His Breeding Obsession - Chapter 83

Published at 6th of June 2024 09:28:35 AM

Chapter 83

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Mirania glanced at Grecan, who had been clinging to her side since earlier, and then back at Alice.


“You are a fairy, but you have lived in the world of humans, and you ask me to break an irreplaceable human artifact, only to prolong your lover’s life?”




Alice muttered bitterly, her face contorting slightly.


“It’s not just for his sake, it’s for mine, because I couldn’t bear it if he died, and I want to keep him alive and to save myself, there’s no great sacrifice I want to make for the world; all I want is my love and happiness, and I can bear people cursing and throwing stones at me for his sake, but I won’t stop.”


Alice looked directly at Mirania, her eyes determined.


“I can give you time to think about it, Adensha’s mirror isn’t something taken lightly anyway, and it’ll take a while for the crown prince to realize the real thing is gone, but I want you to make up your mind quickly. You want something from me, don’t you? If you ask me to do something, I’ll do it, even if it’s unseemly to the world.”


“Whatever your love for each other… I can never understand it.”


Mirania sighed, her head aching, and Alice saw the anxiety in her eyes.


“I— I will give you more time if you will only accept it…”


“It is not necessary.”


Mirania held out her hand. Alice’s eyes widened, alternating between Mirania’s long, white hand and her face.


“Give it to me.”


Alice stared at Mirania’s unfazed look.


Slowly, she moved her hand and placed the mirror over Mirania’s hand.


“If it were something destructible at your whim, it would not have existed as a treasure for humans for so many years.”


Mirania ran her fingers along the smooth metallic rim of the mirror, examining it.


It had the slightest hint of antiquity, but that was all.


The sensation of magic in her palm was something no ordinary mirror would ever possess.


It was human magic at its finest.


‘Hmph, a mere mortal could create such a thing.’


Sometimes, those who break the limits of their natural existence are human.


The rumors were not exaggerating.


Mirania closed her eyes tightly. The world around her quieted.


A moment later, the white hand that gripped the mirror was covered in blood.


Thin silver hairs, like spider webs, rose, and strange magic swirled around them.




Mirania’s golden eyes glowed intensely as she opened them.


Crack. The mirror’s rim cracked. The mirror trembled violently as Mirania’s golden eyes darkened.


A strange creaking sound emanated from the vibrating mirror, as if it were about to break at any moment.


Alice stared at the mirror, breathless. Her eyes fluttered with desperation, wanting it to break.


When the mirror’s rim cracked thinly, Mirania released her grip.


Standing up, her tousled hair fell calmly to the sides, and her sparkling eyes became dull.


Looking down into the chipped mirror, Mirania frowned.


“Wha— what’s wrong with it?”


“This, I can’t get rid of.”




“Don’t get me wrong, I just can’t get rid of it right now.”


Mirania snapped her fingers, and the cracked edges began to stick together.


“Hah.” Alice sighed as the broken mirror returned to its original state. Dejection darkened her face.


“Is it because it belonged to the great Adensha? Did she cast some sort of protection on the mirror?”


“It is indeed enchanted with a protective spell, but that is not to say that it is indestructible.”




Mirania gazed down at the mirror with a quizzical look in her eyes.


“It has long since come to represent the human.”


“What do you mean?”


The answer came from Malandor.


Taking the mirror from Mirania, Malandor studied it with interest.


“You can’t get rid of it, and it’s not easy to get rid of.”




“I’ll make it simple for you: this thing has already become an integral part of your world. I don’t know if you realize it, but without the mirror, human magical abilities would greatly diminish.”


He turned to look at Alice, his eyes shining strangely.


“Just as the forest would be weakened if you were gone.”




“Do you know anything about the constituents of the world? The head of the fairy clan and the head of the witch clan. They make up the forest of the world, and without either of them, the world would be shaken, just as it would be without this mirror.”


Mirania clicked her tongue at Malandor’s words.


Malandor had been questioning Alice’s identity, and now he knew who she was and where she came from.


‘Clever bastard.’


