Published at 30th of May 2024 06:29:53 AM

Chapter 114

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“What do you mean by strange events?”


The Marquise, who had walked in behind the Empress, asked in a shrill tone. 


Looking at her, I smiled wryly. I’m in the middle of a proper scheme, and I’m not going to be bothered by petty tackling.




The Empress raised her hand to mediate the situation.


“First, let us sit down and talk.”


“Yes, Your Majesty.”


The Empress and I sat across from each other at a fine, gilded, folk-print table. The imperial physician and the marquise stood behind her back, ready to leave at any moment.


“Begin with the details of your findings, Imperial Physician.”


At the Empress’s glance and invitation, the Imperial Physician briefed her on the current situation.


“While Your Majesty was clearing the room, I checked with the Imperial Physicians within the Empress’s palace, and it appears that what was inside the cake was a simple potion ingredient.”


The Marquise squinted her eyes and said.


“Then why haven’t the imperial physicians been able to cure what that commoner managed to cure, which should be a cause for reprimand.”


“We imperial doctors have treated the illness with everything good for headaches, but…”


“You should be prepared to pay for your failure to cure a simple headache that can be cured with dessert.”


“So, that means…”


The imperial physician faltered at the word reprimand. In the sharpening atmosphere, I glanced over and interjected.


“Well… in that sense, I’d say it’s a bit strange. First, this cake is indeed medicinal, right? But…”


Chewing on my lip, feigning gravity, I continued.


“But it’s a bit odd that you’ve suddenly gotten better because usually, chronic pain that’s been building up for a long time doesn’t heal that easily.”


I decided to give the imperial physician a way out of the artifact’s brilliant deception.


“Besides, it doesn’t make sense that an imperial physician this smart wouldn’t be able to figure it out, so I have something to point to…”




I nudged the Marquise and the imperial courtier in their direction.


The imperial physician, already a prisoner of my artifact— or, more accurately, of Sam’s fraudulent one-stood up, his mouth agape.


“Looks like that commoner wants a moment alone with the Empress.”


“What’s the matter with you, why are you being so cooperative?”


“Don’t argue.”


The Empress’s smile grew wry. Perhaps the medicine was just wearing off.


She must be somewhat torn between hearing more from me, or accepting the medication as a remedy and leaving it at that.


To help her decide, I lowered my voice and spoke in an indiscreet tone.


“If it’s possible, I’d like to speak with Her Majesty in private, because there’s something I’d like to clarify.”


I know the Empress was benevolent, and I know she had a warm heart for most of my entourage, but in the face of pain, there’s no such thing as trade.




“…Yes, Your Majesty, but… why don’t you invite the Princess to join us?”


“I will do so.”


At the Empress’s affirmation, the Marquise hid her sour expression and left, closing the door behind her.


Perhaps the Marquise Melania was not as she seemed, and she was on the right side. 


Otherwise, she wouldn’t help the Empress keep me around.


If she hears my story, the big picture I’ve created would be complete. I clasped my hands together innocently, trying to hide my sinister intent.




A few minutes later.


I asked the maid to place a silver tray on the table with the herbal ingredients for the cake.


Then, with the Empress and the Princess side by side in front of me, I cast a very cautious glance.


“I don’t think I’m as smart and brilliant as you are, but…”


I trailed off, looking down at the herbal ingredients.


“I’ve been thinking that if their treatment was fundamentally wrong… because these herbs in the cake are a bit special.”


“What do you mean, special?”


“The herbs in here have something in common, a special ability to ward off curses.”

When confusion flashed in their eyes, I took another swing at them.


“There’s a reason why the cake is called Labyrinthos, which I understand is a curse spell used by evil practitioners of witchcraft.”


“What, you put a curse spell in the name of a cake?”


The Empress frowned.


“I didn’t name it with evil intentions!”


The Empress restrained herself, fixing her trembling gaze on me.


“Go on, continue to speak.”


After nodding slightly, I proceeded.


“The curse of the voodoo practitioners was something I thought was frightening, so I thought, why don’t I create a purifying cake to counter that…”


Like a timid pastry chef, I clasped my hands together and acted all sheepish. Fortunately, my good-natured exterior was working overtime.


“Her Majesty says that the cake cured her of a long-standing illness.”


I looked at the Empress, feigning sincerity, my eyes twinkling.


“Hmm… I was wondering if the cause of her illness might have been a curse…”


Suspicion flickered in the Empress’s eyes. I decided to fuel that doubt.


“I was wondering if you might want to check if anyone around here practices voodoo.”


