His Breeding Obsession - Chapter 85

Published at 6th of June 2024 09:28:35 AM

Chapter 85

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A man who has spent more time asleep than awake in a month than he has ever spent in his life, due to a condition called sleep sickness.


Mirania was always so stoic and calm.


It had been interesting, and he’d felt challenged to break her expressionless face, but now he hated it, loathed it.


I didn’t like the way she seemed to be so blithely accepting of the prospect of her death.


“What have I done to deserve this for you?”


The sweet taste in his mouth made him weak.


Heat rose from his stomach.


It must be the magic of the Principple.


He felt it, and he didn’t appreciate it at all.


Before coming to the Great Land, his prospective fiancée, who had been unanimously chosen by the Elders to be the Chief’s bride, stood in his way as he tried to leave.


His nerves were on edge from having used telekinesis to blast away the Elders who disagreed with his decision, and he was not pleased with her interruption.


His fierce, cold glare did not deter her.


[Don’t go, Lord].


The woman who was to be his bride, whom he had seen once or twice as a child, had beautifully wavy blonde hair and jewel-like red eyes.


She staggered as if she were about to collapse and clung to Leverianz with tears.


[I’ve loved you, I’ve tried, I’ve tried to be a bride worthy of you…]


Normally, he would never have refused her.


A woman who suited his tastes just right, and wasn’t so bad that he wouldn’t mind spending the rest of his life with her.


But Leverianz didn’t want to talk to her at all. Every minute was urgent.


He wanted to keep Mirania alive, even though she didn’t want to live anymore.


“I didn’t expect her to thank me, but I also didn’t expect to see that face.”


Leverianz glared at Mirania, who gave a cold look as if to say, ‘What does that have to do with me?’


Mirania was a pacifist with little empathy and an impatient streak that only scratched the surface of annoyance.


She’s no fun to be around, always needing to be touched first, but I wish I could spend more time with her.


“Thank you for thinking of me.”


At the sight of her somber face, as she spoke, Leverianz’s eyes flushed.


“…Is that so bad?”


‘It’s just that you consumed what was yours,’ Mirania said and laughed.


At the same time, a single transparent tear formed in the corner of his reddened eyes.


“I don’t understand… Are you crying?”


Mirania pursed her lips, then shut them. Leverianz muttered in a damp voice.


“It doesn’t make sense for you to die.”


Leverianz’s beautiful face, which had been so calm all the way here and while he handed Mirania the Principple, twitched, as did his voice, which was quivering.


That’s right. It doesn’t make sense. It’s too soon.


He’s only just grown up. And the head of a great bat clan.


He’s become a man who can hold in his arms a great witch who has been the head of a clan for 1,000 years.


But the woman he first proposed to be his bride was about to die.


Leverianz was devastated.


If he had known this would happen, he would have clung to Mirania instead of pursuing other women.


He wished he hadn’t spent even a fraction of the time he did.


As deep as his regret was, he could not back down.


She might have recognized and accepted her preordained death, but he had not.


Acceptance was too far away, resignation too unthinkable.


“I don’t know if this is the right thing to say in this situation.”




“I’m quite tired. Oh, not because of you, of course. If you’re crying because of my death, I’ll have to explain that it’s nothing to be sad about. My head hurts, and I’m tired just thinking about where to start.”




“If you don’t mind, we can talk about it later.”


Speaking slowly and with an impassive face, Mirania was calm and cautious, as if she didn’t want to provoke Leverianz further.


He realized that she wasn’t just saying this because it bothered her, or because she wanted to avoid the situation.


Leverianz scanned Mirania’s visage, her eyes glazed over with fatigue.


“Why are you tired?”




“Is it because you’re close to death?”


“Well, maybe.”


Mirania hesitated for a moment, then spoke nonchalantly.


She sounded too casual, as if she was tired from lack of sleep, not because she was about to die.


There was a strange twinkle in Leverianz’s eyes as he turned to her, then a spark.


Leverianz flicked his tongue in his mouth. There was enough of the Principple’s sweet flavor to taste a little too much.


With the fuse blown, Leverianz reached out to Mirania, who muttered to herself, ‘I’m definitely out of shape.’


Placing his palm on the slender back of her neck, he pulled her close.


Mirania’s eyes widened as they closed the distance.




Her lips smacked together hard because he hadn’t even paused to slow down.


A dull ache spread across her lips. Mirania groaned.


She reflexively pushed away from his chest, but it wasn’t enough to push off Leverianz, who had grown to be a slender, tall man, though not as big as Grecan.


His tongue, warm and moist, moved swiftly, parting her lips to invade.


She could taste the sweetness on his tongue.


Mirania frowned at the intense sweetness that assaulted her taste buds.


The Principple was a mass of magic, every bit of its flesh.


Even when ingested by a mere mortal, it contains enough magic to power a mage of the highest caliber.


Mirania could understand Leverianz’s motivation for bringing the Principple here.


But contrary to his expectations, the Principple would not affect her.


Her lifespan was not shortened by a lack of magic.


‘I have already used up the time I have been given.’


Consuming the Principple would not prolong her life.


I thought it would be better for Leverianz to use it than to waste such a rare and precious object.


‘How rude of you to assume my deepest intentions.’


Mirania, furious with the situation, slapped Leverianz on the shoulder as a sign to back off.


Under her palm, the muscles of Leverianz’s shoulder, wrapped in his black suit, tensed.


Mirania swallowed a sigh as Leverianz pushed his tongue further into her mouth, pushing aside her newfound admiration for the diminutive young bat and wondering when he had gotten so big.


Somehow, I felt desperate enough to be genuinely angry.


His lips parted slightly, and he whispered in a deep, subdued voice.


“I can’t absorb the Principple’s great mass of magic right away, so take it from me.”


Then they kissed again, and Mirania understood the intent of Leverianz’s rude behavior. 


She clicked her tongue, thinking, ‘There’s no point in trying.’


Leverianz’s movements, which seemed to be an effort to somehow transfer some of the Principple’s power to her, took on a different tone after a while.


The soft lips and the dense teasing of the tongue as it licked at the flesh inside her mouth were sensual.


Mirania’s eyebrows twitched.


‘Will you look at this?’


Tilting her head to the side as if she wanted to be closer, Mirania snapped her fingers just as Leverianz’s hand reached her slender waist.




Every window in the mansion shattered violently inward, unable to withstand the force of the rushing wind.


The sound of shards of glass hitting the floor was drowned out by the howling wind.




A strong gust of wind pushed against Leverianz’s body.


Leverianz raised his wings to resist the wind, but the wind only blew harder and stronger.


Unable to resist the pressure, he took a step back from Mirania.


Pushing him away without so much as a touch, Mirania’s whisper carried on the strong wind and reached Leverianz’s ears.


“The skill with which you seek to fulfill your greed under the guise of serving me is astounding, and I could have sworn I was mistaken.”


Though her scent and touch had momentarily intoxicated him, Leverianz, who prided himself on being as pure in intent as he was, was mortified by her words. But the opportunity to plead his case was not easy.


The wind slapped his face.




Unable to open his eyes properly because of the wind, Leverianz frowned and wiped his face with his hands.


The hem of his robe fluttered incoherently.


He thought about gesturing for Mirania to stop.


Just then, “Aahhh!”


An out-of-context shriek ripped through the air, and Mirania looked up in surprise, searching for the source of the scream.


“What is it?”


The response to her question came from the other end.




The door burst open, and a black wolf leaped in, pouncing on Leverianz from above.

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