His Breeding Obsession - Chapter 87

Published at 6th of June 2024 09:28:35 AM

Chapter 87

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A few minutes later, Landes’ hands were tied behind his back while his body was forced to move against his will.


The situation was dire: he was about to be kidnapped by a strange man he had only seen for the first time.


With his quick mind, he managed to assess the situation, but that was all.


‘Why did this happen?’ 


Questions filled his mind.


As if conscious of his remark, ‘I can take him on with a bat of an eye,’ the black cloth wrapped tightly around his eyes.


As Landes recalled, it was the same kind of loincloth that the mysterious man had tied around his waist.


Suddenly, Landes’s mouth fell open as he felt a pressure that he couldn’t process.


“Ugh… Argh!”


Grecan was running down the hill.


Landes screamed in terror, feeling the fierce wind even though he couldn’t see it, and it was worse without being able to look.


There was truth in his words, and a bit of bravado, in his claim that a glance would do the trick.


What Landes had invented was a revolution, considering that ordinary wizards had to form bonds, draw circles, and have very long casting times.


It was a spell that could summon just enough water to brew a cup of tea.


Some arrogant wizards would jokingly refer to his spells as ‘winking spells’.


In any case, like other mages, Landes requires a long casting time to use his more powerful spells.


With his hands bound and unable to use his wand, Landes was no better than a normal person, which meant there was nothing he could do in his current situation.




He didn’t know where he was going, and his captor ran down another hill. Tears streamed from Landes’s eyes.


“Did I take the wrong one?”


Hearing the suspicious mutterings amid his shrieks, Landes burst into tears.


Another pitiful wail, this time from Landes, was not only heard by the birds in flight.


Malandor, coming out of the Alchemist’s Tower, also heard the strange scream.


“What is that, a pig squealing.”


‘Mirania must live.’ 


With that in mind, the three men set out to do what they could.


Leverianz turned for the Principple, Grecan for a powerful mage, and Malandor for an alchemist.


The Alchemist’s Tower was a next-door neighbor to the Magic Tower.


Malandor sought out the Tower Master and brought him out to increase the potency of the Red Flower.


Hearing the noises together, the tower master shook his head.


“It sounds closer already.”


Malandor looked for the source of the voice and found it. Grecan was running toward him, carrying Landes like a bride on their first night, or rather, like a burden.


Their eyes met.


Malandor’s eyes flicked quickly between Grecan’s grim face, kicking up dust, and Landes, whose eyes were filled with tears.


He made sure to check the seal on Landes’ chest.


When he finally realized what was going on, Malandor opened his mouth to let out a guttural laugh.


“You’re crazy, that thing…”


Grecan, who had been about to walk past Malandor, stopped short, as if he’d had a change of heart.


Inertia overcame him, and he stopped a few feet ahead of Malandor, then quickly reversed.


Malandor watched Grecan’s face waver as he paced back and forth, a frail human wizard in his arms.


“Kidnapping a mage? That’s what you had in mind? Are you serious… Well, you’re a wolf of action, not words. Your words are all over your face, but you don’t know where to use them, do you, Wolf Boy?”


“Who is he?”


Ignoring Malandor’s question, Grecan’s gaze was fixed on the short man at Malandor’s side.


The bespectacled, intelligent-looking alchemist took a step back at the sight of Landes, who was panting heavily with exhaustion.


“Lord Landes…?”


The alchemist asked cautiously, and recognizing his voice, Landes’ face flushed with embarrassment.


He was about to spit out words, perhaps a plea for help, when Malandor spoke up.


“Tower Master Alchemist. Serving you respectfully, unlike anyone else.”


At Malandor’s softly smiling gaze, the alchemist coughed, ‘Ahem’, in vain.


“I am only cooperating for the sake of research.”


A flush of shame rose to his face as he pushed up his glasses and averted his gaze.


Feeling vaguely offended, Grecan asked shakily.


“You’re an alchemist tower master?”