“If it is voodoo, Your Majesty…”


The Princess pursed her lips, but the Empress kept her eyes downcast and pensive.


‘I think you’ve been persuaded, then?’


Besides, I have Sam’s deception artifact.


Activating the artifact in my pocket while they panicked, I thought to myself.


‘Duke of Cornwall, I’m sure you didn’t see this coming when you used your deception artifact.’


Seeing the Empress’s once clear gaze soften slightly, I affirmed in a slow, suggestive tone.


“Maybe this entire ordeal is a curse.”


My words seemed to carry even more weight thanks to the fraud artifact.


The Empress stared at me with wavering eyes and spoke, “Can you take responsibility?”


“Your Majesty would know if you tried some of my concoctions for a while.”


I remained still and smiled gently.


“Take the medicine, which is a mixture of serrate root and lilies, an elixir to break the curse, and if you feel better…”


Slowly, though, I paused.


“…If you have any suspicions, you might want to investigate, because if there’s anything, it’s worth a try.”


I was convinced by the Empress’s pale complexion. She nodded, staring at me calmly.


“I’ll pass it on to one of the ladies of the palace to check. I’ll also call in a mage expert in curse.”


With that, I nodded.


“In that case, I will brew the potion for you for the time being, along with the others at the palace.”


The Empress, who had been staring at me, simply acknowledged and dutifully nodded. Her face frowned slightly, as if the pain was creeping back in.


“Very well.”


With the Empress’s permission, I took a short, deep breath.


Finally, I had everything I needed to pin the blame. The Duke of Cornwall.


‘You may not realize it when you make the accusation, but you’ll know it when you see it, won’t you?’


How dreadful and painful it must be to be falsely accused of something you didn’t commit.




It had been a week since Astel entered the Empress’s Palace.


Word of her had spread throughout the palace. The Imperial Knights were no exception.


At that moment, Sir Ropa Shelind, the head of the Knights, threw open the doors of the Knights’ Quarters.


“Tomorrow is a vacation for all the knights!”


With fewer local skirmishes as of late, and the Demon War still months away, it was the Emperor’s way of letting them off the hook for a while.


The jaw-droppingly excited knights jumped up from their beds.


“Thank you, thank the gods!”

“Can we finally go on a date!”


Amid all the excitement, Cassian was calm, as if he hadn’t a care in the world.


He stretched out his legs in his chair and leaned deeper into the backrest, lost in thought.


‘Since it’s vacation time, I’ll have to do a more in-depth search.’


Lately, he’d been spending his nights searching the secret passageways of Cornwall Manor and his days working for the Knights in action, and he could have used a dozen bodies.


But the clueless Knight Templar stepped in front of him, grabbed him by the shoulders, and shook him.


“Lord Cassian, do you know the café?”


Cassian, frowning slightly, lifted his chin and asked, “What café?”


“That, the healer-themed dessert café that’s all the rage in the capital these days.”


He was referring to Astel. Cassian was as curious as anyone about the topic of conversation in the capital, but he raised an eyebrow in a natural, nonchalant manner.


“Yes, I’ve been there before with the Empress, but for what?”


At that moment, a group of boisterous knights clattered into Cassian’s vicinity.


Cassian, instinctively sensing their presence, was about to speak when they pouted.


“They say it’s a wonderful place, cures all diseases!”


“Lady Hazel wants to take us there on a date!”


“Can’t you take us there, Lord Cassian?”


Cassian frowned at the men poking him in the side.


‘I don’t want to go with these muscle fools… but I do need to see Astel.’


There was something important to tell her about the Empress and House Cornwall.


A knightly visit would be an excellent opportunity to meet with Astel without sacrificing the poor messenger bird and avoid raising too much suspicion.


Cassian nodded with an impish grin that suggested he couldn’t help it.


“That café, it wouldn’t hurt to try it again.”


“You won’t get kicked out for being a knight in distress, will you?”


“…Well, not really.”


“Then let’s go!”


As soon as Cassian finished speaking, the knights erupted in a mixture of boos and cheers.


But during all the excitement, one voice stood out.


“At last, we shall meet the lady.”


“They say she is a very beautiful young lady.”


“Ah, I had my eye on her.”


Cassian glared at the knight, an ugly, short man who was no match for him.


“Who… who are you eyeing?”


As a knight, it was essential to have a good reason before challenging an opponent to a duel.


“The woman, Astel, the healer, rumored to have saved the Empress!”


Cassian laughed bitterly, still clutching the hilt of his sword at his waist.


‘I suppose we’d better get this over with without further ado.’

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