Hello, My 1979! - Chapter 29

Published at 28th of June 2024 05:40:02 AM

Chapter 29

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Chapter 29: Dr. Qiu


Ye Chuanxiu did household chores, but her strength was still not enough to hold her husband down.


Su Zhaohua worked as a forest ranger, often needing to help move logs and such, which required significant strength.


The doctor used a knife to open the previous wound, and despite Su Zhaohua being unconscious, the pain made him struggle.


Su He quickly moved forward, holding down Su Zhaohua's body and legs.


Perhaps feeling restrained, Su Zhaohua clenched his fist and struck down.


Su He took a few hits, feeling some pain, but he didn't move, only letting out a few muffled grunts.


Ye Chuanxiu hurriedly stepped forward to grab Su Zhaohua's hand, but he broke free, and Su He took a few more hits.


Chief He originally intended to help but was beaten to it by Su He, who was already holding down the body.


Seeing Su He being hit by Su Zhaohua without saying a word, Chief He silently thought, "This is a real man."


At this moment, seeing that Ye Chuanxiu couldn't hold down Su Zhaohua's hand, Chief He stepped forward to grab it, preventing any movement.


Treating a wound could be troublesome if the patient moved.


At this time, everyone was anxious to provide aid and had no time to administer anesthesia.


After about fifteen minutes, the doctor had cut open the wound, cleaned out the pus, and indeed found some rust inside.


The doctor frowned and said, "You should have known better. The rust was still in the wound, and you were eager to bandage it up. In this hot weather, it’s no wonder it got infected."


Ye Chuanxiu stood by, now without any firm support, relying entirely on Su He.


Su He didn’t argue, nor did he mention his suggestion to go to a big hospital.


He nodded and said to the doctor, "We don’t know much about medicine. You’re the professional. We’ll follow your instructions."


The doctor, a woman who seemed to be Chief He's wife, nodded.


Chief He added, "Old Qiu, please do your best to help. This kid is pretty good. My jeep broke down today, and he fixed it for me without asking for anything."


Su He also pleaded, "Dr. Qiu, please help us. My dad is the backbone of our family. He can't have anything happen to him."


Dr. Qiu nodded, though she found it strange that someone his age could fix a jeep. Was it just a fluke?


Her thoughts were similar to Ye Zhenhan's.


In fact, at that age, one would either be in school or running around outside. It's rare to find someone who knows how to fix cars.


Dr. Qiu nodded again, prescribed some medicine, and transferred Su Zhaohua to a general ward, administering an IV drip. "Given the circumstances, we've cleaned the wound and put him on an IV. Now, it’s up to his own recovery."


Tetanus vaccines hadn’t been developed yet.


If a metal wound became infected, it could easily lead to such issues.


This situation had many historical precedents, especially in ancient warfare, where the number of deaths due to infections was comparable to those killed outright.


Su He knew this and was prepared. If things didn’t improve, he would take a risk and use the anti-inflammatory drugs from his warehouse.


Although he understood some medical principles, his knowledge was self-taught. He wasn’t familiar with the use of those medicines and had no personal experience with tetanus.


At this moment, his eldest sister Su Mei, along with the second and third sisters, walked in.


“Is it here?”


It seems they asked around along the way.


Su He wasn't in a hurry to ask where Heixing was. Heixing was very intelligent, and with Heizi around, no one would be able to steal the cart. In the countryside, a cart was a very important piece of property.


After administering the IV drip, Doctor Qiu gave some instructions, "You need to have someone here to take care of him. If there's any issue, call me immediately. I'll arrange for the nurse to check in frequently. You can't have too many people staying in the hospital, so leave two people to take care of him and the rest should go home for now."


Ye Chuanxiu immediately said, "I'll stay to take care of him!"


Su He had no choice but to agree. Ye Chuanxiu definitely had to stay; otherwise, no one would be satisfied.


Su Mei thought for a moment and said, "I'll stay too! Mom and I can take turns watching him."


Su He nodded, "Alright, you and Mom stay here. I see there's an empty bed nearby. You can rest there when you need to."


Su Mei asked, "Are you planning to go back tonight?"


At this point, Xiao Nanhua was already starting to doze off. It had been a long and tiring day with many events and places visited. The whole family hadn't even eaten yet. The sound of a stomach growling made the situation a bit awkward.


Su He said, "It's dangerous to travel home in the dark now. We'll rest outside the hospital, near the cart. You wait here; I'll go get some food."


Chief He offered, "How about I treat you all to dinner?"


But where would he find dinner at this hour? Although Chief He's family was relatively well-off, they couldn't easily afford to treat so many people to a meal.


Doctor Qiu gave Chief He a glance and then turned to leave. Chief He felt a bit embarrassed, but Su He wasn't surprised. Why should someone else treat them to a meal for no reason? Earlier, he had helped fix the jeep and got Su Zhaohua admitted to the military hospital for treatment. Plus, the nurse would probably check on him more often because of it. This favor had already been repaid, and Su He might even owe a bit more.


Doctor Qiu was unaware that Su He had helped with Chief He's case.


Su He said, "No need. No one's that well-off. I have a way to get some food. Chief He, aren't you busy with the stolen cattle case?"


Chief He gave Su He a deep look, accepted the out, and said, "Yes, I need to find someone for that. This can't wait, I have to head to your village tonight."


With that, Chief He left.


Ye Chuanxiu then said, "We should have asked Chief He about getting a ride back."


Su He turned and said, "Forget it. It's not appropriate to ask; he probably needs to give rides to other police officers. There wouldn't be space for us anyway."


Otherwise, Su He would have asked earlier. If he hadn't needed to give rides, Chief He would have probably called for someone to come get them.


Ye Chuanxiu was silent, and Su He said, "Mom, keep an eye on Xiao Nanhua. I'll go get us some food."


The group remained silent; in the city, they didn't have the means to get food. The military hospital's canteen likely wouldn't sell food to them. At this time, food coupons were needed. They didn't have many food coupons and hadn't brought them along. Where could they buy food?


Seeing Su He's confident demeanor, they didn't say more. Su Rong pursed her lips, feeling useless at this moment.


After Su He left, Ye Chuanxiu suddenly exclaimed, "Where's Yucheng? Didn't he come with us?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!