His Breeding Obsession - Chapter 79

Published at 6th of June 2024 09:27:23 AM

Chapter 79

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Mirania stared at Leverianz’s face, which the witches had said was made of flowers and honey and gold and everything good.


Then she whispered, her voice more serious and softer than before.


“Leverianz, I have something to tell you.” (Mirania)


“Can we save the unimportant talk for later?” 


Leverianz laughed softly and said no.


“Right now, I need to talk about the future of the two of us…”


Mirania said calmly, her expression somber.


“I will die soon.”


The red eyes hardened to stone.




A deep furrow formed along his narrow brow.


His gaze slowly lifted from Mirania’s lips.


Locking eyes with her, Leverianz studied Mirania’s reaction as if to see if she was lying.


“You’re lying, aren’t you?”


Mirania’s face was calm and unfazed.


Leverianz’s face contorted like paper quickly soaking in water.




“Stop him!”


At that moment, there was a commotion beyond the door. Mirania turned her head away from Leverianz and turned to look at the door.




The door shattered open, and a black wolf with a wide-open, gaping mouth entered the room.


Behind the wolf, the pack of bats rolled in a mass.




Leverianz muttered in a daze.


The wolf, huge enough to swallow a man whole, wasted no time in entering and swung its forepaws at Leverianz’s head.


Leverianz spread his wings to block it, but the thick, muscular forepaw slammed into his head with his wings.




A clash of fleshy heads and arms made a distinctly metallic sound.


Mirania blinked as she watched Leverianz’s eyes slide shut.


Dazed, Leverianz fell backwards onto the bed.


His golden hair gently parted in front of her.


“Is he dead?”


“He won’t wake up for a day.” (Grecan)


With a snarl, the wolf snapped at Leverianz’s ankle, dragging him off his feet and throwing him out the window.


“Huh, Lord!”


The bat people shouted in reverence as they spotted Leverianz on the ground.


Out of habit, Mirania clicked her tongue, halting at the wolf’s stare, and slowly shut her mouth.


The same gaze that had stared at her from afar as she climbed into the carriage.


The black, glass-like pupils were moist and slippery, as if wet with water.


Mirania clicked her tongue inside her mouth.


“I thought I said enough for you to understand.”


The wolf’s nostrils wrinkled at her harsh muttering.


Soon, the fluffy fur disappeared like it was being sucked in, and Grecan appeared where the black wolf had been.


“The explanation, it, wasn’t good enough.”


Grecan muttered in a low voice.


“You did not need to come here. I have told you through the Minister, have you not met him?”


Grecan made no reply.


“You have, as I was told. He showed me one of his mansions. Perhaps I should let you stay there for a while.” (Mirania)




“When the time comes, you can return to the Great Land, to the realm of the wolves.” (Mirania) 


“I will not leave Mirania’s side, no matter what.”


Grecan said darkly, and Mirania smirked.


“And who gave you the right to do that?”  (Mirania)




“At least it didn’t seem to be me.”  (Mirania)




Wounded, Grecan’s eyes faltered. With a melancholy gaze, he could only stare at Mirania.


After studying his face for a moment, Mirania sank back against the pillow.


Without a word, Grecan’s gaze shifted to follow her.


She tried to ignore it, but she could feel his gaze on her.


‘Why do you trouble me, with your idiocy.’  (Mirania)


Finally, with a sigh, Mirania gestured toward Grecan.


Moving silently, Grecan gently rested his forehead on Mirania’s shoulder.


Mirania slipped her hand into Grecan’s fluffy hair and stroked it gently.


“Go back to where you belong.”  (Mirania)


Ignoring Grecan’s ragged breathing, she continued.


“Soon Balkan will die.”  (Mirania)


Hmph, Grecan’s shoulders stiffened. Mirania’s eyes grew distant, as if she were looking into the future.


Unlike Leverianz, who had contact with the bats, Grecan hadn’t interacted with the wolves in fifteen years.


But living on the same continent, it’s hard to stay ignorant.


In the middle of the night, he would look up at the sky at the distant howls of the wolf clan.


Mirania stroked his head with a more affectionate touch.


“It won’t be long before you return to your place.”  (Mirania)


Grecan’s ragged breathing calmed. Mirania listened to the gentle breathing.


Soon, a husky, low voice spoke.


