Hello, My 1979! - Chapter 37

Published at 28th of June 2024 05:41:53 AM

Chapter 37

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Chapter 37: Liu Yingying

2 hours ago

The middle-aged man was momentarily stunned, then he looked at Su He and burst into laughter.


Su He had deliberately spoken like this. Coming into Pigeon Market, he naturally kept his eyes and ears open. When he was outside earlier, he had noticed the lookouts and even exchanged a few words with the bald man. But this middle-aged man didn't seem like he was here to buy things. Because the bald man had spoken to this middle-aged man before and even gestured towards Su He.


Su He had noticed all of these details.


Because he was a stranger, the middle age man was here to check things out. As for why he bought the cornmeal, Su He wasn't sure. Since the other party could manage this Pigeon Market, he definitely had some status publicly, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to hold onto this place. Moreover, if they could manage this market, they wouldn't lack staple foods and would they be short on cornmeal?


In fact, in later generations, coarser cornmeal was considered better. During refined processing, some of the nutrients of cornmeal are lost. So the people of later generations would choose coarser cornmeal.


But people nowadays are not like that and coarse cornmeal irritates the throat.


At this point, people do not use much oil in a month and are unwilling to put oil on their throats, so the cornmeal would be even more irritating.


The middle-aged man laughed, but Su He did not move. Looking at the middle-aged man, he did not back down.


Seeing this, the middle-aged man smiled and said, "My name is Lu Jianren. In the future, if you have more goods in your hands, you can find me. I am willing to pay a high price, as long as your quality is acceptable!"


He nodded eagerly and said, "Alright. I have a lot of fine grains here, as well as some malt milk powder. In addition, there is some meat. Are you interested in wild goods? There are various types of mushrooms, and of course, some wild boar meat!"


Lu Jianren was initially smiling. The items Su He mentioned were nothing special to him. Others might not eat their fill, but he could. Not only could he eat his fill, but he could also eat well.


Malt milk powder, however, was somewhat scarce. If he could collect some, he would certainly be able to sell it at a good price. It could also be given as a gift, as it was a high-end gift.


But when it came to meat, this was a scarce commodity! As for those mushrooms, they were not that rare. However, it wasn't easy to buy them on ordinary days.


Finally, upon hearing about wild boar meat, Lu Jianren's eyes lit up and he looked at Su He seriously, asking, "Is it really true?"


Su He smiled, "Tomorrow you will know. I will bring things tomorrow. Shall we trade here?"


Trading here was naturally possible, but it would attract too much attention.


Lu Jianren smiled, "Give me an address, I'll go there!" This was to prevent Su He from fearing that they would be bullying him and taking advantage of him!


Su He thought for a moment and said, "There's a grove near the Military Hospital. Let's trade there!"


Lu Jianren agreed without hesitation. After both sides made an agreement, Su He intended to leave.


However, at this moment, there came a commotion from outside Pigeon Market.


A girl's voice, somewhat familiar.


Su He looked over and saw a young girl arguing with the bald man over there. It seemed that the girl wanted to come to Pigeon Market, but the bald man was unwilling because she was a stranger.


Lu Jianren frowned.


Su He said, "Mr. Lu, I think I know that girl. Shall I take her away?" Having just reached an agreement, Lu Jianren wouldn't refuse such a small matter.


Seeing Lu Jianren nod, Su He came out and took the girl away. The bald man wanted to speak but was stopped by Lu Jianren.


After Su He led the girl away, a man walked up behind Lu Jianren and asked, "Brother, do you really believe he has so many goods?"


Lu Jianren smiled, "It's alright. I believe that in this small place of Bishui City, no one will try to fool me!"


The man behind him thought for a moment and didn't say anything else. Bishui City isn't large, just a small area in this big land, but Lu Jianren still has some connection and reputation.


As Su He led the girl away, at first, she thought he was some kind of hooligan and wanted to shout out. She even considered using some self-defense moves against harassment!


But upon seeing it was Su He, she frowned but didn't refuse.


After walking quite a distance, Su He suddenly realized he was still holding the girl's hand. He quickly let go, rubbed the back of his head, and said awkwardly, "Sorry, I was in a hurry and forgot."


Liu Yingying chuckled. Su He was quite a unique young man in her eyes; she found him somewhat cute. Yesterday she only thought Su He looked good, but today she found his personality quite adorable.




After a moment of silence, they both spoke at the same time.




They spoke at the same time, then exchanged smiles.


Liu Yingying said, "You go ahead and speak first!"


Su He nodded, "Right, why did you come to Pigeon Market?"


Liu Yingying replied, "I just arrived in Bishui City and didn't bring any grain or ration coupons. I wanted to buy some at Pigeon Market!"


Su He found it strange. Just arrived in Bishui City? Where was she before? At her age, she didn't seem to be working yet; perhaps still in school? Did she come with her parents? But if she came with her parents, it would be related to some organization, and she should have received food and ration coupons from the neighborhood committee.


These are commodity grains distributed monthly by the neighborhood committee with ration coupons. If the grain runs out, you have to buy with ration coupons or buy steamed buns and pastries on the street.


Because it was someone else's private matter, Su He couldn't interfere and said, "You're a girl, it's better not to go to the Pigeon Market. That place isn't safe!"


Liu Yingying was about to retort; didn't you go inside even though you are so small? Why did you drag me away?


Su He said, "If you want to buy grain, I'll bring some to you later."


After a pause, Su He added, "It's cheaper than at Pigeon Market."


Liu Yingying looked at Su He and asked, "Why are you being so nice to me?"


Su He smiled, "Didn't I bump into you yesterday? Consider it an apology!"


Liu Yingying couldn't help but laugh, "Yesterday you apologized by treating me to an egg pancake?"


Speaking of which, Liu Yingying couldn't help laughing for a while before she stopped and said, "But your egg pancake tasted really good. Better than the ones I had in the north. Who made it?"


Su He pointed at himself, "I made it!"


Liu Yingying obviously didn't believe him. Su He, at his age, was probably still in junior or early middle high school. At this age, he could cook?


Su He said, "We rural folks hunt and fish in the mountains and rivers, doing everything ourselves."


After saying this, Su He added, "Let's leave it at that for today. I have things to do. Next time, don't go to Pigeon Market. If you need grain, I'll bring it to you."


Saying this, Su He turned and left, quickly disappearing from Liu Yingying's sight.


Liu Yingying suddenly stomped her foot, "You promised me grain, but you didn't say where. I didn't even give you my address. How will you bring me the grain?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!