Hello, My 1979! - Chapter 33

Published at 28th of June 2024 05:41:53 AM

Chapter 33

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Chapter 33: Building Relationships

3 hours ago

Ye Chuanxiu found it difficult to eat, feeling choked up. Even though the food was delicious, it tasted bland in her mouth.


"Previously, he had endured through appendicitis. How could such a minor injury over the past two days turn into this!" she lamented, tears streaming down her face.


Su He also recalled the incident vaguely. Earlier, Su Zhaohua had suffered from appendicitis—a pain unbearable for ordinary people. Yet, he had persevered lying in bed.


From pain around the belly button to the right lower abdomen and not wanting to eat.


Afterward, nothing had happened.


It was a miracle; if appendicitis goes untreated, it could lead to complications like perforation. But Su Zhaohua's determination had defied all odds. However, luck was not on their side this time.


The rusty nail that scratched Su Zhaohua's leg hadn't been properly cleaned despite Dr. Liu's efforts. Covered with gauze in this hot weather, sweating led to an infection.


What a mess!


Su He tried to console her, but his words were of little use; tears continued to flow.


Su Rong remained silent. Despite deciding to become a city person, she couldn't bring herself to abandon her parents. As for her siblings, she had pondered deeply last night! Just like Su He said, helping with trivial matters was one thing, but supporting her siblings was out of the question!


However, in retrospect, Su Rong felt ashamed. She had been enjoying the benefits of Su He's hard work without any intention of helping him. Previously, she had thought these benefits came from their parents, so repaying them would be enough.


Yet, during their conversation last night, Su Mei had said, "Our parents belong to all of us. Why should their things only go to one person?"


For the first time, Su Rui agreed with her, instead of remaining silent as usual.


Su Rong was struck by these words and began reflecting. Why should their parents' favor just one person? {in this case two.}


At home, it was only her and Su Yucheng who received special treatment, exempt from chores and enjoying the best of everything.


But why just them?


Forget the countryside; even in the city, preference for sons over daughters was evident. As a girl, she enjoyed the privileges Su He should socially have.


Wasn't something wrong?




A sudden cough interrupted Su Rong's thoughts.


Ye Chuanxiu glanced at Su Zhaohua in surprise. Was it the aroma of food that had awakened him?


"What's that delicious smell? I'm feeling a bit hungry!" Su Zhaohua struggled to open his eyes, feeling incredibly heavy, as if he were about to enter a brawl.


"He Yezi, quickly call the doctor!" Ye Chuanxiu shouted, reaching for a pancake and handing it to Su Zhaohua, urging him to eat.


"Su Mei, Su Rong, come over here and help your father up!"


It's uncomfortable to eat lying down; sitting up would be better.


Unlike the adjustable beds of the future, this one couldn't be moved!


The two girls helped Su Zhaohua sit up, while Ye Chuanxiu took charge of feeding him.


Su He had already left the ward to call the doctor before Ye Chuanxiu called for him.


He was not very proficient in medical skills, and for such matters, it was better to ask the doctor.


Su He was holding a lunch box in his hand as he walked out and came to the service station. It was already evening, and the doctors had all gone home, leaving only the one on duty.


However, maybe the doctor had gone to eat, and Su He didn't know who to look for, so he came to find the nurse.


"Sister, this is braised pork that my family made, please have a taste!"


Su He also believed in using food to build relationships, as people in this era were all lacking in meat.


As soon as they heard it was braised pork, the two nurses smiled.


They were just eating, but they only had a lunch box, and Su He just took a glance and saw that it was all vegetarian dishes.


In those days, everything was planned.


A person's monthly meat ration was less than a pound, so where could they get so much to eat?


Even if they had money, they couldn't buy it without meat coupons!


So at this time, the people in charge of selling meat at the supply and marketing cooperative were all very popular.


Many women were willing to marry such meat sellers.


If this were ancient times, no one would be willing to marry them. Ancient people believed that those who killed pigs had heavy killing karma, and marrying such people would not end well.


The nurse opened the lunch box and saw that it was five-spice meat, and her smile became even brighter.


People in this era all liked to eat five-spice meat because it contained fat and added a lot of oil.


After eating the meat, one nurse smiled and said, "Good brother, you know how to treat people. If you have anything in the future, feel free to come to me!"


A box of meat was not a small amount, it looked like it weighed about a pound.


This was more than the monthly ration for two people, so why would they be stingy?


Moreover, this was brought by Director Qiu, so they had a background.


Because of this, although Su He was wearing patched clothes, the two nurses did not look down on him!


After all, in those days, people were first respectful of clothes and then of people. If they didn't dress well, they would naturally be looked down upon.


Even the Buddha needed a golden body, let alone a person?


Su He smiled and said, "Actually, I need your help now!"


The nurse asked, "What is it?"


Su He said, "Our family came in a hurry and didn't bring thermos. I don't know if you can lend me one for the night, and I'll bring the thermos from home tomorrow. Also, my dad just woke up, but I see that his fever hasn't gone down yet. Is the doctor on duty here?"


The nurse was very generous and lent him thermos without hesitation.


However, when she lent it to him, the nurse still reminded him, "Don't break it!"


Su He took it and smiled, "Of course not! When I return it, it will be the same as it is now!"


The nurse nodded and took Su He to find the doctor on duty.


"Dr. Jin, this patient's father was sent here this evening, and Director Qiu handled it at that time. His father was injured by a rusty nail..."


The nurse briefly described the patient's condition in detail.


It could be seen that this nurse was very responsible and had remembered the patient's condition.


Of course, the detailed description at this time was also due to that box of braised meat.


Without any reason, they had no obligation to remember these things for you.


Su He kept this in mind and decided to bring meat to these two nurse sisters more often in the future to repay them for this kindness.


Besides, building relationships was always a good thing, in case he needed it in the future.


Su He was not a child after all, and he knew about human relationships.


"Dr. Jin, my dad is awake now, but his high fever hasn't gone down yet. What's the situation?"

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