Other than that sentiment, Mirania offered no comment to Malandor’s assertion. Because she thought he was right.


There was one thing she disagreed with, though. It was the difference between her and Alice.


The fairies, who were few, could not immediately establish a new leader if Alice died.


But when a Great Witch dies, it’s not the end of the world. A new Great Witch would be born.


The difference between Alice and her was clear.


‘For I will disappear and not affect the world.’


“…I see.”


Alice bit her lip in disappointment and took the mirror back from Malandor.


As the atmosphere turned somber, Mirania suddenly realized that the situation was unusual.


Great Witch of a different race. A wolf. A bat. An artifact of human magic. Forest Fairy. Dark necromancers.


In short, all the forces that make up this world.






“But I don’t think the forest will lose its life when I’m gone.”


Alice ran her fingers along the mirror’s rim and tucked it into her arms.


“I’m going to die.”


She sounded neither angry nor afraid, just a little wistful and regretful.


“I’m a walking dead body, hoping to die the day after Evan dies.”


Far too calm a way to talk about death.


Leverianz blinks, his anger fading, a little embarrassed, “…You have an illness?”


“I have an incurable disease, and I am grateful to be alive.”


“And there is no way to cure it?”


“…You’re worried about me?”


Alice asked in wonder, but Leverianz frowned and remained silent.


“Technically, it’s not an incurable disease.”


Mirania’s words made the three of them, except for Alice, exchange glances, ‘If only there was a cure.’


“Your illness is caused by your heart’s magic draining away. It will drain from you like a corpse, and when it is gone, there will be no more life in you.”




“But the cure is to repair the heart, to replace the draining magic.”


Alice’s eyes flickered with half expectation, partly disappointment.


“But… that’s impossible, isn’t it?”


“Fairies and witches have much in common, given their similar origins, so an illness like yours can be cured with a witch’s heart.”




“In other words, I am the cure.”


At those words, everyone immediately turned puzzled, unable to comprehend her words.


No one thought she meant what she said at face value.


There had to be another meaning, they assumed.


Grecan shook his head.


“I don’t see why the heart can cure what ails you.”




“It’s not like you’re using the heart as a material.”






“I said it was right.”


Mirania affirmed softly, leaning back on the couch.


Looking around at the puzzled faces, she explained in a laid-back tone, as if it were none of her business.


“Your illness, commonly called witches’ disease because it requires the heart of a witch, can be cured by absorbing my heart.”


“What do you mean!”


A belated exclamation came from Leverianz. Grecan, who had gotten to his feet with his jaw clamped shut, glared at Alice.


Alice’s eyes flared wildly at Mirania’s words, as if they were about to kill her.


“I can’t do that, that kind of cure, it’s too much for me to accept, how could you…”


Feeling the panic, confusion, and anger swirling in her gut, Mirania frowned and waved a hand to calm her down.


“I’m not offering to heal you right now, so don’t question my words. I’ve thought long and hard about this, and I have found that my blood can cure you. Not the heart, but the blood of the heart.”


Leverianz, who had listened with hope that there might be more to the story, grimaced.


“That’s it, isn’t it?”


Grecan’s cold gaze never left Alice’s.


“Sit down, Grecan.”


She gestured at the frozen figure. Grecan hesitated, gritting his teeth.


Finally, with a grimace, he came over and sat down beside Mirania.


Mirania stroked his hair and whispered to him, “There is no need to grieve. My days are numbered anyway. All I have to do is save one last dying fairy.”




Malandor asked heavily after the silence. His subtle eyes demanded answers from Mirania.


“What is it, you suddenly feel like being a complete wimp and saving a fairy you don’t care about, all the way out here?”


Why? Mirania pondered Malandor’s question.


When I first devised this plan, I only wished to change the future that had repeated itself.


In my eagerness to do so, I even reaped the wolves and bats I despised.


‘Has fate changed completely?’


Now that I see them no longer loving each other, it seems to have altered.


At least the direction of the flow had shifted slightly.


I had expected something to happen somehow that might save her, but as it turned out, if I left things alone, she would die, and her death would occur in a normal course of events.


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