Horror Game Designer - Chapter 29

Published at 10th of April 2024 06:57:09 AM

Chapter 29: The Temptation of Home

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Chapter 29: The Temptation of Home

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

In the world of psychological fear, there are four distinct levels, each offering a progressively stranger and more frightening experience.

Gao Ming, who had previously been stuck in the initial stage, had witnessed scenes that were so realistic they were nearly indistinguishable from actual events. But as one ventures deeper into these layers of fear, the situations they encounter become increasingly bizarre and horrifying.

Driven by a fierce determination to save his colleagues, Gao Ming bravely dove into the depths of this fear, immersing himself in the same nightmarish visions that his team members had experienced.

In one of these visions, he was confronted by a horrific entity, a nightmarish combination of distorted figures resembling parents. He was uncertain whether this was a manifestation of a child’s terror from room 405 or a creation from the collective psyche of the investigators.

As the architect behind this game of terror, Gao Ming understood that no real ghosts existed within this ominous creation. The monstrous figure before him was likely a tangible representation of fear itself.

In “Phobia,” the game they found themselves trapped in, there was a rule: when a group is overwhelmed by a shared fear, that fear has the power to take on a physical form.

To face such a creature, a product of their collective terror, one needed immense rationality and bravery. Any trace of fear would only empower the creature, giving it formidable abilities derived from the players’ own imaginations.

In this battle against fear, the players were essentially fighting against themselves. This understanding propelled Gao Ming to confront the beast head-on, mentally steeling himself for the confrontation.

“Don’t be afraid!” Gao Ming yelled, hoping to disrupt the cycle of fear among his fellow investigators and prevent them from further empowering the creature. Recognizing that mere words weren’t enough, he decided to take direct action.

He grappled with the monstrous figure, a twisted representation of a child’s perception of aggressive and harmful parents. He disregarded the sharp blade in the woman’s hand and the man’s desperate attacks, standing unyielding and firm like a rock in a turbulent sea.

“Fear is a psychological counselor’s most familiar emotion and the most vital to master,” Gao Ming reflected. “Only by conquering fear can one truly explore the deepest, darkest corners of the human psyche.”

Gao Ming relentlessly attacked the monster, who was also desperately trying to rid itself of the restraint that had been born from Zhao Xi’s memories and desires.

Upon reaching the ground floor, Gao Ming forcefully kicked open the door, only to be greeted by streets enveloped in shadows and fog, revealing a world that was bizarrely distorted.

The game seemed to be expanding its influence, with the shadows stretching further and further.

“Stay here,” Gao Ming instructed Zhu Miao Miao as he ventured into the mysterious streets, contemplating whether this shadowy realm was a direct reflection of reality. Was this a distorted version of the real world or something entirely different?

He thought about theories of parallel universes, but the complexity of their situation seemed to defy such a straightforward explanation. The mysteries were accumulating, demanding not only survival but a determined quest for the truth.

As Gao Ming walked down the street, he discovered a tattered investigator uniform. Nearby, a pale-faced child peeked around a corner, fearfully gesturing for him to stay away.

“Is this child the source of ‘Phobia’?” Gao Ming pondered, questioning whether he could even catch the child in this mysterious, shadow-filled world.

“I understand that you’ve been living in a very oppressive and tense environment,” Gao Ming called out in a gentle, reassuring tone, carefully concealing the chains up his sleeve. He extended a tattered doll towards the child, offering a promise, “If you’re longing for a new family, one that’s warm and harmonious, come find me. I’m surrounded by many parents, all of whom are incredibly kind-hearted.” He added with sincerity, “I live in Li Jing Apartment, Building 4, Floor 4. Remember, you’re always welcome there.”

Before Gao Ming could complete his offer, the child disappeared, and with its departure, the engulfing shadows began to retreat rapidly.

It became evident to Gao Ming that the game had seemingly chosen to expel him instead of him conquering the game.

“This high-level, ominous game has undergone a transformation because of that young boy,” Gao Ming contemplated, his expression shifting from warmth to a more serious demeanor. “It’s possible that the boy from room 405 isn’t actually a ghost but rather a player who decided to remain within the game, existing in this shadow-filled reality.”

At the street’s end, a faint glimmer of light emerged. Zhu Miao Miao approached Gao Ming amidst the rain, expressing her relief and surprise, “It looks like we’ve made it through this bizarre ordeal! But I didn’t catch sight of anyone else!”

Gao Ming, allowing the rain to drench him, reflected on the protocol for such situations, “The guidelines for managing these events advise against leaving the area hastily, as it can result in getting lost.” He speculated that the other investigators were probably still ensnared in the shadow world, fighting for their survival.

Staring at the towering, foreboding buildings, Gao Ming pondered, “Lishan, being the most densely populated and chaotic part of the old city, experiences the highest frequency of these abnormal events. If I can transform the buildings in this shadowy neighborhood into a sanctuary for those still alive, it could potentially save many lives in future calamities.”

With a look of determination, he contemplated the necessary sacrifices, “To make this happen, a significant sacrifice will be needed. But pursuing the right cause is worth it. Ah, Qin Tian was right about me; my selflessness knows no bounds.”Ñøv€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

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