His Breeding Obsession - Chapter 80

Published at 6th of June 2024 09:27:23 AM

Chapter 80

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Mirania heaved a deep sigh as she remembered the sensation of his hair between her fingers, the heat of his body against hers on a cold night, and the occasional flick of his tail against her leg.






“I do care about you.”


Grecan lifted his head and looked at her with trembling eyes.


Mirania stroked his hair gently, meeting his glazed eyes as if he were afraid of being abandoned.


He bit his lip, looking like he was about to cry, and burrowed deeper into her arms.


The size difference between them made Mirania feel like she was being held by him.


Mirania was torn, clinging to him as if he were the only one there. On the one hand.


‘I feel sorry for him.’


She was surprised by her feelings.


She didn’t feel the same way when she saw the young Grecan thrown around by the Balkan without being treated as one of his own.


The fragile cub must be protected. That was the only thought I had, but now I felt sorry for Grecan, who was neither small nor fragile.


‘I suppose my time has come.’


Perhaps it would be wise to be a little more generous at the end.


Mirania leaned back against the cushions. She kept still, closed her eyes, and stroked Grecan.


The air in the room was warm and peaceful, just as it had been in the witch’s castle.


But the peace was short-lived.


We had forgotten the other’s existence, our minds dazed with their thoughts.


The candle burning in my body was about to be shortened by half.


A chillingly cold voice drifted in from outside the window.


“A wolf cub who should have been leashed by its master, but now has nothing to hide.”


The voice was eerie, like the return of the dead.


The atmosphere instantly froze. A white hand gripped the window sill with a snap, and then he lifted himself lightly and climbed in through the window.


It was Leverianz, who had been knocked out of the window by Grecan’s blow.


His eyes burned like a demon’s.


Grecan turned around, still holding Mirania in his arms.




His scowl at the interruption only enraged Leverianz more.


“You are partly to blame for why I rushed back as fast as I could, Grecan!”


Leverianz stretched his hand out in front of him. His telekinesis unleashed.


Using the intangible force to knock Grecan off his feet, Leverianz grabbed the lone Mirania and slipped out of the room.


‘No, why drag me into this when they can fight amongst themselves.’


The cool night breeze slid across Mirania’s cheeks as she was unexpectedly caught.




Grecan growled in a cracked voice and wasted no time chasing after them.


Up to this point, things hadn’t been much different than they had been in the witch castle, but when Leverianz gestured to the waiting batsmen, things changed dramatically.


“Where do you think you’re going!”


“Do you think a wolf would dare to touch the Lord’s feet?”


Grecan looked up, bewildered at the bats surrounding him.


Mirania was drifting away.


There was no time to lose, but the bats were persistent.




The transformed wolf, Grecan, tore into the bats that stood in his way and threw them back, but his progress was slowed by the arrival of more bats.


Whereas as individuals they would have been fighting only against each other, now Leverianz was the leader of a clan.


Grecan howled as he watched Mirania fade from his sight.


“This one, that one, and… all get in the way.”


His dark, sunken eyes glared coldly at the bats that surrounded him.


Meanwhile, Mirania clicked her tongue as she heard a wolf howl in the distance.


Why was this any different from when they were in the witch’s castle?


“We’re headed to the bats’ territory.”


Leverianz chuckled.


“We can have a ceremony right away, once we’re sworn in as mates…”


“You’ve gotten even more selfish since you’ve become chief.”


Leverianz frowned at the pathetic tone in her voice.


“It’s the only way to keep Grecan away from you.”


“Stop this and go back. Or shall I go back on my own, do you think I can’t?”




Leverianz’s face contorted.


“My work here is not done, and we will speak again when everything is settled.”


“I don’t understand, and I don’t mean to mimic Malandor, but I don’t understand either. At first, I thought there was a circumstance I didn’t know about, something to do with the witches, something that only the witches’ clan knew about. But it’s not. Mirania, what are you thinking? What is it that Mirania must do?”


“What I must do before I die.”


What she must do. To save Alice and lay in peace.


At the somewhat tense words, Leverianz paused and tilted his head to stare at Mirania.