“Do we have time to talk here? After what you’ve done, I don’t think we’ll have a moment’s delay. What if you’ve been tailed?”


Malandor laughed, irritated, and Grecan thought he had a point.


And so the two different breeds and two humans traveled together.


Meanwhile, the Tower Master of Alchemy, who encountered Grecan’s group, was beginning to wonder if he should follow Malandor.


‘What a way to treat Lord Landes’ of the mage tower.’


He began to fear for his safety. Although he had been willing to take a certain amount of risk when he accepted Malandor’s offer, his resolve had been wavering from the start.


‘No. I mustn’t let this weaken me. This could be the opportunity of a lifetime.’


Nobody knows this, but the alchemist tower master, himself, was an ardent believer in the ‘cursed red flower’.


The cursed red flower


He was researching the possibility of extending the lifespan of a target, not the life of the caster, but the life of an overwhelming number of humans, or the possibility of resurrecting the dead.


He’d made some progress, but he was stuck in a frustrating cycle of stagnation, with no opportunity for clinical trials.


The breakthrough was clear. All that was needed was a material to experiment with.


The problem wasn’t just obvious, it was impossible.


It required a thousand humans as well as a dying man.


The latter was not something easily obtained, but the former was. So he wracked his brains and scrambled.


And then he appeared. With an offer he couldn’t refuse.


[I know what you want, human inventor, and I’ll let you do all the experiments you want.]


Looking at the seemingly inhuman figure, who patted him on the head twice and smiled a creepy grin that sent shivers down his spine, Tower Master recalled the devil’s whisper.


[Using your pretty good research and my genius brain.]


Researching the cursed red flower was a risky endeavor that could result in instant execution if caught.


Thus, the tower lord was wary of Malandor’s sudden appearance, but the vial of red liquid he held out to him made him change his mind.


A vial of red liquid was none other than a highly refined red flower solution.


The red flower was a hideous flower that could suck the life out of a person by simply touching them.


Its properties probably allowed it to suck the life out of corpses.


They say curiosity kills the cat.


Only those who could pursue that curiosity to the extreme earn the title of alchemist.


The Tower Master was the kind of man who would walk into a fire for the sake of curiosity, and he was willing to accept Malandor’s offer, even though he knew it was dangerous.


He sneaks out of the tower and meets up with Grecan.


“That’s how it happened, do you understand?”


After listening to Malandor’s explanation on behalf of the frightened Tower Master, Grecan gazed at the alchemist with a quizzical glare.


With trembling hands, the latter adjusted his glasses.


‘Why, why does he look at me like that?’ said the tower master inwardly.


They were the eyes of prey.


Though the alchemist didn’t know he was a wolf beast, he could feel the danger in his eyes as he stalked his prey.


The tower master represented the Alchemists, but he was so weak that he cowered like a mouse before a cat.


There was no way that Malandor, who was quick to sense danger, could fail to notice.


Malandor chuckled, seeing the young greed in Grecan’s eyes.


“Wolf-boy, you needn’t set your eyes on him, for he would be of no use to you.”




“You know so little about the Red Flower, what do you think you’re going to do with him?”


Malandor pointed his little finger at Grecan and sneered sourly. He had no qualms about telling Grecan about the red flower.


In a way, it was his one-trick pony for Mirania.


The same was true of Grecan.


“What are you taking the human mage for?”


“To heal Mirania.”


Grecan told him his reason for kidnapping the mage.


Until yesterday, they’d been snarling enemies who didn’t like each other, but now, faced with the enormity of Mirania’s death, they’d joined hands, if only temporarily.


At the mention of the red flower, Landes’s mouth fell open, and he met the Tower Master’s gaze.


Still gazing at him wistfully, Grecan spoke.


“You said you already tried it on Mirania. It didn’t work. What else are you going to do?”


Even though the Tower Master was cowering in fear, he reflexively answered Grecan’s question because it went to the heart of his findings.


“Oh, that’s…”




Malandor, who had interrupted the alchemist and caught Grecan’s puzzled gaze, smirked.


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