Hello, My 1979! - Chapter 27

Published at 28th of June 2024 05:40:02 AM

Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 I Said, I'm In-Charge


Ye Chuanxiu didn't speak, her eyes were red, and tears flowed down.


Su He was helpless, he knew it was because they were poor.


His parents were both thrifty people, thrifty to the point of being harsh.


They were like this with themselves, and a little better with their children.


Of course, most of the benefits went to Su Rong and Su Yucheng's mouths!


Su Rong would also act cutely and had gotten a lot of benefits!


At this time, the three sisters were all worried, and Xiao Nanhua was scared and didn't dare to speak.


Su He resolutely said, "This won't do. We can't wait any longer. I'll go out and see if Chief He has left. If not, we'll borrow his car and go to the town hospital. If that doesn't work, we'll go to the city!"


As he spoke, Su He turned and was about to leave.


Ye Chuanxiu hurriedly said, "But there's not much money left at home!"


Su He loudly said, "Take as much as you have, you can't wait any longer, mom!”


"But your eldest sister is about to get married, and your second sister is going to school..."


Su He was really helpless, "If dad has an accident, can your eldest sister get married in peace? If it can't be done this year, wait until next year. As for your second sister's schooling, she won't be able to study in peace either, right?"


Su He turned around, and his eldest sister nodded, "Dad's health is the most important!"


Su Rong bit her lip and also said, "If we have to exchange dad's life for my chance to go to school, I'd rather not go to school!"


Su Mei also hurriedly followed, "Me too!"


Fortunately, even though the family members had their shortcomings, at least they had good hearts!


Su He firmly said, "I'll take care of everything! In this family, I'm In-charge! We'll take dad to the hospital right away!"


Ye Chuanxiu was still hesitant, so Su He said again, "I said, I'm In-charge of this family! Earning money for dad's medical expenses, earning money for sister's dowry and tuition, sending Su Yucheng to school, I'll take care of it all! You all just need to listen and do as you're told!"


What kind of poverty will force a family’s head life, for a bitter future?


He wasn't usually such a domineering person, but at this moment, he had to speak like this to cut through the confusion and solve the problem!


As soon as he went out, he saw a Jeep driving away in the distance.


Su He had no choice but to turn back.


A person can't outrun a car, even if the road is not good!


Su He said, "Chief He has already left, the jeep can't be used!"


Pausing, Su He said, "Eldest sister, second sister, go to grandpa's house and push the cart out. I'll go get Heixing and harness the buffalo cart to take dad to town!"


At this time, not going to the hospital was not an option.


Just as he was speaking, Su Yucheng came back with the doctor.


Su He went up and briefly said, "Dr. Liu, please take a look. I think it's definitely infected. This wound was caused by a nail or something, and now that it's infected, it's definitely going to be a problem. Do you have any anti-inflammatory medicine? If you do, give my dad some. I'm going to take my dad to town right away, and if that doesn't work, I'll have to take him to the city overnight!"


As soon as Dr. Liu arrived, he was led by Su He's words and found it a bit strange.


But what Su He said was not wrong, it seemed to be really infected.


It was Dr. Liu who bandaged it before, but to be honest, rural doctors could only treat a cold at most, and even a more serious fever was beyond their ability.


Dr. Liu said, "I have anti-inflammatory medicine, but the price is a bit high!"


"Use it, I'll have my mom give you the money. We'll use it now and go to town right away. If it looks like it's not safe in town, we'd better go straight to the city!"


When he opened the gauze, Su He knew that this injury couldn't be treated in the town hospital!


Ye Chuanxiu said, "But, it takes four hours to get to the city from here!"


This was because they had to pass through Shanlan Village and go around from Zhangshu Town!


Su He said, "Third sister, go to grandpa's house and borrow a boat. We'll take dad across, and I'll have Heixing pull the cart across the river, and we'll take the shorter route to the city!"


In this tense moment, Su He's determination became the backbone of the whole family!


Whatever Su He said, the whole family would do!


Dr. Liu also sighed, but he didn't hesitate to use a penicillin injection.


Su He had been sick for a long time in his previous life and had become knowledgeable about medicine.


Penicillin, kanamycin, neomycin, erythromycin, and other such drugs were the main anti-inflammatory drugs used in China at present and would be for the next ten years or so.


However, these drugs had significant side effects, such as inducing ear toxicity and kidney toxicity, including symptoms such as dizziness, reduced vision, vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss, permanent deafness, abnormal kidney function, proteinuria, tubular urine, hematuria, and kidney failure. {It was all written there!!}


But there was no other choice, if they didn't use it, should they wait for death?


The wound was caused by metal, possibly rusty metal, and if they didn't use anti-inflammatory drugs, it would become infected and there might be trouble before they even reached the city.


After Dr. Liu used the medicine, Ye Chuanxiu asked about the price, which was three yuan per injection.


At this time, that was really expensive!


When Su He went to the city to sell vegetables before, carp was only four jiao a catty!


However, it was not the time to be stingy, and Dr. Liu had no choice, he had to cover his costs.


Seeing Ye Chuanxiu's expression, Su He said, "Why don't you let me hold the money for you, in case you lose it in the rush!"


Su He had no choice, if the money was lost, even if he had a warehouse and supplies, he couldn't get so much money in a short time!


Ye Chuanxiu was also afraid of losing the money and quickly gave it to Su He!


Su He counted it, a total of 357 yuan and three jiao.


This was all the money in the family.


Adding his own tens of yuan, it was still less than 400 yuan!


"I hope it's enough!" Su He thought to himself, the warehouse had some common medicines, cold and fever medicines, and many anti-inflammatory drugs for future use.


However, Su He didn't dare to take them out in front of others, he could only think to himself, "Let's see how it goes. If it doesn't work, I'll have to take the risk and use them."


{You could have even crushed it and gave it to him, saying whatever white lie you could have}


He wasn't a professional doctor after all, even if he had the medicine, he didn't dare to use it casually.


He could only try it if there was no other way!


"Hey, we've got the cart ready!"


Outside the door came the voice of his eldest sister, Su Mei. Su He sent Dr. Liu out and went out to prepare the cart.


"Heixing, come out!"


Su He opened the cattle pen and called out, and Heixing walked out.


Su He said to Heixing, "My dad is sick and we need to go to the city. I'm sorry to trouble you to pull the cart, first cross the river, we'll take a boat to the other side, and then have you pull it to the city!"


Heixing lowered his head and licked Su He's hand, Su He knew that Heixing understood and agreed.


He hitched up the cart and went back to tell Ye Chuanxiu, "Mom, go get all the quilts in the house. When we get on the cart later, put them underneath to prevent jolting! Also, bring a piece of cloth, Heixing will pull the cart across, wipe it later, don't let the quilts get wet!"


Ye Chuanxiu was already in a daze, and whatever Su He said, she did.


When she was ready, Su He picked up Su Zhaohua and walked out the door, saying to Heixing, "Heixing, follow us!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!