Horror Game Designer - Chapter 158

Published at 10th of April 2024 06:51:42 AM

Chapter 158: We're All Dead

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Chapter 158: We're All Dead

To prevent any accident from happening to Ji Jie, Gao Ming very kindly handed in his form after Ji Jie. With a professional psychiatrist looking after him, Ji Jie felt better. While his eyes shone with appreciation, he didnt forget to warn Gao Ming to stay away from him so that he wouldnt get scared.

The others from Bedroom 1314 came over when they saw Gao Ming hand in his form. They gathered around Gao Ming and lined up for the physical exams. The students had surrendered since they realised they couldnt leave until all of them had finished the examinations.

Everyone lined up for the physical checks. Soon, the first few students who did the health checks first already started the psychological exam. They followed the teachers instructions and stood before the window, mirror and door. Each of them saw different things.

Some of them saw a busy city with loud traffic outside the windows; Some of them saw a barren wasteland like a reflection of their hearts; Some of them saw their dead friends and families outside the window. They yelled at the students to stay inside the health classroom.

However, there was one similarity. When all the students turned to the final door, they all said there was someone standing outside the door.

All the students who finished the psychological exams appeared like their energy had been drained. When the health teacher let go, they all slumped to the ground. It seemed like a part of their souls had been sucked away. The health teacher would gently pick the students up. The smile on her face remained warm and sunny, but soon, the smile would freeze on her face.

Dont touch me with your dirty hands! Zuo Bo, who wore both a doctors coat and a patients garb, walked to the window. His voice was filled with disdain and disgust.

This student, if you have some issues with my cleanliness, I have some alcohol sprays Before the female teacher could finish, Zuo Bo dropped his bloody bag between him and the teacher. Every inch of your body reeks of malice. I know what you want to do to me. You want to lock me up like before in the dirty and smelly sick bay! Zuo Bo hissed through his teeth. I will not allow it to happen this time! Ill open the door!

Teacher, dont mind him. Hes too traumatised to know what hes talking about. Qian Junran hurried over to be the mediator.

Zuo Bo insisted on the female teacher staying away from him. He stood before the window alone and slowly closed his eyes.

Zuo Bo, what did you see? The female teachers voice was charming. She silently sidled up to Zuo Bo, but she suddenly stopped to stare at the wall. The painted window reacted strangely. Blood appeared on the window inexplicably and slid down the gap in the window.

It felt like a real window had opened between the infirmary and the health classroom. One could see through the window into the infirmary. Human organs were cut and preserved in cases like precious medicine.

The school doctor strapped a human to the table. He slowly and gently cut open the mans head. After searching for a long time inside the head, he pulled out a thin blood vessel and took it to the cupboard. Before he approached the cupboard, the cupboard doors opened on their own. Something reached out from within to grab the thread of blood. The trapped man screamed soundlessly. At that moment, the school doctor seemed to sense something. He pulled the thick curtain back, and the window on the wall returned to normal. Zuo Bo hadnt opened his eyes, but the other students were stunned. What Zuo Bo saw was completely different from the others. It was hard to tell if he had experienced something like that or if what he saw was really happening in the infirmary next door.

Why could we see the things that he saw? Qian Junran pointed at the blood stain on the window. He was stunned. Wasnt everything that we saw part of our imagination? Wasnt everything just exist in our mind?

The window, mirror and door represent the world in your heart, the appearance of your soul and the choice youve made in your subconscious, respectively. They will show who you really are. It is worth noting that the more mentally unstable a person is, the more obvious the mental corruption will be. When the mental corruption reaches a certain level, the patient will infect everyone around him so that everyone will see the same things that he sees. The health teacher explained it with a smile. The reason for this health class is to help every student eliminate the mental disease in their heart so that they can live happily at school.

The students mulled over her words. Wang Jie turned to Gao Ming, Is she right?

She is half-right and half-wrong. The door, window and mirror on the wall are not normal paintings. They might be the special power of a big ghost. She is using them to dig out the memory buried deep inside our hearts! Gao Ming pointed out some problems. Windows, doors, and mirrors are normally exits in a dream. This health class should be prepared by the investigation centre for us.

If you follow the centres rules, at least more than half of you can live, but you have to pick your own path. Zuo Jun gritted his teeth. They were one step away from getting the memory fragment related to the 51st student, but Zuo Bo chose the craziest path.

It looks like Zuo Bo didnt live up to your expectations. Qian Junran consoled Zuo Jun, But its alright. There are a lot of crazy people in this class.

Through Zuo Juns reaction, Gao Ming figured out some stuff. The investigation centre needed the memory fragments of the 51st student. He happened to have obtained them in the hostel building.

The hostels are the territory of the student council. Even after that, we have to follow the school rules there Was he trying to relay some info to us back then?

The line moved forward. It was Yuan Huis turn next. Compared to Zuo Bos constant state of instability, Yuan Hui acted up intermittently. He kept rallying people to resist and find the opportunity to kill Zuo Jun.

The health teacher used a lot of energy to force Yuan Hui to face the window on the wall.

Tell me! What do you see! The health teachers voice was no longer as gentle as before.

Yuan Hui gradually stopped resisting. His voice deepened with pain and regret. I see outside the bus window. It is totally dark outside. We are inside a large bus. The bus is rushing down a tunnel! It is so fast!

Who are you in the mirror?

There are so many people in the mirror! Everyone is there! Everyone died terribly. I can see it! Everyone dies terribly on the bus! Yuan Hui shouted. He cried as he tried to escape. The health teacher used everything she had to fix Yuan Hui in place and drag him to the last door. What about now? What can you see?

The bus turns over There is someone outside the car door! I know him! Hes here for us! Yuan Hui screamed shrilly. The students had no idea a man could reach such high notes.

You are in such deep pain and guilt. Open the door now. Let him in. Let him enter your soul. The health teachers hands bled. To control Yuan Hui, she had already been hit multiple times by Yuan Huis flailing arms.

No. I cant!

Why not?

We are all dead! We cant let him into the booth filled with dead people! Yuan Hui charged forward and rammed his head into the door. Im sorry! Im sorry! Run!

There was a dull sound. Blood flowed. A few students had to work together to detain Yuan Hui.

Im sorry. I shouldnt have called you to come back. You cant get on the bus Blood mixed with tears, and Yuan Hui collapsed to the ground.

Pull him away. The gentleness of the health teacher faded away. She scanned Class 13 with an unfriendly gaze. This batch of students was a lot harder to handle than she thought. Everyone had some mental issues, and the way they were deranged was completely different. It was impossible to tell what kind of madness theyd evoke.

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