Horror Game Designer - Chapter 144

Published at 10th of April 2024 06:52:16 AM

Chapter 144: Lessons School Won't Teach

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Chapter 144: Lessons School Won't Teach

Ill bring the kids back. Gao Ming had never thought of the kids personally taught by Headmistress Yan as ghosts. They were merely using their own ways to change this emotionless world. Madam Headmistress, can you help me? This red badge has crawled into my friends arm. Can you pull it out?

Zhou Sisi reached out her hand fearfully. She looked scary. Her body was covered in body, her hair was dishevelled, and her face was pale.

Its a good thing that she has been chosen by the student council. Yan Xizhi looked at Zhou Sisi softer than when he looked at Gao Ming. It was like Zhou Sisi was her daughter. Only those who have appreciation, love, kindness in their hearts and those who have a truly happy soul have the right to wear the red badge and become the role models of the other students.

But I dont feel happy at all. If anything, I think Im getting depressed. Zhou Sisi wiped the blood on her arm, but the blood wouldnt rub off.

My badge will not pick the wrong person. Headmistress Yan hugged Zhou Sisis head lightly. Strangely enough, Zhou Sisi, who had been so nervous, suddenly calmed down. There was a new glow of power in her eyes. Even though she was still scared, she was much better than before. Headmistress Yan appeared to have used her power on her.

You should accompany Sisi to deliver the letter, or Sisi can deliver them on her own. The red badge will lead the way. Headmistress Yan let go and encouraged Zhou Sisi.Ñøv€l-B1n was the first platform to present this chapter.

Thank you, headmistress. Gao Ming held Zhou Sisis hand and moved back. Ding Yuan came over with some jealousy in his eyes.

Is this girl your girlfriend? Ding Yuan scanned Zhou Sisi. Not anyone can get Headmistress Yans blessing. My subordinates tried everything, but Headmistress Yan refused to use her power on them.

What is Headmistress Yans power? Gao Ming was curious. Only students whom she believed had good character would get her blessing. Neither Gao Ming nor Ding Yuan was that lucky.

I cant explain it. I feel peace in my heart, and my body is pumping with energy. Zhou Sisi touched the badge on her arm. I feel safer. The school also appears kinder.

Han De Shu Xiang Academy was different from the other schools at Han Hai. In the past, the students here possessed great values. Back then, many rich families wanted to send their kids here to become better people, but they were all rejected by Yan Xizhi. Who would have thought that a big tragedy would happen here later? The good values became the reason why the students were targeted. Ding Yuan sighed sadly, The reason Situ An targeted this school was because of the students.

To borrow their afterlife longevity? Gao Ming knew some inside info.

I havent investigated the whole thing, but the truth is hidden at the lab building. If you have the chance, you should explore the underground of the lab building. That place is where Situ An has the biggest conflict with the school rules. Ding Yuan thought about it and added, I feel like SItu An seems to know beforehand that the tragedy would arrive, so he had been preparing for it.

Even if you beg me, I wouldnt eat you. A suppressed voice came from the big dogs stomach. The big dog yawned and then jogged towards Yan Xizhi.

Come back! Gao Ming yanked the dogs ear. Whats wrong with you? Why would you go to disturb the old lady?

Gao Ming used a lot of effort to persuade the big ghost to protect Zhou Sisi. The three of them left the storage room. Zhou Sisi was both scared and curious as she touched the dogs black fur. Dark night seemed to filter through her fingers. She looked at the dogs black eyes. She wanted to hug the dogs head.

Gao Ming, where did you find it? Zhou Sisi whispered.

You have seen things you shouldnt. The big dog shook off Zhou Sisis hand and acted like he was about to attack her. Be prepared to be killed and silenced. The kid is heartless!

Zhou Sisi shrunk her neck. She was frightened.

Can you two take this seriously? Gao Ming was tensed. His adrenaline level shot up. He really had no mood to partake in their little drama.

The atmosphere at the lab building was solemn. The student council kept rushing towards the art room, but the taboo zone still got out of control. Gao Ming had no idea what happened to the art teacher. He had Xia Yangs death portrait, and he knew that Teacher Xia was enraptured by his need for creation. New artwork kept appearing in the death portrait. Every art piece was made with death and blood. Teacher Xia was crazily creating. He seemed to have an endless supply of paint. He had not had such fun in a long time already.

When Gao Ming passed by the art room on the second floor, the blood had spread to the fourth lab. There were many school uniforms stained by paint in the corridor. Gao Ming felt like Xia Yang was waving at him behind the classroom windows. He didnt dare to dawdle. He grabbed Zhou Sisi and ran to the first floor.

The layout of the school on the internet didnt mark down any basement. Only Situ An and a handful of people knew about the underground rooms at the school. Based on the info provided by Ding Yuan, Gao Ming opened the hidden door at the end of the corridor.

Some kind of social simulation experiment was being conducted there. All the classrooms were decorated with different scenes and backdrops. Some looked like hospitals, and others looked like prisons. There were many different shops too.

This appeared to be where the students could simulate potential problems they might encounter in the outside society before they left school. Classes like scams, briberies, unfair treatment at the workplace and so on were taught here. These were all knowledge normal schools wouldnt impart to their students.

Such labs existed at Han De Private Academy?! Gao Ming saw a name list on the wall near the entrance. The list recorded the survival time of every student who came there.

Gao Ming scanned the list. Basically, none of the students who attended the societal simulation class survived more than 24 hours. The only still-surviving student was called You Liang.

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