Horror Game Designer - Chapter 159

Published at 10th of April 2024 06:51:41 AM

Chapter 159: Scary Teacher Yang

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Chapter 159: Scary Teacher Yang

Ma Tao opened the lid of the robot cat thermos and blew on the wolfberries on the waters surface. He pursed his lips. As a ghost who had been working so hard for so long, he decided to do nothing after he joined Class 13.

In the past, he would study hard to find a scapegoat. In the morning, he studied the school rules at the math building and at night, he wandered the hostels to look for prey. He worked so hard every day just to abandon his ghost identity and be a human.

He didnt dare to let his guard down for even a moment, but what was the result? His ghost roommates were reaped by the rules, and their souls dispersed. He forced his way into Class 13 but realised this was just another version of the school. There was no sense of bliss or belonging. He turned around in panic. His reflection in the mirror became an unfamiliar person. His youth had already turned into dust.

Seeing his classmates beautiful variations of madness, Ma Tao felt ashamed. His reflection in the mirror showed how he was when he was still alive. However, his body was crumbling. He couldnt recognise or remember himself.

Ma Tao nudged to the last door. Different from the students in Class 13, the door didnt react to him. The silence was like a mockery. The door that was always ready to open for others was firmly shut for him. It didnt even wiggle slightly. He turned around with embarrassment. The health teachers vicious gaze was focused on Yuan Hui. She didnt even look at Ma Tao.

Teacher, Im done with my test. Ma Tao, who lined up behind Yuan Hui, whispered. The health teacher only nodded in response. The gentle and beautiful teacher handed the test results to Ma Tao. Seeing the normal report result, Ma Tao lamented the absurdity of the world. The fact that he got perfectly healthy on all the criteria was crazy. He didnt need to put on any disguise. The humans around him were more like ghosts than he was.

Stop grumbling! Wang Jie shoved Ma Tao away, Dont block the path. If youre done, move!

Ma Tao looked at Wang Jie with resentment. Ma Tao took his thermos and sat at the corner. Fatty sat beside him. He held an oily bag. He had finished his breakfast, but he couldnt find a trashcan.

Next! The health teacher ignored the ghost students. Her voice was no longer gentle.

Liu Yi handed her form to the teacher and moved to stand before the window. After glancing at the form, the health teacher adjusted her condition. She noticed that Liu Yis health report was different from normal. She had a superhuman physical and mental constitution. If someone like her joined the centre, she would be sent directly to the headquarters.

Your physical standard is beyond my expectations. I wonder if your mental health is as good. The health teacher put down the others forms. She closed Liu Yis eyes. To show her seriousness, the health teacher closed her own eyes too.New novel chapters are published on

Gao Ming and the rest turned their focus to Liu Yi. They knew that Liu Yi was special, but why? They had no clue.

Dont be nervous. Just relax. You can even lean on me. The health teacher guided Liu Yi. After a whole minute, she asked kindly, Look out the window. Tell me. What can you see?

The window is painted on the wall. Outside the window is the wall. Liu Yis voice was calm. She was not affected by the illusion at all. The health teacher furrowed her brows. She forced herself to stay calm as she brought Liu Yi to the mirror.

Now, what do you see?

Its a mirror. Im standing in the front, and youre standing behind me. Im wearing the school uniform from this morning. You appear to be pieced from abandoned human organs. You are an amalgamation of the thoughts that no one wants

Shut up! Shut up! The health teacher moved one of her hands to cover Liu Yis mouth. The health teachers breathing turned heavy. Her face was not as pretty as before. Black spots surfaced on her fair skin.

Answer my questions. The health teacher and Liu Yi moved to the door. Who is standing outside the door? What is he telling you?

There is no window on the wall But a death portrait Ji Jie mumbled.

A death portrait? The health teacher had no idea what went wrong, but something stunned her. The window on the wall kept changing. It was like skin being torn off the flesh. The colours on the window were drenched by blood. The window slowly became more like a picture frame.

Then What do you see inside the portrait?

Theres a corpse who is painting. After Ji Jie said that, the window on the wall fully turned into a black-and-white portrait. Inside the portrait, a dead body was waving the brush around madly.

What is it painting? The health teacher had never encountered something like this before. She asked subconsciously.

It is painting This health classroom and the infirmary! It is outside the classroom. It is painting on the wall outside this classroom and the infirmary!

The corpse in the portrait was drawing the corpses of the students like crazy. It splashed the blood of the innocent on the infirmary wall. It painted the horrible deaths of the students outside the resentment room wall. The light in the classroom suddenly darkened. In the inconspicuous corner, blood seeped into the classroom.

Why would you see these things? What are you normally thinking about? The teacher was shocked. The health classroom and the infirmary were adjacent resentment rooms. How could something draw on the resentment room?

To the health teachers surprise, the window on the wall disappeared just like that. Instead, someone painted a death portrait on it.

The anomaly in the health classroom caused problems in the infirmary. Strange sounds came from the next-door infirmary. It was very scary.

The health teacher thought back to Ji Jies warning. She didnt dare to let him stay longer in front of the window. She led him to the mirror.

Now, youre looking at a mirror. Abandon your useless thoughts and let your true self remain in the mirror. The health teacher tried her best to guide Ji Jie. She hadnt noticed the death portrait in Ji Jies pocket had turned blank. The darkness and colours in the portrait were gone. Do not resist it. Let your kindness and malice show.

In the mirror, Ji Jie was completely different from his usual self. His eyes narrowed. He stood inside the mirror and then swung his fists at the mirror!

Endless malice poured out of Ji Jie. The lights in the classroom flickered. All the students were scared. Ji Jies reflection wanted to come out of the mirror!

Is this his real self?

Theres a beast hidden inside him!

A person grew out of the malice?

The students gasped audibly. Gao Ming was frightened too. He didnt think Xia Yang had become so strong.

Has Xia Yang digested the art teachers resentment room? His death portrait has become scarier!

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