Hello, My 1979! - Chapter 30

Published at 28th of June 2024 05:40:02 AM

Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: Items Recover in Warehouse?


Su Rong said, "Mom, don't worry. I saw him staying at home when I came out!"


Such a big thing happened, and that little bastard Yucheng didn't even come out. He really had no conscience.


Although Su Yucheng was young, he understood a lot.


His father was injured and had to be hospitalized, but Su Yucheng was not anxious at all. He even wanted to use candy to exchange for a doctor.


Such a person, Su Rong felt that even if she became a city person, she would never raise him.


Why should she raise him?


Then Su Rong was stunned for a moment, realizing that she seemed to be just as Su He had said, not caring about Su Yucheng.


Before, she thought that Su He's words were unreasonable, but now she thought that she seemed to be just as Su He had said.


This realization made Su Rong a little anxious.


She was a little aloof, but she didn't think she was selfish.


But now that this had happened, she felt that she seemed to be a little selfish after all!


On the other side, Su Mei comforted Ye Chuanxiu, "Mom, don't worry. Grandpa and Grandma's house is right next door, they won't let Yucheng go hungry."


Thinking of her parents living next door, Ye Chuanxiu also felt relieved.


But after putting this matter aside, Ye Chuanxiu worried again, "Our family only has a little money, and we don't know how much it will cost for your father until he gets discharged. We are all in this military hospital, and even eating is a problem. And you're getting married soon." She looked sadly at Su Mei then lowered her head. “I am sorry.”


As she spoke, Ye Chuanxiu's voice became choked with sobs.


Life, why was it so hard?


If only she had listened to her parents back then…


Su Mei was also helpless, she was also a little anxious!


Qian Rui had told her before that after the farming season was over, he would have the matchmaker come to the door.


But now there was no money, how could they prepare the dowry?


However, Su Mei also knew that this was not the time to talk about this.


She hesitated for a moment then said, "Isn't there still He Yazi? He has always been very smart, and he has earned all his tuition from childhood to now. He should have a way, right?"


But to put all the family's burdens on her younger brother, a child who was not yet fifteen years old.


Su Mei felt her face turn red, how could she say such a thing?


But at this time, Su Mei felt that she had no other choice but to trust Su He.


Su Rong was standing on the side, listening to her mother and eldest sister talking, and her heart was also very conflicted.


Over there, Su He came out and turned down a corridor, hearing Chief He and Dr. Qiu talking.


Dr. Qiu said, "You're always inviting people to eat, and there's only so much grain at home, how can it be enough?"


Chief He whispered, "They're all brothers, they helped me, they did me a favor, how can I not invite them for a meal?"


Dr. Qiu continued, "Then what's the deal with the Su family?"


Chief He clearly lowered his voice and said, "You know about the cattle theft case, right? This young man named Su He gave me some advice, and I think I'll be able to solve the case soon. You also know that I've just been transferred here for a short time, and if I solve the case, I'll have a firm foothold here!"


The two of them spoke a few more words, and Su He waited there, not wanting to go out and run into the two of them, which would be awkward!


Who knew that after Chief He said, "I'm going to call people," and left, Su He was still planning to wait a while before going out.


Who knew that Dr. Qiu would turn around.


The two of them faced each other, staring at each other.


Su He had no choice, this awkward scene, if he had known earlier, he would have retreated back to the ward.


Smiling at Dr. Qiu, Su He quickly left from the side.


Awkward to death!


Dr. Qiu felt very embarrassed. She had just spoken a lot of bad things about someone behind their back and mentioned that she couldn't invite them to dinner. She never expected to find herself in such an awkward situation.


Why was Su He eavesdropping here? If he came out now, it would be even more embarrassing, and Old He would probably feel awkward too! Dr. Qiu immediately realized that Su He was likely embarrassed as well, so he was waiting for the couple to leave before coming out. Who knew she would come over to check, making the situation more awkward?


As Su He walked out, he heard someone shouting, "Whose buffalo cart is this? Move it quickly! It's blocking the hospital entrance!"


Su He quickened his pace and saw a nurse trying to move the buffalo cart but hesitated because Heizi was staring fiercely. The nurse seemed a bit scared and didn't dare to approach.


"Sorry, I'll move it right away!" Su He said as he hurried to lead the buffalo cart away.


The nurse muttered a few words but didn't say much else. This was a sign of her quality; in a time when service attitudes were generally poor, she wasn't overly aggressive, which was quite commendable.


Su He led the buffalo cart to a secluded spot and quickly put the Heixing, Heizi, and the cart into the first-floor workshop of his portable warehouse. There was a lot of machinery here, but with 600 square meters of space, there was still plenty of room.


In a new place, both Heixing and Heizi were very restless. The buffalo mooed and the dog barked; if they were outside, they would surely scare people. Su He hurried in to calm Heixing and Heizi. Seeing their owner come in, both the buffalo and the dog settled down.


Su He said, "Stay here and don't run around. I'll get you something to eat. Don't destroy anything here!"


The buffalo was fine, but the dog had a destructive nature. The most famous one was the Husky, known for its ability to tear things apart. Local dogs had a bit of this tendency too, so Su He added a few more words.


Heixing mooed and sat down, while Heizi barked a few times, indicating he understood. Su He went down to the storage to prepare some soybean and cornmeal. What he prepared yesterday had already been eaten.


Don't underestimate a buffalo's appetite. Cattle feed is divided into roughage and concentrate. Concentrates include soybean meal, cornmeal, bran, cottonseed cake, rapeseed cake, soybean cake, bone meal, baking soda, premix, salt, etc. Roughage includes corn stalks, wheat straw, soybean stalks, peanut vines, sweet potato vines, forage grass, weeds, rice straw, distiller's grains, and tofu residue.


A buffalo needs to eat 20 pounds of roughage and 2 kilograms (4 pounds) of concentrate every day. This is a considerable amount of food!


Meat wasn't necessary; there was still plenty in the fridge. He could cut some up for Heizi to eat. The rest of the meat should be kept in the fresh-keeping storage. Although the refrigerator keeps things fresh, meat stored for too long will still spoil.


Su He walked straight to where the soybeans and corn were stored. But when he got there, he was shocked!


"How could this be?"


Su He couldn't believe his eyes. After taking some soybeans yesterday, he had been in here today as well, and everything looked normal then. Now, however, the bag of corn and the bag of soybeans he had taken were right back where they were, as if untouched!


Then, a thought popped into Su He's head.


"Could it be that my warehouse can automatically replenish the supplies stored here?"

{I would probably thin I have dementia first!}


In front of Su He, the bag of corn and the bag of soybeans he took yesterday were perfectly in place, unchanged! This was nothing short of a miracle!

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