Those cold eyes recalled Mirania’s words just before Grecan entered the room.


[I will die soon].


“If you wish to shorten my life, which is not long enough, be my guest.”


Leverianz, flying at high speed, came to a halt.


“I can’t help it, when you put it like that, it’s just so mean.”




“What is it that you need to do?”




“When you’re done, Mirania, will you be able to live?”


I asked in a shaky voice, but Mirania didn’t say anything.




“I don’t want to, Mirania.”


Despite his laugh, Leverianz’s stiff posture made it clear that he was very displeased with the current situation.


“Doesn’t it intrigue you?”


“What intrigues me, do you think I’m stupid, that a big wolf wouldn’t know?”


Grecan’s eyes grew fierce at the pointed finger.


He didn’t say anything to Mirania, but his lips were pressed tightly together as if he wasn’t happy either.


“I never thought of you as a fool.”


“If not, why would you ask me to be in a room with a woman I don’t even know?”


Leverianz glanced suspiciously at Alice, sitting quietly on the cream-colored couch.


Meeting Mirania’s gaze, Alice calmly opened her lips.


“Do you have a set time? I need to get this over with and go to Evan.”


Mirania glanced at Grecan, who was sitting sullenly, then at Leverianz, who was whimpering across from him, then at Alice, who was still calm in the center.


All of them.


‘I feel like I’m getting a migraine.’


Holding her forehead with one hand, Mirania replied.


“I think it will be long enough for a cup of tea.”


“Well, then what…”


Leverianz’s eyes widened in disbelief as Mirania flicked her finger.


His gaze focused on the set of teacups Mirania had summoned. More than ten times larger than the usual teacups.


Grecan looked away as if he hadn’t seen it, and after a silence, Alice spoke again.


“Do you mind if I use the restroom?”


Leverianz jumped, appalled. His wings flapped noisily.


“This is not how you answer a proposal!”


“What’s the matter?”


Mirania calmly shrugged her shoulders, and Leverianz twisted his red lips in a smirk.


“I asked you to be my bride, and what is wrong with you that you would bring another woman into my sight?”




“To hurt me like this…”




“Are you doing this on purpose?”


Leverianz muttered, biting his lip slightly.


A shrewd fellow, she knew dozens, perhaps hundreds, of ways to cruelly reject someone.


She knew enough to know that these ways were more cruel than direct words of rejection.


But to Mirania, who had her reasons for doing otherwise, his sudden outburst seemed strange.


“Don’t misunderstand me, I don’t mean it in that way, though I would be most welcome if you would refrain from making any more awkward proposals.”


Reading the sincerity in Mirania’s words, Leverianz asked suspiciously.


“Then what do you have up your sleeve?”


“There is no such thing. I’m just trying to pass the time. It’s not a difficult request, so why do you hate it so much?”


Leverianz bit his lip, not wanting to speak.


Far away from them, at the table, Malandor snickered as if watching a farce.


A vein rose in Leverianz’s forehead.


“Mirania, it’s not as if your behavior is…”




Mirania quizzically raised an eyebrow, and Leverianz spat out bluntly.


“It’s like you’re asking to go on a date or something.”




“That’s ridiculous, three of a kind. I really like you, but I didn’t think you had gone mad.”


It was like asking, ‘Are you crazy?’ in reverse.


Mirania shrugged it off.


“Then would it be okay if I paired you two up, Grecan and Alice, or Alice and you?”


The response to the new proposal was a resounding rejection.




“I don’t like it.”


“I don’t like it either.”


Consistently disapproving.


Clenching her jaw, Mirania suddenly found the situation odd.


They used to care about each other, and now they’re pushing each other away.


“Maybe the three of you should have tea together?”


The situation was unpleasant, but in a ‘what the hell’ kind of way, so Mirania didn’t hesitate to get up.


She made a gesture and the servant came closer.


“I will serve you.”


He smiled and placed the teapot on the table. Despite his smile, his wrists trembled.


The pre-boiled water was oversized to match the set of teacups.


Leaving the three of them looking bored, Mirania slipped out of the room.


Malandor, who seemed to find the scene amusing, followed after her.


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!