His Breeding Obsession - Chapter 82

Published at 6th of June 2024 09:27:23 AM

Chapter 82

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Strong as she might be compared to humans, in the face of the world’s immense nature, she remains, but a butterfly caught in a web.


Malandor nodded weakly and snapped his fingers in a playful voice.


“Very well, I won’t beg you to accept my love in that sense, but how about accepting my other heart? It’s easy. All you have to do is take a pill that I’ve painstakingly prepared.”


Before I knew it, a small glass vial was dangling between his fingers. It was filled with a translucent red liquid.


A red flower.


Mirania felt sick to her stomach as the smell of a cadaver wafted in.


“Put that away.”


“I can prolong your life a little longer.”


“I don’t want to be extended. It will do me no good.”


A cursed flower born among the dead that sucks the life out of its caster and extends the life of its target.


Malandor laughed subtly when Mirania refused with a look of disgust.


“You’ve taken it a few times already.”




“You’re a little more energized, that’s all that matters. Think about it, Mirania, you’ve already taken it. What difference does a few more doses make?”


Therefore, he shook the bottle for her to drink.


The thick red liquid looked tempting, but not to her.


Sure, her healing powers had been strangely enhanced after spending a week in Malandor’s home.


But in the first place, Mirania had no desire to extend her life through a disgusting red flower.


So Malandor’s offer was not at all tempting.


At the clear rejection on her face, Malandor whispered in a subtly dampened voice.


“You’re so stubborn, looking at you, it’s as if you can’t wait to die.”


Mirania sighed heavily with weariness and said, “Try living the same time ten times over, and I wonder if you’ll be any different from me.”


“What do you mean?” asked Malandor.


She shook her head in frustration. There was no way she was staying here and continuing to die.


‘Maybe I should take a nap.’


A moment of consideration.




The scream that echoed through the room made Mirania pull away from the door.




For a moment, her mind raced with questions.


If it was meant to be, what kind of scream was that, let alone laughter, in a place that was supposed to encourage people to fall in love?




Mirania yanked the door open. The sight was gruesome.


“You mysterious woman, what have you done to me?”


Leverianz glared at Alice through gritted teeth.


His demeanor was filled with anger, as evidenced by the screams he’d just heard. He also looked puzzled.


Across from Leverianz, Alice sat slumped on the couch.


There was something about her demure demeanor that drew Mirania’s attention.


Mirania’s eyebrows arched when she saw the small hand mirror Alice was clutching tightly.


Grecan looked as if he wanted nothing to do with it, but he stood at a distance from Alice, as if he was reluctant for some reason.


The servant who had been serving the refreshments wrapped his head in his hands and squirmed on the floor.


“Alice, what is it?”


Leverianz scrunches up his face in disgust at the sound of Mirania’s voice.


“It’s weird stuff.”




“It attacked me, with that thing.”




Mirania glanced at Alice’s mirror once more. Alice gripped the mirror tighter.


“She’s looking at me in that mirror…”


Leverianz stammered, pointing to the mirror. He looked haunted.


“I don’t remember what happened just a moment ago.”




“My memory’s gone. Is that woman a witch?”


“I’m the witch.”


Mirania dismissed it lightly and fell silent for a moment to assess the situation.


Leverianz, who was usually kind to females, gritted his teeth as he looked at Alice.


Despite the questioning and wary stares, Alice was unfazed and calmly explained.


“I just took his memories.”


“I don’t think that’s quite as simple as that.”


Leverianz said with a stern face. Alice stared at him coldly.


“You’re the one who pestered me first, asking me what I did with the High Witch, and I just wanted to shut you up for a while.”


Leverianz ran a hand through his hair in disbelief and let out a ‘Hah!’ of disbelief.


“I said go on a date, not fight.”


The muttering fell to the floor, and all eyes turned to Mirania.


Lebverianz raised an eyebrow.


“Yeah. So tell me, Mirania, why did you create this ridiculous situation in the first place?”


To the question, Mirania blurted out, “I thought that if I put you together in the same room, love would sprout.”


“…You think putting everyone in a room like this will make people fall in love with her, and that wolf cub doesn’t even realize it.”


Leverianz gnashed his teeth as he watched Grecan cling to Mirania like it was nothing to do with him.


Mirania realized she should stop experimenting to see if their relationship would go the way it had in her previous life, given the harsh atmosphere in the hall.


‘It doesn’t seem to make much sense.’


[Love is of the heart, not the head].


The words of her former kin echoed in her mind.


“Tell me, Alice, that doesn’t seem so out of the ordinary.”


It was the mirror that intrigued her more than the situation itself.


She glanced down at the mirror, her hand covering her reflection.


“A national treasure of the Empire. It’s a mirror from Adensha. It can hold intangible things, like memories, health, beauty.”




Stunned, Leverianz looked like realization, then stared at the mirror that had stolen his memories.


“It’s an artifact of the Archmage.”


The important thing was why she brought it out now. A national treasure of a nation whose people guard it with their lives.


Alice met Mirania’s questioning eyes.


“Great Witch. I have a favor to ask.”




“I need you to break this.”


Adensha’s Mirror.


A relic of the archmage who founded the empire and died with the first emperor.


Every mage in existence has trained in his footsteps, and Adensha’s ideas are reflected in the magical devices that are found throughout the continent.


Since Adensha, several outstanding wizards have emerged, but none have bore the title of Archmage.


She was the mother of all wizards, the origin of magic in the world outside the other races.


The beginning of the magic that humans developed and refined.


The pinnacle of their magic, the highest point they could reach.


Adensha’s mirror symbolizes that.


“This mirror is the culmination of all the work the Archmage did before her death.”




“I secretly made a fake and sneaked it in and took it out.”


Alice blurted out, knowing she would be summarily executed if she were caught.


“Does the Emperor know about this?”


“He is the Emperor. He’s allowed me to look into Adensha’s mirror, but he doesn’t know that I’ve done something this big.”


Alice’s eyes narrowed in confusion, but she showed no sign of regret.


“It was stupid, but I couldn’t help it.”




“To stop the crown prince from his deeds. In His Majesty’s presence, he was being gracious, offering to take care of Evan.”


Alice bit her lip, unusually calm.


“Behind the scenes, the crown prince feared that Evan would be a sow of discord, and so he played dastardly tricks. Evan was always sickly, but never as badly as he is now. It was the crown prince who caused his health to deteriorate so rapidly. It was only recently that I realized the mirror was draining him of life.”


A moist layer formed in Alice’s green eyes. Her voice, moistened, trembled with anger at the crown prince.


“So break the mirror.”


Mirania tilted her head sideways, but her shoulder brushed against Grecan’s.


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