Horror Game Designer - Chapter 118

Published at 10th of April 2024 06:53:20 AM

Chapter 118: Out at Night

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Chapter 118: Out at Night

“This reunion is becoming more and more unforgettable.” Gao Ming touched the edge of the pictures. The cutting was sharp. The culprit enjoyed the process a lot.

“I wonder how many people will survive in the end.” In the past, Gao Ming thought his friends were innocent, but as things advanced, he realised things were not that simple. An accident happened ten years ago in the tunnel between the three cities. However, Liu Yi couldn’t find anything about it.

Earlier in the hall, Yuan Hui’s speech impacted Gao Ming a lot. The nightmare that he kept having might be real. However, everyone forgot about it for some reason.

“Perhaps we were all on the bus when the accident happened ten years ago...” A decade had passed, but the students had gathered again due to different reasons. They were sent by the east city investigation centre into the school.

Standing by the window, looking out, the bus that sent them there was still idling outside the school. It was covered by the night and rain. It looked so out of place.

“The bus, the school, the accident, an extra student, a repetition of ten years...”

The phone vibration broke Gao Ming’s thoughts. He looked at the screen. Wang Jie urged him to return to the bedroom because they had a huge discovery. When he returned to Room 1314, Gao Ming saw Xi San was pressed to the bed. His limbs were tied, and there were wounds on his face.

“What are you doing?”

“This idiot!” Wang Jie wanted to grab the chair to hit Xi San. “He told our discovery to Cai Meimei! What time is it, and he’s still thinking about women?! I want to kill him!”

Xi San didn’t dare to say anything and looked at Gao Ming pleadingly.

“What did you discover?” Gao Ming didn’t speak up for Xi San. Everyone wanted to survive. Every dead weight could be a cause of death.

“The three of us went to the activity building and accepted a mission at the pool.” Du Bai looked at Xi San helplessly. “It was a simple mission. We needed to help the swim team pick up the machines. After that, we can get a merit. The three of us were arranging the stuff when we heard footsteps. We hid inside the changing room. Then, we saw a people students with student council badges enter. They were talking about something strange.The original appearance of this chapter can be found at Ñøv€lß1n.

“The general idea is that the ghosts here are separated into different groups too. Among them, the ones from the student council are the most special. They can manage ghosts and humans. They are the defenders of the rule. Other than them, there are some ghost students who will kill other students with no regard for the rules. These ghost students wear red clothes under their uniform.” Wang Jie pulled Gao Ming to the balcony. “If this school is a living person, the student councils are the white blood cells, and the red-clothed ghost students are cancerous cells. They are the most dangerous.”

The kind auntie closed the door and left.

After the footsteps disappeared, the group was going to discuss how to survive the night when the knocking came again.

“Is it Zuo Jun and Yuan Hui?” Xi San looked at the empty beds. He slowly opened the door.

“Why did you take so long?” The familiar voice said. The auntie reappeared, but she didn’t seem to remember being there. Her expression was stern and cold.

“Big sister, why did you come back?” Xi San was shocked.

“Who’s your sister?” The auntie wore a deep green shirt. She held a notebook and pen. “Our school is different from others. Do not go anywhere at night. You will only be safe by following the rules.”

She glanced at the darkness down the corridor and tore down two pages from her notebook. “If you want to live, then memorise the hostel rules.”

“Weren’t you the one wearing the blue shirt earlier?” Xi San accepted the papers in confusion.

“I only have green clothes.” The auntie slammed the door close.

“They look identical, but she’s like a different person with different clothes on.” Xi San showed everyone the two pages. The rules on it were strange.

“Han De Private School’s hostels close out the lights at 10 pm. If you have to use the toilet after the lights are off, please move in groups of three. Do not stay in the bedroom alone.

“Confirm the number of people inside the bedroom after the lights are out. If the number is not right, please go to the toilet to hide with people you trust.

“Beware of any in red clothes. Do not open the door to any strangers.

“If you hear anything strange in the corridor, pretend not to hear it; If you hear anything inside the bedroom, pretend to be asleep; if you hear anything in your bed, do not open your eyes no matter what.”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!