His Breeding Obsession - Chapter 84

Published at 6th of June 2024 09:28:35 AM

Chapter 84

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All she wanted was a normal death, and she got her wish.


“I… have been thinking about it for 20 years.”




“My ending.”


How to keep Alice alive.


Mirania’s thoughts were a bit complicated.


She’s been waiting to see what Grecan and Leverianz would do once they met Alice, but it was not what she expected.


But no matter what, the important thing to remember at the end of the day was that they made it to the afterlife safely.


It’s too soon to change the end just because it’s a little different from the previous lifetimes.


The inevitable end was coming anyway.


If it’s a matter of saving Alice or not, then why not save her?


‘I am the head of the witches, and I must think of things beyond my death.’


Swallowing the complicated words, Mirania stroked Grecan’s hair and whispered softly.


“It is what it is, and it is fate. Nothing will change.”


Everything would go on as it had before.


Except for perhaps her very final destiny.




The luxurious mansion that was home to the four of them, including Alice, who visited occasionally for treatment, was located in a secluded location, thanks to a special favor from the Lord Minister. 


Its dwellers had not been fighting for some reason, so it had been remarkably quiet lately.


This allowed Mirania to devote herself to treating Alice in peace.


“Good work again today.”


When she was finished, Alice thanked her sincerely in the doorway.


“What happened to convincing your lover?”


A dazed Alice frowned.


Mirania raised an eyebrow at the less-than-positive response.


“Is it that he doesn’t like the idea of going to strange places?”


She had just recommended that Alice travel to the other side of the continent for treatment.


It would be better for her to heal, both emotionally and environmentally, on the First Continent than on the Second.


Furthermore, the interracial slavery of the Second Continent was causing unexpected problems for the group.


One such concern involves Grecan and Leverianz getting into fights whenever they venture outside.


Even Mirania is often asked if she’s free or if she needs money.


This angered the group and almost led to a heated fight.


“No, I don’t know much about the continent, but I don’t think they’d mind relocating.”




“I think it’s because the Emperor’s health has been failing, and we’re just now finding out, after decades of not knowing each other’s existence.”


Unlike Alice, who seemed to understand, Mirania’s gaze turned cold.


Snapping out of her reverie, Alice spoke quickly, “But I understand that we must leave, and the Emperor has asked us to, and we will do as the Great Witch says.”


Mirania nodded slowly, her expression softening.


“Then prepare yourself. We will leave as soon as we find a way to cross the sea. It won’t take long.”




With her head bowed, Alice climbed into the carriage.


As the carriage moved, Mirania turned her back and closed the door to the manor.


Thud, thud, thud—


As Mirania ascended to the second floor, she spotted Leverianz descending from above.


Leverianz watched her. 


Stopping. Halted in his descent. Mirania’s countenance changed. 




A face she hadn’t seen in days.


Not just Leverianz, but also the other two, Grecan and Malandor.


‘I don’t know what the hell they’re doing wandering around.’


It was after that day that it became hard to see them together.


The day Mirania revealed her reason for coming to the Second Continent.


‘You must have been more shocked than I assumed.’


Leverianz descended the stairs with the graceful stride of the head of a great noble house and stopped in front of Mirania.


“Are you on your way back from healing that woman?”


As Mirania nodded lightly, Leverianz’s gaze was filled with distaste.


Looking like he wanted to speak, Mirania glanced at Leverianz, who remained silent.


“Ah.” She nodded, as if suddenly remembering.


“If you’re wondering about her progress, she’s in better shape than she was yesterday, so she won’t die right away.”


Perhaps because of their similar origins, Alice responded more intensely to Mirania’s treatment.


Considering her condition, the treatment was very effective.


However, the disease was still deep enough that she was unable to move her body strenuously.


Leverianz pursed his lips.


“What are you doing, who wants to know about that insolent woman?”




When Mirania made no reply, Leverianz sighed, his frown loosening.


“Mirania, you don’t look well, aren’t you overdoing it?”


Not taking Leverianz’s concern seriously, Mirania shrugged as though it was nothing of the sort.


