His Breeding Obsession - Chapter 78

Published at 6th of June 2024 09:27:23 AM

Chapter 78

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Mirania, regaining her composure, averted her gaze.


“… On second thought, I guess that’s not so weird.”


“It’s not weird?”


Leverianz asked, blinking his thin lashes. Mirania nodded.


“Indeed. You see me as a guardian, and it’s no wonder you thought of me at the moment of your bride. You think you need to ask my permission to marry your bride.”


Mirania smeared saliva on her lips as she watched Leverianz frown, “Is that so?”


“I know you bats don’t ask for permission to marry, but you were raised by me, so of course you thought of me, given the different customs.”


Leverianz nodded in understanding after the explanation.


“Ah, so that’s why I thought of Mirania as a mother figure…”


Upon hearing this acceptance, Mirania sighed inwardly and lowered her eyes.


To think of herself in the context of not being able to sleep was a strange thing to hear.


She was glad she’d stopped him before he could jump to any strange conclusions.


‘Why is it so quiet?’


I looked up from my ominous thoughts to see Leverianz smiling broadly.


“… Did you think I’d believe you?”


Suddenly unnerved, Mirania jumped to her feet.


Leverianz followed her to the bed and sat down, grumbling.


“Geez, Mirania, do you still think I’m a little bat, smaller than you?”




“To believe such a ridiculous thing.”


He smiled at her, grinning from ear to ear, the way he would at anything cute.


It was similar to the way Chera looked at her adorable family, and it made Mirania cringe.


‘What’s wrong with him?’


Seeing that Leverianz seemed a little excited, Mirania prepared to summon her wand, just in case.


“It’s just that it’s a shame I can’t sleep with other women, but I can’t help but think of my guardian at the moment, and I’m not a pervert.”


“So, what is it you want to say?”


Mirania asked, leaning back, and Leverianz thrust his upper body toward her. His red lips curled into an even fuller smile.


“I want to sleep with you.”




“If I could only sleep with one person in my life, it would be you.”




“So that’s why I can’t do it, right? The only way is for Mirania to be my bride. Please be my bride, Mirania.”


As soon as Mirania heard those words, she summoned her birch staff and swung it without delay.




Leverianz grimaced as the hard staff caught his wrist, “Ouch, that hurt.”


“Why did you block it? It doesn’t matter if it hurts, a blow to the head would have brought you back to your senses. Eek.”


Milania clicked her tongue in pity.


Leverianz shook his head in disbelief, “I’m sane.”


“You don’t look sane to me,” said Mirania.


“I realized that when I returned to the bats this time.”


Leverianz lowered his eyes pleadingly.


“I don’t want to be away from you.”


“You may come back and forth as you, please. You have wings, after all, so there are no restrictions on your movements.”


“There’s no one like Mirania when it comes to talking nonsense.”


At Leverianz’s smirk, Mirania drew a question mark over her blank face.


She was about to say, ‘You’re the one who’s saying things that don’t make sense, not me.’


Leverianz kept his smile on his face and spoke firmly, “Be my bride.”


Mirania realized that Leverianz’s stubbornness had set in.


He wasn’t quite as stubborn as Grecan, but even so, he had the annoying habit of not changing his mind once he set it.


Leverianz chuckled.


“I won’t move until you do.”


Mirania pressed a hand to her throbbing temple.


“I have never been married, but do you know of anyone who has been forced to marry their spouse in this manner?”


“There are humans who kidnap brides they want to marry, for crying out loud. Isn’t that better than pillaging?”


Leverianz shrugged, his face twinkling as if it were no big deal.


Mirania glanced at her staff in Leverianz’s hand.


She’d only just swung it to hit him.


‘If you’re determined and use magic, there’s no stopping you.’ thought Leverianz.


“If you’re going to try to use your strength, Mirania, it won’t be easy.”


Mirania’s fingers twitched in the grip of her staff at Leverianz’s words.


He leaned in closer to her. Mirania crumpled into an imposing figure and leaned back.


An enormous, intimidating energy surged around Mirania.


Leverianz spat out his scented breath and whispered to her, “I’m not just a regular beast man anymore. I’m the head of the entire bat clan.”




“Mirania will have to deal with the entire bat people, not just me,”


Leverianz spoke casually, but it was clearly a threat.