“I don’t know how Mirania knows that the leader of the wolf clan is about to die.”


She could feel the vibration of his voice, heavy as wet earth, and she focused on his words.


“It’s Mirania, so it must be true, even if she’s dying soon. Right?”


The thought of Balkan dying didn’t even seem to register in his mind.


Mirania frowned slightly, not expecting Grecan to be this unresponsive.


Her eyes locked with his, waiting for an answer, and she nodded uncontrollably.


“It is true.”  (Mirania)


Grecan’s face twisted, as if he had expected a different answer.


“I will save him.”


“I will save him,” Grecan said, sounding like a child in charge of a herd.


“I won’t let him die. I will save him, no matter what it takes.”


Mirania couldn’t help but laugh bitterly.


It was hard to believe that the one who had started this whole mess was saying that.


Grecan’s face contorted subtly at her less-than-favorable response. Mirania spoke stiffly.


“What do you think you can do to solve my dying problem?”  (Mirania)


“I, somehow…”


Confusion flashed across Grecan’s stuttering face. Mirania sighed.


He doesn’t even know the magic.


Maybe Leverianz or Malandor would know.


He would not know that magic disperses from a lifeless body, and that it returns to nothingness.


‘Ignorance is bliss, so I won’t be angry or blame you.’


But Mirania was too tired to match Grecan’s words.


She had lived long enough, too long, in fact.


“I don’t want to live any longer, so let’s not talk about it. I can’t even be bothered to talk about it. You’d better go back to your place.”  (Mirania)


At the weakness in Mirania’s voice, Grecan stared at her with an unreadable gaze.


“You forgot, Mirania.”


“…What do you mean I have forgotten?”  (Mirania)


“I have nowhere to go.”


Mirania raised an eyebrow, and Grecan bravely returned her piercing gaze.


“What?” (Mirania)


“Do you want to kill me?”


Mirania’s mouth dropped open at the question. Grecan brought her hand to his cheek.


With her hand on his heated cheek, Mirania looked up at him with a calm gaze.


His eyes filled with bitterness, and Grecan spoke softly.


“That’s what it means when Mirania abandons me.”


Suddenly, Mirania remembered how she had fended off Balkan’s attempts to take him away by force and had taken on the role of his guardian.


At that time, Grecan had said. [I want to be with you.]


His voice, soaked with loneliness, shook strangely, like a leaf swaying alone. As if he were happy.


Not that she ever thought of that moment lightly.


“Mirania took me when I was an innocent child. And now you’re throwing me away. Why? Because you don’t need me anymore?”


Mirania’s eyes clung to his, her mouth heavy as if it were made of iron.


“Yes. I don’t need you, and you don’t need to stay with me anymore. There’s no need to say I’m abandoning you, just that it’s time for you to be independent. You might as well find something you want to do now… than stay with me for the little time we have left!”


Suddenly, Grecan burst into Mirania’s arms.


Stunned, Mirania held her hands up in the air. Resting his head on her shoulder, Grecan shook as if he were holding back anger.


“I turned my back on the leader of the wolves and chose you.”




The moment flashed through my mind again. Balkan’s turning away, and Grecan rushing into my embrace.


Grecan was a cub and much smaller and more fragile than he was today.


He hadn’t wanted to pull away from her since then.


“I said it. I told you, your side is where I belong. Mirania told you.”




“And now, after letting me only look at you, you’re going to abandon me?”




“Be responsible.”


Mirania rested her chin on Grecan’s shoulder as he hugged her tighter. A sob escapes his lips.


She’d never seen Grecan so fragile, so vulnerable.


Truth be told, it didn’t faze her.


Whether he suffered or not was none of her business, she could laugh at him for his weakness.


But the way his shoulders shook, Mirania was not in the least bit inclined to laugh.


‘Unless you’re the same old troublemaker.’


Mirania let out a long sigh. She’d known Grecan far too long to bring out the old hatred now.


It was ridiculous to think of less than twenty years as a long time, but it felt that way.


Twenty years with Grecan was longer than a hundred years of uneventful peace.


[You care for him, don’t you?]


Malandor’s voice echoed in my head. He always had a way with words. Mirania’s frown deepened.


‘I was trying to somehow manipulate him.’


So it wasn’t just Grecan who was affected by their time together.


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