Hello, My 1979! - Chapter 35

Published at 28th of June 2024 05:41:53 AM

Chapter 35

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Chapter 35: Fresh Meat!

2 hours ago


Su He took out some beef, lamb, and pork, planning to make more braised meat. This stuff generally doesn't spoil easily and can be kept for a few extra days. In the refrigerated warehouse, everything stayed fresh no matter how long it was kept. Moreover, it could also be stored in the fridge for a while.


"When it's inconvenient, take it out to eat—it makes for a good dish."


"Oops, almost forgot about these wild lotus roots!"


Su He noticed the preserved wild lotus roots as he entered. When digging them up previously, he had collected more than he needed. Some had already been sold in the city, fetching sixteen yuan and five jiao; after spending three yuan on a scale, he had thirteen yuan left!


There was another portion that hadn't been sold because it wasn't convenient to bring it out at the time. Bringing out things like that from thin air wasn't easy to explain. Heixing had been nearby, making it impossible for Su He to even use the excuse of fetching from elsewhere.


"Oh right, there are also seven or eight wild duck eggs!"


That day by the river, he had also found some wild duck eggs, intending to keep them for himself. He had almost forgotten about them after storing them together with the wild lotus roots. After several trips, Su He had moved everything out and thought to himself, "The supplies I bought in my previous life can all be restored within a day's time. But the things I brought in myself, I wonder if they can be restored?"


Thinking this, Su He planned to conduct an experiment. "Tomorrow, I'll look for the Pigeon Market and sell these things; then I'll know!"


The so-called Pigeon Market was a term for the black market. Since "Black Market" didn't sound good, people from Bishui City generally referred to it as the Pigeon Market.


Black Market: hēishì

Pigeon Market: gēzi shìchǎng

Death: 死 (sǐ)

{If it make sense!!}


After preparing the braised meat, Su He let the rice cooker cook. He also prepared a late-night snack for Heixing and Heizi, and he himself ate a few breakfast buns with braised meat.


This body was also malnourished and not tall enough. Su He didn't want to become short, so he ate more during this early stage of development in hopes of growing taller. As for the customs of Nanzhu Village, boys were supposed to eat roosters once they started developing; it was said to help them grow taller. Whether there was any scientific basis for this, many who ate roosters did seem to grow taller.


In Su He's bedroom, there was a bathroom. However, it was inconvenient to bathe because there was no water. Su He thought that in the future, he could bring in some water himself to bathe. It wasn't hot at all in the warehouse, and Su He could even turn on the air conditioning, spending the night comfortably.


Early the next morning, Su He got up. "There was no such thing as biological clock in my past life!"


Perhaps because he had become accustomed to exhaustion in this life, Su He's biological clock was set earlier. After getting up, he prepared a lot of food. He had made quite a bit of meat yesterday, and although Ye Chuanxiu hadn't said anything, there was still concern in her eyes.


Although Su He wanted to say that he could make money and they didn't need to worry, he had no evidence, so he didn't say much.


In the morning, he steamed a bag of mantou. They were all small mantou, sweet and quite delicious. When Su He brought the mantou over, Xiao Nanhua had already gotten up and was eagerly looking at the ward door.

When Su He arrived, Xiao Nanhua ran straight over and threw herself into Su He's arms.


Su Rong heard the sound and ran over directly to snatch the bag from Su He's hands! Opening it, she found only mantou, prompting her to complain, "Why isn't there any meat?"


Ye Chuanxiu had already returned to his usual state by now. Hearing Su Rong's words, she reprimanded her for the first time, "Having something to eat is already good. We're outside, and your fourth brother doesn't even have ration tickets. You have food to eat, so why are you making a fuss?"


Su Rong pouted, originally intending to retort. But recalling the conversation with her eldest sister yesterday, she felt she shouldn't say anything.


Su He handed a steamed bun to Xiao Nanhua. Xiao Nanhua didn't say anything and just started eating.


Su Rui exclaimed, "Such delicious steamed buns!"


Su Rong pursed her lips. "Even if they're delicious, aren't they just steamed buns?"


Su Mei rolled her eyes. "These are made from white flour, without any coarse grains mixed in. Just look at how smooth the surface is. Hmm, they really are delicious!"


In this era, being able to eat refined grains was synonymous with happiness.


Su Rong was spoiled at home, plus Su Zhaohua had a share of the village's produce, which included grains.


Ye Chuanxiu and Su Zhaohua both had jobs and incomes, allowing them to buy extra grain. Otherwise, how could they afford to have white rice occasionally?


In other households, people mixed sweet potatoes or pumpkins with other grains like sorghum or corn, or even ate coarse grains outright.


Ye Chuanxiu also ate one and thought Su Rong was being too fussy.


Ye Chuanxiu was worried. "He Yazi, where did you get these? Are you sure it's safe?"


She was afraid that Su He might have obtained them from an unreliable source. Su He shook his head. "It's fine, I got them from someone I know."


Approaching quietly, he whispered, "I found a pigeon market in the city. I'll bring something from the village to exchange later. Don't worry!"


Su Rong couldn't help but exclaim upon hearing Su He's words.


Su Mei quickly covered Su Rong's mouth. "Don't make noise!"


Although Su Mei was accustomed to being bullied by her grandparents and thus was somewhat timid, she still spoke up in front of her family.


She whispered in Su Rong's ear, "Do you want this to get out? Who do you think Fourth Brother is doing this for?"


Su Rong knew very well. If Su He didn't do this, how could they afford to treat Su Zhaohua's illness? Besides, her eldest sister was getting married, and she still wanted to continue her studies!


With so much happening these days, Su Rong couldn't enjoy herself as she used to.


Su He glanced at her, feeling somewhat comforted. This was progress! He didn't expect Su Rong to change overnight or endure hardships immediately. Anyway, he had the means and an endless supply of goods, so he wasn't afraid of running out.


"How's Dad doing? Did the doctor come today?" Su He asked.


Ye Chuanxiu nodded. "Doctor Qiu came earlier, took his temperature, and the fever has subsided a bit. He said as long as it continues like this, everything will be fine!"


Su He nodded. As long as his father recovered, everything else could be handled.


As for money, they could sell things time to time.


Even if they didn't have that option, with his abilities, he could easily gather things from the mountains and exchange them for money.


In this era, as long as one was willing, there were still ways to earn money.


It all depended on whether you dared to do it or not!


Su He nodded. "Alright then, Mom. You stay here with them. I'll go check out the pigeon market. I'll come back later to take Second Sister and Third Sister home."


It wasn't a big deal for the whole family to stay here together. It was fortunate they had a bed to switch around, but it wasn't good to have too many people.


Moreover, there might be someone coming in today who would need that bed space.


This was a tricky situation!


Although Su Rong was a bit unwilling—having had two good meals here—she felt reluctant to leave. But if it was to take care of Su Zhaohua, she was willing, even if she was clumsy and not as capable as her eldest sister.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!