Hello, My 1979! - Chapter 34

Published at 28th of June 2024 05:41:53 AM

Chapter 34

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Chapter 34: Second Sister, Be Nicer to Fourth Brother

3 hours ago


Dr. Jin came in and examined him.


Feeling Su Zhaohua's forehead with his hand, he knew that the high fever had not subsided!


If the fever continued like this, even a good brain could be damaged. So the top priority was to reduce the fever.


Dr. Jin prescribed another bottle of fever-reducing IV, which was expensive, but necessary!


After Dr. Jin left, the nurse brought in the aluminum lunch box, "Thank you for the braised meat today, brother. If you have anything in the future, feel free to come to me!"


As she spoke, she also brought the thermos and gave him two cups!


The nurse was very thoughtful. If she had only given the thermos, they wouldn't have been able to drink water, so she brought two cups!


Su He had forgotten to bring them before, and now they were brought over.


After the person left, Su Rong pouted, "We don't have enough to eat ourselves, and you still gave some to the nurse! Could it be that you have your eye on her? Let me tell you, you're still young, not yet fifteen years old, don't think about all kinds of things!"


Su Mei pulled her, but Su Rong didn't budge.


Ye Chuanxiu didn't speak, her attention was all on Su Zhaohua.


After eating something, he fell asleep again.


There was nothing to be done, people with high fevers were like this!


Su He was too lazy to pay attention to Su Rong, but he heard her babbling on and on, and he said, "If I didn't give them meat, could I have gotten this thermos? They even brought two cups, otherwise, you wouldn't have had water to drink all night?"


Su Rong's voice faltered, she was not stupid, just inexperienced in society.


Hearing Su He's words, Su Rong realized that she had misunderstood.


But Su Rong's proud nature would not let her apologize.


Ye Chuanxiu said at this time, "We are in the hospital, and we have to bother the nurses for anything. If giving them some meat can make things go more smoothly, it's only human nature."


Society, after all, was all about relationships.


Many things were unavoidable, and the biggest was relationships.


Obviously, Ye Chuanxiu was not ignorant, and Su He breathed a slight sigh of relief, afraid that Su Rong was ignorant and liked to pretend to be knowledgeable.


A little meat, and she was unwilling to give it, how petty.


Such people had a poor overall view.


Lacking in social experience, they would definitely suffer a setback in society in the future!


Seeing Su He's expression, Su Rong immediately became unyielding, "What's with your expression?" Her rushing manner made the water splash on the floor, making everyone caste glances on her.


Su He was too lazy to pay attention to Su Rong, "I'm going to get water for you. Squeeze in here tonight, and tomorrow, Second Sister, you and Third Sister go back. There's still Su Yucheng to take care of, it's also troublesome!"


Seeing Su He leave, Su Rong still refused to give in, "Stop, what's with your expression? And who is willing to take care of that smelly-tempered Su Yucheng?"


Ye Chuanxiu wrinkled her brow, she didn't expect that her beloved son was also a bad one in her daughter's heart.


Thinking of what Su He said, she couldn't even carry a bottle of water steadily, no wonder Su He had thoughts in his heart.


But what could she do with so many children? Those who cried got attention, and those who didn’t, didn’t.


In those days, it was the crying children had milk to drink, and obedient kid didn’t even have a drop of water to drink. Su He was an understanding kid, so his needs was often ignored.


This was something that couldn't be blamed.


Holding the thermos, he had only taken two steps when Su He felt someone pulling him.


Turning his head, he saw a short figure.


Hmm, it was Xiao Nanhua.


"How did you get out?" Su He asked with a smile.


Xiao Nanhua didn't speak, only tugging at Su He's hand.


Su He knew that Xiao Nanhua was afraid that he was suffering after being scolded by Su Rong.


In the past, Su Rong was also like this, and sometimes his previous self felt very wronged.


But his previous self was not the kind of person who liked to lose his temper, so he endured it alone.


His previous self's temperament was that of who silently endured, which was also the reason why the whole family was shocked when Su He suddenly exploded.


Holding Xiao Nanhua's hand, they went to the boiler room and filled thermos with hot water.


It was fortunate the hospital provided hot water free of charge from the boiler room, a convenience for the patients. It could be considered a welfare benefit!


After getting the water, they were about to go back when Xiao Nanhua asked, "Dodo, what are we going to do tonight? I don't want to go back tomorrow. I want to stay with Dodo!"


This child was probably afraid of going back and being hit by Su Yucheng. Such incidents had happened before.


His parents only said a few words and then it was over, and since there was no punishment, it that led to now, when Su Yucheng did anything he wanted.


Su He knew that it would take time to reform this family.


Su He said, "Don't worry, I'll find a place for you to sleep tonight. You can still follow me tomorrow!"


Xiao Nanhua nodded seriously, making Su He unable to bear it.


After getting the water, Su He had everyone drink some.


Later in the evening, Su He went to the nursing station and asked if they could find a place for Xiao Nanhua to sleep for the night.


The nurse saw that Xiao Nanhua was very cute and immediately agreed.


"No problem, we have beds inside, originally provided for us to rest. I'll take Xiao Nanhua to sleep!"


As for Su He, they didn't mention it, and Su He couldn't possibly go to their room to sleep.


At this time, the relationship between men and women was very tense.


Su He didn't want to cause trouble for others, and fortunately, he didn't lack a place to sleep.


After sending Xiao Nanhua to sleep, he returned to the ward and said, "Take turns sleeping and watch over dad. This windowsill can also accommodate one person, and the remaining two can watch. I'll go find a place to sleep for the night, and I'll bring breakfast tomorrow morning!"


Su Rong immediately replied, "Then I'll have breakfast before I go!"


Su He was too lazy to pay attention to her, she was really a glutton!


Xiao Nanhua was also a glutton, but she also cared about others!


This second sister was simply a glutton who only took in and never gave out!


She didn't say a word of concern!


When Su He left, Su Mei said, "Second sister, be a little nicer to the fourth brother. He's not having an easy time!"


Su Rong remained silent, and Su Mei continued, "He's only fourteen, not even fifteen!"


After a moment of silence, Su Rong replied, "Hmm!"


Su Rong was a proud person. Given her aloof nature, even saying "hmm" was rare. {Sasuke, did you gender swap and transmigrate?}


Su Rui also felt something in her heart. The former fourth brother used to be a silent person who did everything quietly. Now, it seemed he had changed and would voice his discontent.


Su Rui had recently realized that in their family, it was always the fourth brother who did the most, while they enjoyed many things.


That was their surplus.


Su He didn't know that after he left, such things had happened.


He found a remote place and slipped into the bedroom of his personal warehouse.


He had a place to sleep, much better than the conditions in other places!


As for Xiao Nanhua, Su He didn't dare to bring her along, in case she said something wrong and cause a disaster.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!