Hello, My 1979! - Chapter 26

Published at 28th of June 2024 05:40:02 AM

Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: Su Zhaohua Runs a High Fever


"Are you saying those cattle could still be in Nanzhu Village and haven't been transported out yet?" Chief He continued the conversation.


But before he finished, Ye Zhenhan refuted his conclusion: "That's impossible. Our village is not that big, and there are so many cattle. There's simply nowhere to hide them! Plus, no one would dare to hide them!"


Over thirty head of cattle, the lifeline of the whole village!


With the impending harvest season soon to arrive, no one would dare to hide those cattle at this time!


Unless they were courting death!


Chief He reconsidered and looked towards Su He, wanting to hear Su He's explanation!


Su He smiled and said, "If they aren't hidden in the village, are there no other places to hide them?"


His lips curled slightly, as if holding all the wisdom!


Chief He admired Su He's attitude.


Ye Zhenhan asked, "So where do you think they're hidden?"


Su He pointed behind the village and said, "Apart from the village, what else do we have nearby?"


Ye Zhenhan realized, "You mean, in the back mountains of Nanzhu Village?"


Behind Nanzhu Village, there was a mountain range, called the back mountains, though it was actually a series of mountains!


"Besides several groves of bamboo, there are other mountains with various trees on them!"


Chief He's eyes brightened, "Indeed. If they can't be transported out, hiding them in the mountains until things cool down is a good plan!"


But then he asked again, "Is there any possibility they used boats to transport the cattle out?"


Su He remained silent. Ye Zhenhan denied it preemptively, "Impossible!"


Without Chief He needing to ask, Ye Zhenhan continued, "It would require a very large boat. Ordinary boats couldn't even withstand the weight of those buffaloes, let alone transport them. They can't keep using ether to sedate the cattle, right? How much ether would that take?"


Although not knowing what ether was, it sounded like something hard to obtain.


An adult buffalo in the village weighs over a ton!


Those small sampans wouldn't stand a chance at transporting cattle!


Chief He asked again, "What if they herded them out one by one? I recall water buffaloes can swim, right?"


Su He shook his head, "Highly unlikely. Cattle are difficult to lead away for someone unfamiliar, let alone crossing a river. And once they start herding them out one by one, it becomes complicated. It's easy to be discovered. Even though people in these ten miles and eight villages might not all know each other, those who raise cattle are familiar faces. If they dare to come out, they'll be noticed. Plus, it's late at night; water buffaloes wouldn't follow them across the river unless it's a special case like Heixing!"


Chief He had indeed seen Heixing before and found it very human-friendly.


Su He added, "Actually, Chief He, you should call for backup now. Whoever can steal over thirty cattle in one night must be organized. Even if you're skilled, you can't handle an organized group alone, right?"


Chief He nodded and looked at Ye Zhenhan, "Do you have a phone in your village?"


He had just come to take a look, originally he didn't plan to solve the case right away.


Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived, he encountered a young man who helped him analyze the situation!


Ye Zhenhan shook his head, "Our village doesn't even have electricity yet, let alone a phone!"


Chief He was helpless, "Then how did you make phone calls before?"


Ye Zhenhan said, "Before, we took a boat across the river and made phone calls in Rulin Village!"


Rulin Village was wealthier than Nanzhu Village and was not blocked by two rivers, making it easier to get electricity.


Chief He had no choice, "Then I'll have to drive over and make a phone call at Shanlan Village or the police station in town!"


Su He called out to Chief He, and Chief He asked, "Do you have anything else to say?"


Su He said, "Chief He, you don't need to rush. Those people won't dare to pass through the village in broad daylight. There's only one road here, they should wait a few days until things aren't so tense. Then slowly move the buffalo to the other side of the river and transport them out together."


Pausing, seeing Chief He agree with this idea, Su He continued, "Those people in the mountains can't keep eating dry rations, right? Especially since they've been in contact with Grandma Ganzi and Ye San's family in the village. Your people just need to secretly watch Grandma Ganzi's house and Ye San's house, and you should have some results!"


Chief He suddenly realized and looked at Ye Zhenhan, "This, we'll have to rely on the help of the village cadres!"


Ye Zhenhan nodded repeatedly, and Su He said again, "Grandpa, don't mention this matter. In case Ganzi's uncle and Ye San find out, it will be troublesome!"


Those who dare to steal buffalo will not hesitate to use knives to kill people, which is not surprising at all.


Nowadays, stealing buffalo is a serious crime!


Anyway, if they are caught, they have no way out. Killing a people will give them even more courage to do greater things.


Ye Zhenhan seemed to understand and nodded, "I understand!"


Ye Zhenhan and Chief He went out separately to do their tasks.


On Su He's side, he was just about to rest.


Unexpectedly, Ye Chuanxiu called out in the room, "Zhaohua, what's wrong with you?"


Su He frowned, his father's wound on his foot was bandaged. In this hot weather, it was easy to get infected!


Su Zhaohua had a body that sweats easily, it would be strange not to get infected in such hot weather!


Su He called out, "Mom, open the door, let me take a look!"


His three sisters also hurried out, looking anxious.


Little Nanhua was holding a piece of candy in his hand and had even forgotten to eat it.


Only this little brat, Su Yucheng, was still eating so sweetly!


Su He slapped Su Yucheng's shoulder with one hand, almost knocking the candy out of his hand!


Su Yucheng was about to yell, but when he saw Su He's dark face, he lowered his voice and shouted, "What are you doing?"


Fortunately, he didn't call him a bastard or scold him.


Su He's big slap was waiting for him!


Su He said, "Didn't you hear Mom crying? Hurry up and go invite Dr. Liu over! You run fast, go run errands!"


Su Yucheng smacked his lips, "I want candy!"


Su He slapped him, "Running errands for your dad, and you still want a reward? I think your butt hasn't been beaten enough!"


Only then did Su Yucheng run out!


Although Su He had a lot of candy, educating children couldn't be done by just giving them rewards.


If he gave too much, it would become a habit, and in the future, he would only do things if he got a reward.


This was also another form of spoiling!


Ye Chuanxiu opened the door, and Su He walked in. His sisters also squeezed in, all looking worried.


Ye Chuanxiu's eyes were red! Redder than before!


Su He went over and saw that his father, Su Zhaohua, had a pale face and was sweating all over.


Su He touched Su Zhaohua's forehead, it was so hot!


"Your dad seems to have a fever! His body was a bit hot before but now, its even more!"


Ye Chuanxiu said, her voice choked with sobs!


Su He frowned, "Why didn't you say so earlier? Can this matter be dragged on?"

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