“Not a problem, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go upstairs and get some rest.”


Leverianz didn’t move at Mirania’s request.


Despite his absence for several days, Mirania did not seem curious.


With a newfound bitterness, Leverianz grabbed Mirania’s wrist as she tried to walk past him.


It felt pleasantly cold against her transparently white skin.


It was a hand he wanted to hold forever, but his reverie was shattered when he was met with a glare that said, ‘What are you doing?’ He bit his lip.


“Do you have something to say?”


Nodding, Leverianz thrust his hand into her chest.


“Eat this, Mirania.”


Leverianz carefully pulled out a red, glossy, appetizing-looking apple.


As soon as he held it out, a heavenly, sweet aroma filled the air.


Mirania’s eyes lit up with delight.


“This is a Principple.”


“Of course you recognize it, Mirania. You’re right, you haven’t seen me for days because I brought this with me. In case you were wondering…”


Leverianz frowned.


“That’s ridiculous, since that would have been tricky to fetch out of the bat people’s territory.”


The red apple, the Prince’s Apple.


It looked like a simple apple, but it was far from ordinary.


There are some things in this world that must have been made by the gods themselves.


Human archmages, beings of the netherworld, fairies, and witches. And then there are a few precious objects that are considered sacred.


Among them, the precious Principple was a fruit so sweet that it was said to revive the breath of the dying with its fragrance.


And its legendary powers were not exaggerated.


The Principle was a treasure prized by the bat people for its outrageous properties, which included increased magic and strength, as well as a longer life.


Unlike the cursed red flower, it had no side effects, so it was no wonder they called it a godsend.


Mirania knew that it was only opened once every hundred years, and that the bats only used it for their chief.


“It’s my share from the chieftain ceremony, and Mirania has to eat it so she can live a little longer.”


Long shadows cast themselves under Leverianz’s eyes as he spoke.


“You look tired.”


He smiles. Although tired, his face was still as beautiful as a rose in full bloom.


His beauty, which had mesmerized the witches with its decadent charms since he was a child, was at its peak now that he had taken over as their leader.


“Alas, that’s to be expected. The elders are so troublesome, that it’s hard to escape them. They don’t offer me the honor of being chief, only the duties, and it’s a shame. Maybe I shouldn’t have agreed to be the leader,” Leverianz scowled, but with good reason.


It was customary for the principple to be consumed by the chief in the presence of the elders of the Bat Clan.


Leverianz offered to bring it outside without eating it, but there was no way the Bat Elders would let him.


When persuasion failed, he physically fought them off, and the nonstop flying took its toll on his strong body.


Though he had more magic than Grecan, Leverianz was not the strongest. Despite his exhaustion, the sight of Mirania’s face lifted his spirits.


“Come on, eat this.”


He held out the principle, somewhat excitedly.


Mirania alternated between his pale complexion and the fragrant principple, and snapped her fingers.


The Principple floated into the air and began to crush itself.


The irresistibly fragrant scent multiplied and spread around them.


“I can’t take it.”


With those words, Mirania flicked her finger again.


The apple-juice-like Principple slipped between Leverianz’s parted lips.


Realizing what was happening, Leverianz quickly covered his mouth, but the principle had already worked its way into his mouth to the last drop.


“What the hell, why…” Leverianz asked, his voice strangled in his throat.


“That belongs to the Bat Chief, why would you give me something that could fill your lack of strength, it makes no sense.”


At her dismissive attitude, Leverianz’s face twisted coldly.


A sharp glare snapped at Mirania.


“You’re so insensitive to emotion that you can’t empathize with the feelings of others.”




“You could have gone along with my wishes for once, even if you thought they were unreasonable.”




“Then I wouldn’t feel so miserable.”


The bitterness in his tone caught Mirania off guard, even though she had done it for him.


“I know better than anyone that it’s precious.”




“That’s why I brought it with me. Do you think I’d feed you something cheap?”


The tree that held the principple was a treasure that the bat people had guarded for generations.


Anyone else would never have surrendered the Principle. But not Mirania.

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