Hello, My 1979! - Chapter 32

Published at 28th of June 2024 05:41:53 AM

Chapter 32

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Chapter 32: Craving Meat

3 hours ago


"What did you bring? It smells so good!" Su Rong was the first to rush over, completely unabashed.


That was her nature, cultivated over many years.


Su He didn't mind and placed the egg pancakes on the bedside table, along with two aluminum lunch boxes filled with braised pork.


Su Rong had no concept of being polite. She immediately grabbed the bag and exclaimed in surprise, "Wow! These are wheat flour pancakes with eggs? You're living in luxury!"


Su Rui stayed silent but joined Su Rong in grabbing a pancake and starting to eat. This was her usual demeanor—quiet, but she never missed out on any benefits she deserved.


Ye Chuanxiu and Su Mei were somewhat worried, but since the purchases had already been made, what more could they do?


Ye Chuanxiu grumbled, "Who knows if the hospital fees for your dad will be enough!"


Su Mei remained silent. With things like this, talking about dowry was even more out of the question.


‘I wonder how things are with Qian Rui's side. Seems like his mother isn't easy to deal with either.’ Su Mei still had some worries. Without a dowry, talking about marriage would definitely be tough.


Su He had no idea what Su Mei was thinking. If he knew, he would certainly have an opinion.


This was about marrying off a daughter. Shouldn't it be the groom's side who took more initiative?


Why was the bride's side worrying about the dowry? Shouldn't it be the groom's side who was more concerned?


In today's Nanzhu Village, although dowries were still demanded for marrying off daughters, it wasn't as terrifying as in later generations.


Although Su He wasn't from this area in his previous life, he knew that dowries demanded here were also a bit too much!


It was more like selling and buying!


Most people here favored sons over daughters, but when it came to marrying off daughters, things were different!


The son-in-law had to prepare to be exploited!


Especially in families with younger brothers, the demands from the bride's parents were even greater.


They'd rather marry off a daughter and get a pile of dowry for their younger son.


But when it came to Su Mei, Su He didn't enjoy the pleasure of being seen as the "brother who would lift them up."


Su He said, "Don't worry. I've got everything covered! I don't have food stamps, but didn't I bring something back? Those two boxes have braised pork. You can eat one box and leave the other for me!"


Su Rong immediately opened the box. She wasn't one to overthink!


When there's meat to eat, why worry about anything else?


Didn't the younger brother say he's got it all covered?


"Oh, you even managed to buy meat. You're really something!" Su Rong didn't mind the heat and grabbed it directly. She could wash her hands later. What was there to be afraid of?


Su He had no choice. He couldn't exactly bring out disposable chopsticks, could he?


Where could he find disposable chopsticks these days?


After taking a bite of meat, Su Rong showed a happy expression. "It's so delicious. I almost forgot what meat tasted like. When was the last time I had meat?"


Su Rui also nodded in agreement, feeling happy.


Su He said, "Eat a bit less. Leave some for Mom and Dad. Big sister hasn't eaten yet either!"


Su Rong casually replied, "You'll definitely make more meat tomorrow anyway. Su Rui and I are heading back to the village tomorrow. We won't get to eat it then, so shouldn't we eat a bit more today?"


When Su He wasn't around, they had already discussed it: Ye Chuanxiu and Su Mei would stay behind to take care of Su Zhaohua!


The others would go back first; living in the city as a family incurred quite a few expenses.


Although Su He was unaware of this, after hearing Su Rong's words, he could guess what was going on.


Rolling his eyes, Su He asked, "If you stayed to take care of Dad? With your skills, what can you do? Can you even fold clothes? You can't even take care of yourselves."


Facing Su He's disdain, Su Rong wanted to retort that she could do many things.


But after some thought, she realized she couldn't do much at all!


Even her younger sister Su Rui could do household chores, but she was the only one who couldn't!


With Su Rong, everyone was used to indulging her. A lot had been neglected and negated.


But now, Su Zhaohua had fallen ill; in the eyes of those in Nanzhu village, anyone who fell ill needed nourishment! So, priority has changed.


As for how to nourish, naturally it was with some meat and eggs.


Su He chose good pork belly, with a layer of lean meat and fat, alternating between the two. It wasn't greasy yet wasn't tough either.


Su Rong's mouth quickly became oily, exclaiming how delicious it was!


These days, everyone's stomachs lacked oil, so having pork belly was truly satisfying.


Su He woke up Xiao Nanhua, who had indeed been busy all day and was quite tired.


But upon being awakened by Su He, Xiao Nanhua quickly opened his eyes and said, "Dodo, I dreamt that there was meat to eat!"


Xiao Nanhua's words amused Su Rui, who couldn't help but burst into laughter!


Su He also chuckled and said, "It's not a dream; there really is meat to eat!"


He walked over and took the lunch box from Su Rong's hands, and saw that almost a third of the meat was gone, nearly half.


That was the battle power of Su Rong and Su Rui!


If this were in the future, how could those beauties possibly eat fatty meat?


It was just people of this era who lacked oil and water, preferred fatty meat.


Su Rong was still not satisfied. If it were before, she would definitely not comply.


But these days, after being educated by Su He, although not directly, Su Rong had also received a lot of education.


Deep down, Su Rong was also somewhat moved.


Family members were not her slaves; there was no need to indulge her in everything.


Before, Su Rong had felt entitled to enjoy such treatment, but after being criticized by Su He, she also felt somewhat embarrassed.


Su He gave the pancake with an egg to everyone. It stuffed with eggs and a few lettuce leaves.


"Putting some lettuce inside also tastes great!" Su He said without looking up.


Su Rong pouted. How could it possibly taste good without meat? But she tried it and found it really delicious! She hadn't realized that putting a raw leaf of lettuce inside the egg pancake could enhance the flavor so much!


"What kind of eating method is this? I've never heard of it before!" Su Rong exclaimed incredulously.


Su He gave her a look, "There are many things you haven't heard of."


Su Rong pursed her lips, unsure of what to say.


Xiao Nanhua took a bite, his eyes brightened, and she quickly devoured it.

(I am thinking that if Xiao Nanhua, if ever turned to be a boy then I’d have to scrape this whole translation! Or I could announce and roll with that.)

If there were such good things at home in the past, she definitely wouldn't have gotten any.


Su He then made one for Ye Chuanxiu, "Mom, you should eat first. It's not good to skip meals. If Dad can't wake up, let the doctor give him glucose. There's nothing else we can do."


Ye Chuanxiu sighed, not knowing what to say.


She remembered that Su He had said before that if things at home didn't improve, they would have to go to the hospital for a check-up.


It was just that both of them thought it would be expensive to go to the hospital, so they didn't want to go.


This problem would only get worse if they didn't deal with it.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!