Published at 10th of May 2024 12:47:19 PM

Chapter 2566: Chapter 2566: Twins

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Chapter 2566: Twins


Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Fan Dinghao was obviously a little surprised. Lu Ke has always cherished his fingers. Hed avoid playing unnecessarily as much as he could, but hes playing the piano for a long time today. Could it be that his fingers have almost recovered?

Ling Rong shook her head and said, How could it be so easy to recover? If he really recovered, he wouldnt have been unable to even win an international competition in the past seven or eight years.

After saying that, she realized that there was nothing wrong with Fan Dinghaos fingers. But he had not won an international competition either. Her words could be considered as a slap to his face as well.

Fortunately, Fan Dinghaos attention was not on this. He only said, If he continues to use his fingers like this, Im afraid itll be dangerous for him.

If he doesnt cherish his fingers, he cant blame anyone else. Hes the one asking for it, Ling Rong said indifferently.

Fan Dinghao also thought so, so he didnt say much. The two of them entered the piano room to practice.

Tao Huan prepared a stack of information for Qiao Weiyang and handed it to her.

Qiao Weiyang flipped through the document and said, Theres no problem with it. Youve worked hard.

Its not hard at all. Its my duty, Tao Huan said with a smile. This time, youre going to appear on a music program. I dont know how many fans will be overjoyed when the time comes.

Qiao Weiyang sent the document to Lin Shuhui.

After Lin Shuhui forwarded it to Xu Wangzhi, she said to Qiao Weiyang, With my memory, I forgot that you two shouldve exchanged numbers long ago? I only remember after going back and forth so many times. Ill forward his number to you now.

Okay. Qiao Weiyang quickly received Xu Wangzhis number from Lin Shuhui.

She left a remark that said Lil Yang Yang.

After Xu Wangzhi received the document from Lin Shuhui, he forwarded it to his manager and handed the cell phone to him. I have to practice again. Help me keep my cell phone. By the way, Ive transferred Lil Yang Yangs information to you. Sort it out and hand it to the production team. At the same time, help prepare clothes for her.

Okay. The manager printed out a few copies of the information he received.

When he was printing, the agents of the other artistes in the music industry were also printing information.

One of them asked the other, Whos the guest you invited this time?

The other voice was obviously raised. Weve invited Fang Fang, the winner of the Chopin Award!

Wow. There were exclamations and envious voices from the side. Its Fang Fang! Although the popularity of the Chopin Award isnt particularly high, shes classy and has a good reputation.

Yes, shes really amazing.

The manager who answered just now asked the one who asked the question,

What about you guys? Who did you invite?

Its no one special. Its just the guy from Socialist Brotherhood thats been trending recently. The tall one.

Oh my god! The managers gathered around him. Im his fan! Is your information accurate? Can I ask for an autograph?

And I heard that hes an extremely good person. Hed prepare gifts and have them delivered to the crew even before making an appearance.

Everyone was chatting happily. Looking at the printed information of the managers who spoke just now, the guests were indeed all very popular or publicly acknowledged.

Xu Wangzhis manager did not dare to participate in the conversation. He silently printed the information.

Everyone was talking about what the guest actors would wear and do when they arrived.

Suddenly, someone noticed his silence and asked, Brother Tang, who did you invite?

Brother Tang was Xu Wangzhis manager. When he heard someone suddenly ask him, he smiled bitterly, picked up the information, and said, We invited He looked down at the name on it and said, Qiao Weiyang.

Everyone suddenly couldnt help but laugh. Qiao Weiyang? Brother Tang, are you dreaming? Its broad daylight, right? Qiao Weiyang is the outstanding starlet of recent years and a top female celebrity! Who helped you invite her? No one believed what he said.

If Xu Wangzhi had the ability to invite Qiao Weiyang, he wouldnt have been stuck filming low-cost online dramas.

Moreover, everyone knew that he would definitely be eliminated in this episode. How could he have invited Qiao Weiyang?

Brother Tang grabbed the printed information and took a closer look. He was not wrong. The name read Qiao Weiyang!

He flipped through it haphazardly and came to the page where the photos were. Although the photos were not clear, one could tell at a glance that it was indeed Qiao Weiyang!

The mocking voices around him could not enter his ears at all. He grabbed the documents, turned around, and ran out.

The others were still laughing at him. Look at him! Brother Tang is too embarrassed to stay. Everyone, be a little friendlier. After all, well meet often.

I really dont want to laugh either, but I really cant help it. Ahahahaha, how could he say that he invited Qiao Weiyang?

Whether its through Xu Wangzhis company or his personal connections, its impossible for him to invite Qiao Weiyang. Brother Tang joked with us first, and thats why we started laughing. You cant blame us.

Laughter kept coming from the printing room. The managers and assistants laughed together.

Brother Tang found the director, who was making the various arrangements for the guests.

Director, I have something important to talk to you about.

Go ahead. Im listening. When Fang Fang comes tomorrow, you must give her the best piano. You cant neglect her. Over there, remember to prepare the best lights for the male lead. Hes tall and will be wearing his own clothes. The fans request for us is to make him look handsome.

The directors mind was not on Brother Tang at all, and his voice was a little lazy.

After commanding for a long time, he stopped to drink water. Only then did he realize that Brother Tang had not left. He asked, Are you done?

Brother Tang had already calmed down from his emotions and said, Yeah.

Thats good. You can do whatever you want. Dont pay too much attention to it, the director said. Dont worry, well definitely arrange the best lights and dance performances for everyone. If the guest doesnt come to the rehearsal, it doesnt matter. Just let Wangzhi do it alone.

The director was very busy, and he had already let Xu Wangzhi go. He did not care about what guest he had invited to perform.

Now, the director only wanted to make arrangements for these big-name guests who had already been invited.. He wanted the viewership ratings of the show to break through and reach a new high!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!