Hello, My 1979! - Chapter 5

Published at 28th of June 2024 05:36:27 AM

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Father’s Injury

June 21

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Su He carefully placed the small bowl on the edge of the stove, and watched the youngest sister.


Xiao Nanhua eagerly got up, fetched a small stool, stood on it, and began savoring the fish soup! With each scoop, she would blow on it before taking a sip, looking absolutely adorable.


Su He affectionately patted Xiao Nanhua’s head. She turned around, her eyes shining, and exclaimed, “Dodo, your fish soup is so delicious! It’s even better than what Mum makes!”


Meanwhile, at the table, Ye Chuanxiu served herself a bowl of rice with fish soup. Upon hearing Xiao Nanhua’s praise, she playfully scolded, “Well then, from now on, let Dodo be our cook!”


Xiao Nanhua nodded earnestly, her enthusiasm unwavering. “Yay! If Dodo cooks, I’ll happily eat it. His cooking is the best!”


Su He couldn’t help but feel both amused and resigned.


As he glanced over, he noticed Ye Chuanxiu scooping several generous chunks of fish into a bowl—nearly a third of what was in the pot. It was undoubtedly meant for Su Rong. With only so much meat from a two-catty fish, how much could have been left for others.


Su He found himself at a loss for words. Before he could respond, Ye Chuanxiu had already taken the bowl back inside. After all, Su Rong had recently undergone surgery and needed rest.


Undeterred, Su He ladled out the remaining fish soup. Although there wasn’t much meat left, the flavorful broth remained. He poured a bowl and headed toward his grandmother’s house.


The two houses shared a yard, connected by a gate, making it convenient to move between them. As Su He entered, he found his grandmother busy cooking. He placed the bowl of fish soup on the table and said, “Grandma, I brought you some fish soup. You and Grandpa should have some. By the way, where is Grandpa?”


His grandmother turned, her eyes crinkling into a smile. “He’s still at the team. He’ll be back soon!”


"Alright, I'll head back now."


Su He returned to his own kitchen, filling a large porcelain bowl with fish soup. Although there wasn’t much fish left, the bowl was brimming. Su He’s options were limited; being new to this world, he didn’t know where to find more food. He placed the bowl on the main room table and returned to the kitchen to bring out the rice.


Xiao Nanhua also wanted some rice. Drinking a bowl of soup with just a few pieces of fish wouldn’t be filling enough.


Rice is must for Asians after all.


Suddenly, a commotion erupted at the door.


"Teacher Chuanxiu, Teacher Chuanxiu!"


Su He stopped in his tracks, recognizing the urgency in the voice. What was happening? Just as he was about to check, his mother, Ye Chuanxiu, rushed out and asked, “What’s wrong?”


The courtyard gate swung open, revealing two men supporting another man. It was none other than Su He’s father, Su Zhaohua.


“Huzi, what happened?” Ye Chuanxiu asked anxiously.


This man, named Su Hu, was a colleague of Su Zhaohua at the forestry station and was also from Nanzhu Village.


Su Hu replied, “Brother Zhaohua stepped on a nail at the forestry station and lost a lot of blood!”


Su He quickly went over to help support his father, noticing that his father was quite heavy. With Su Hu’s help, they managed to get Su Zhaohua inside. Ye Chuanxiu hurriedly fetched some water, saying, “Huzi, thank you so much for bringing him here. It’s such a hot day; please have some water.”


With limited food at home, Ye Chuanxiu couldn’t offer more. Su Hu gratefully accepted the cup and drank the water in big gulps.


“Teacher Chuanxiu, this… What is that smell? It smells delicious!” Su Hu was about to return the cup when he caught a whiff of the fish soup and couldn’t help but ask.


Meat was scarce, and the aroma of the fish soup was indeed tempting. Feeling obliged, Ye Chuanxiu said, “We happened to make fish soup today, but there isn’t much meat. Would you like to stay and have some?”


“How could I impose?” Su Hu replied, though his body language suggested he was eager to stay, just like his colleague. In these times, every household lacked meat, and the fragrance of the fish soup was hard to resist.


Su He felt helpless; there wasn’t much meat to begin with, and he was craving it himself.


Still, the visitors had helped his father, so he couldn’t send them away hungry.


“Su Mei {the eldest daughter}, serve Uncle Huzi and his friend some rice. I’ll get some water to clean your father’s wound,” Ye Chuanxiu instructed.


Su He remained by his father’s side, frowning at the sight of the wound. Tetanus shots were unavailable, and the puncture wound from the nail was not looking good. Despite the bandaging, it wouldn't be effective, as Su Zhaohua had lost a significant amount of blood, and there was worry of the wound being infected.


Su Mei promptly brought rice to Su Hu and his colleague, who eagerly began eating. Su Rui {Third Sister} also emerged quickly, serving herself some rice and joining them.


In these times, acting swiftly was crucial; otherwise, there wouldn’t be much fish left.


Su He turned to his mother and said, “Mom, we should take Dad to the hospital. The wound is big, and in this hot weather, if it gets infected, it could become serious.”


Ye Chuanxiu frowned and replied, "But we don't have much money left. We sold the Water buffalo to pay off debts and for your second sister's surgery. The remaining money is for your sisters' and brother's tuition."


Su He understood that there wasn't enough for his, and his fifth brother's tuition either. His younger brother was still in elementary school, where his mother worked, so they could delay payment. But Su He, now in middle school, couldn't defer his tuition.


He knew his mother didn't plan to let him continue his education, intending for him to work and earn money to support his siblings. It pained him, but he understood.


The elder brother had already learned to read and write from school, and it wouldn't make matter much. The youngest was still in elementary school and needed to continue – must be what she was thinking.


Su He had failed his high school entrance exams, and it seemed like the perfect excuse for him to start working and supporting the family. Being at an age in between was the toughest.


He sighed, unsure what to do. Just then, Su Zhaohua, gritting his teeth, said, "I'm not going to the hospital!"


A hospital visit would be costly, and with debts still unpaid, it would be another significant expense. He insisted on staying home, hoping to recover in a few days.


Despite Su He's worries, there was nothing more he could do.


Su Yucheng, covered in mud, came running in. He had clearly been out playing. "What's that smell? It's so good! Mom, I want to eat!"


Annoyed and worried about her husband, Ye Chuanxiu snapped, "Get your own food! Why do you always need me to do everything?"


Normally, she would have helped, doting on her youngest son. But with the current situation, she was too stressed.


Indeed, in the Su family, the eldest son {compared to the fifth brother} like Su He often went unnoticed. Perhaps his early maturity had led to this, resulting in his current predicament.


As Su He brooded, he heard Su Yucheng start crying loudly. Confused, he turned around just in time to hear the sound of a porcelain bowl shattering on the floor, the crisp sound echoing sharply.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!