Mirania’s eyebrows furrowed.  ‘You’ve certainly gotten clever.’


This was going to be a headache.


She could shake off a hundred batsmen if she wanted to, but this wasn’t a land of trees and grass, this was the second continent, a complex tangle of buildings.


I’m also bothered by the Leverianz’s tedious attack style.


In her past life, Leverianz had been a cunning and sinister fellow, attacking her from the front and the Witch Castle from the back to accomplish his goals.


‘My body is in such a state, that a physical combat would be problematic.’


Mirania’s mind tilted toward the idea of tricking Leverianz.


It was funny to respond so seriously to a joke, but Mirania was serious.


“I cannot accept you as my husband.”


“Why?” He asked sharply.


“Have I not bred you… or rather, raised you?” (Mirania)


“Yes, but what does that matter?”


Mirania sighed and locked eyes with Leverianz.


“Even beasts don’t cling to their mothers.”


“Funny thing to say, we don’t share blood, do we?”


“I did feed you my blood.”


“Are you trying to make me laugh?”


Mirania coughed and spoke sternly as Leverianz’s red eyes squinted.


“I’ve seen you grow up, I’ve seen you sleep, I’ve seen you defecate in public because you couldn’t find a bathroom, and how am I supposed to accept you as a spouse? I’m not the lustful creature you say I am.”


Mirania smirked at his momentary embarrassment at the mention of the bathrooms.


‘We’ve seen each other almost every minute of every day for fifteen years. What do you expect?’


That should be enough to convince him. Well, there’s hope and then there’s not, and this time the joke’s too much.


“Haha, to anyone listening, you’d think Mirania raised me like a mother.”


A laughing voice interrupted Mirania’s thoughts.


“When in fact, all you did was throw me in solitary confinement and give me the occasional loving touch.”


Mirania was stunned by Leverianz’s snide remark.


‘How could you say that!’


She was stunned, feeling betrayed.


She had never been able to raise a single witch, and the only people she had raised were her enemies, Grecan and Leverianz.


“That’s a bit hurtful.”


Mirania ruffled her hair and squinted.


Was this how parents felt when they heard the words, ‘What have you ever done for me?’


For the first time in her life, Mirania could understand the devastated look on Chera’s face when the witch she’d cared for since childhood left for the second continent, never to look back.


“What have I ever done to you?”


Mirania mumbled, and Leverianz hugged her with a sheepish look on his face and nuzzled into her ear.


“The truth is, Mirania, you never considered me your child, not once.”




“You wanted something from me, didn’t you? I used to wonder what it was, but now I don’t. I don’t care anymore.”




“I’ll do whatever Mirania wants, so you’ll be my bride.”




“Don’t treat me like a child only when things are unfavorable.”


To be honest, Mirania had never considered Grecan and Leverianz her children.


It was impossible to feel that kind of affection for them, even if they weren’t her children, and sometimes she wondered several times a day, ‘If I kill them now, will they kill me?’


For better or worse, it wasn’t until after five years of living together that I began to think of them as a family.


Basically, Mirania wasn’t the kind of person to share affection generously outside of her clan.


‘But a child would be better than a husband and wife.’


With a click of her tongue, Mirania pulled away from Leverianz’s embrace.


“You’d best make it sound possible, so I can take it as a legitimate proposal.”


Leverianz, who had been shoved away, smiled and said casually.


“You don’t think my proposal is possible? You don’t think we can be husband and wife?”


“Speaking of which.”


“Let’s find out, shall we? It’s actually an easy matter to find out if we can be a couple.” (Leverianz)


Leverianz’s eyes turned a darker color, becoming lustful.


‘When the hell did you start looking at me like that?’


With eyes like she’d just eaten an aromatic persimmon, Mirania scanned Leverianz.


“I suppose that’s not what you want to hear.”


Leverianz’s smile deepened. Mirania’s words went in one ear and out the other.


“Kiss me, let’s kiss.”


At this moment, Mirania had to admit that Leverianz’s mishaps over the past decade had been minor.


The challenge before them, so close to death, was staggering.


“What do you think you’re going to find out by kissing me?”


Leverianz said as if it were simple.


“If it makes your heart flutter, or at least if it feels good, probably.”




A pale, beautiful face leaned closer. A long, graceful finger intercepted the face as it stepped forward.






Leverianz’s fine brows twitched at Mirania’s fingers.


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