Su He didn't mind. He said to Ye Zhenhan, "Most of the houses with buffalo sheds, are they located in the innermost part of the village, right?"


Ye Zhenhan said, "Yes, so what?"


Chief He's eyes lit up and he said, "That's right. If the buffalo shed is in the innermost part of the village, those thieves would have to knock out the buffalo to steal them. They would also need a truck or something similar for transportation, which would make noise. It's impossible that no one in your village heard anything, it doesn't make sense!"


Su He continued, "Moreover, there is only one road out of Nanzhu Village. They could only have gone towards Shanlan Village. Chief He, you only need to send someone to Shanlan Village to ask if any vehicles have passed from our side, and you can confirm it..."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!