Hello, My 1979! - Chapter 31

Published at 28th of June 2024 05:41:53 AM

Chapter 31

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Chapter 31: I Almost Hit Someone

3 hours ago

Su He immediately went to the place where he kept the chocolates and White Rabbit milk candies and found that it had also been restored to its original state. He then went to the area where he stored the beef and pork, but this area had not yet been restored.


He rubbed his chin, puzzled by the situation. "It’s impossible that a thief broke in and then helped me restore some things. But why only these items?"


Su He quickly thought of a possible reason: "Maybe it’s because the meat was taken today, and it hasn't had time to be restored yet?"


To verify this, Su He decided to conduct an experiment. He took a bag of soybeans and a bag of corn kernels and then looked at some chocolates and White Rabbit milk candies.


"This time, I’ll take a bag of Golden Monkey candies. Although they’re all milk candies and taste quite good, the Golden Monkey ones are softer. White Rabbit is more suitable for kids."


He placed the candies and chocolates in his bedroom. After some thought, Su He fetched some beef, lamb, and pork. Since these things could be restored, there was no need to save them, though he hadn’t planned on being frugal in the first place. Even if the supplies didn’t get restored, they would last him for years.


"But if they can be restored, that would be great!"


First, Su He ground the soybeans and corn kernels to prepare a bowl of dinner for Heixing. As for Heizi, it was easy to satisfy him with a few pieces of meat and a rib, which Heizi ate happily.


Su He took another walk around the fresh storage room and quickly found items he could sell for money. "Malted milk? This seems to be a high-end nutritional product in this era and should fetch some money!"


Su He didn’t remember when he had bought these, but it didn’t matter since the fresh storage room kept them from spoiling. "I’ll need to change the labels and expiration dates on the packaging though."


Not knowing what malted milk looked like in this era, he planned to visit the supply and marketing cooperative tomorrow. Even without a ration ticket, he just needed to see it to replicate the packaging. With machines in the warehouse that could do the job, it wouldn’t be a big deal for someone skilled in mechanics like Su He.


With the money issue roughly solved, Su He felt relieved. He brought out a few more bags of rice, as well as some cornmeal and sorghum flour, which were considered staple grains in this era. He also brought out several bags of flour.


In the twenty-first century, these were all high-end foods, and they should sell well in this era. Su He decided to try selling some of these tomorrow.


He mixed some flour into a thick paste to make a few pancakes to take with him. The rice cooker already had braised beef and pork, and he planned to braise some lamb later. As for dog meat, he hadn’t bought any, and there was none in the storage.


"Forget it, Heizi has a keen nose, and besides, I don’t eat dog meat!"


He poured oil into the pan, and when it was hot, he poured in the batter.


Once the pancake took shape, Su He cracked an egg into it. Soon, a fragrant egg pancake was ready.


Su He made seven or eight more before he stopped.


He also sliced some braised pork and packed it in a container.


He didn't dare use a disposable container, as they likely didn't exist in the country at that time.


In the storage room, Su He found some retro-looking sets, and finally found a set that resembled enamel lunch boxes.


He used one to pack the food, washed some lettuce, and headed out with everything.


"Heixing, Heizi, you both rest here. I'll let you out tomorrow!"


Heixing and Heizi nodded, their behavior very human-like, as if they truly understood him!


Su He smiled, carrying the food out.


He almost bumped into someone as he came out of the alley.




It was a girl's voice. Su He quickly apologized, "Sorry, I didn't see you!"


The girl shouted a few times, then seeing Su He standing still, didn't seem to take it further.


By this time, the sun had already set, and the lights from the distant hospital provided a dim visibility.


The girl saw he had come from the alley and realized she had turned the corner too quickly.


Understanding this, she wasn’t scared anymore.


Su He apologized repeatedly, "Sorry. I really didn't see you, and I didn't expect you to be here, and I was also in a bit of hurry!"


Feeling reassured, the girl looked at Su He again. He looked fine, though his clothes were a bit worn and patched.


Seeing the girl not speaking, Su He quickly offered an egg pancake, "Sorry. My dad is hospitalized here. I went to get some food. My mom and sisters are waiting to eat at the hospital! Consider this egg pancake my apology. I have things to do, so I’ll go now!"


Liu Yingying, holding a paper bag, watched as the boy handed her a paper bag and ran towards the military hospital.


Liu Yingying thought, "It didn't seem intentional. Hmm, what a nice smell?"


She opened the paper bag and saw a golden fried egg pancake inside, its rich aroma whetting her appetite.


Even though she had just eaten at the hospital cafeteria, Liu Yingying took a bite of the pancake.


"Mmm, delicious!"


Liu Yingying swore she had never tasted such a good egg pancake in her life!


In the southern regions, people didn’t eat much wheat-based food.


Liu Yingying had only tried this type of food in the north: "Did he come from the north? But there are military hospitals there too, why come here?"


For some reason, Liu Yingying was deeply impressed by this boy she had met only once.


Meanwhile, after apologizing, Su He hurried into the military hospital.


Normally, not just anyone could enter, but the nurse recognized this boy who had just left earlier, so she didn’t stop him.


Su He found his father's ward, opened the door, and saw Ye Chuanxiu and the others sitting silently by the bed.


Luckily, there was only Su Zhaohua on the ward currently, and there was an extra bed for sitting on their section. Otherwise, everyone would have to stand, which wouldn’t be practical.


"I brought some food, Mom, sisters, let’s eat!" Su He said, placing the set down.

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