Horror Game Designer - Chapter 51

Published at 10th of April 2024 06:56:04 AM

Chapter 51: Situ An

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Chapter 51: Situ An

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

The chef, whose face was marred by disfigurement, forcefully pushed open a massive crimson door.

Gao Ming, with careful steps, trailed right behind the chef. As he entered, his eyes scanned the room, which was lavishly decorated with a series of portraits. Each painting depicted individuals with strange, almost otherworldly appearances, and their names were meticulously inscribed below them. The artistry was unsettling in its realism.

Puzzled by the scene. Gao Ming asked the other two, “Are these portraits meant to represent real, living people?”

He noticed a subtle but distinct meat aroma emanating from these portraits. Then, a chilling realization struck him: these were not mere paintings on canvas but rather works crafted on human skin.

As Gao Ming stood there, an eerie sensation washed over him, almost as if countless eyes from the room were silently observing him. Gong Xi, who had been following closely, suddenly dropped to his knees, too terrified to even lift his gaze.

The chef, seemingly oblivious to the room’s eerie atmosphere, moved to the center and lifted a black cloth, unveiling a large altar table set against one of the walls. Painted dark blood red, the table held eight vacant plates. Beneath it, an investigator in uniform was kneeling, his neck inscribed with black script. He was reciting scriptures in an unintelligible tone.

Zhu Miao Miao, confused, queried, “Why is there an investigator here?” Before she could delve deeper into her thoughts, Gao Ming had already begun to discreetly retreat. He noticed that the central altar table was missing its deity idol, suggesting that the object of worship had been removed or stolen.The roots of this story extend from novell bìn origin.

Suddenly, there was a loud “Bang!” The chef, who had been standing near the altar, collapsed to the floor, a sharp knife protruding from his chest. In a gruesome twist, his head had been severed.

The chanting halted abruptly, replaced by the sound of chaotic footsteps approaching from every direction. The kneeling investigator rose to his feet, revealing a face that was handsome but marred by the black script covering half of it.

“Don’t misunderstand. We are from the Investigation Bureau too,” Gao Ming hurriedly explained, revealing a black ring that identified his affiliation. “I am Gao Ming, the leader of Team One from the Lishan Investigation Bureau’s Old City Division.”

The young investigator coldly cleaned the blood off his knife and introduced himself in a tone that was deceptively calm but carried an undercurrent of threat. “I am Qing Ge, Division Chief of the Queen’s Investigation Bureau, Eastern District Division.”

Gao Ming noted that Qing Ge was considerably younger than the typical division chief, who were usually over forty. Qing Ge, appearing to be in his early twenties, was even younger than Gao Ming himself.

“Do you realize the damage you’ve done by barging in here unannounced?” he asked, his voice soft yet laced with a dangerous edge.

Gao Ming, adept in reading subtle facial expressions, quickly responded before Zhu Miao Miao or Gong Xi could intervene. “We weren’t sent by anyone. We initiated this investigation independently after being separated from our team. The intense smell of meat from the lower floor raised our suspicions about this place.”

Despite being in excruciating pain, Gao Ming clenched his teeth and persevered, determined to keep pace with the rest of the team.

The once overpowering scent of cooked meat that had filled the corridors was now gone, eerily replaced by a subtle yet unmistakable smell of blood.

In the shadowy corridor on the fifth floor, a palpable sense of danger lingered. Suddenly, a cleaver flashed through the air, severing the neck of an unsuspecting investigator. The lifeless body was then callously pushed over the railing, plummeting to the ground with a sickening thud.

The sound of the body hitting the ground jolted the leading investigators back to reality. They halted in shock, staring at the man standing before them.

Standing tall and dressed to perfection, this man exuded a commanding presence and a sense of unflappable composure, like he was utterly impervious to the chaos of the world around him.

Gao Ming felt an inexplicable hostility towards this stranger. It was their first encounter, yet something deep within urged him to see this man as an enemy, a voice in his head screaming – kill him! He must kill this man, Situ An!

“Bureau Chief, we were too late; the Flesh Immortal Idol has been stolen,” Qing Ge reported, his usual cool demeanor giving way to a rare show of deference. He avoided eye contact with the man, clearly intimidated.

Situ An responded calmly, standing amidst the gathered investigators. “It’s not your fault. That sculpture has a will of its own and is notoriously difficult to handle.” His gaze swept over the group, collected at the intersection between the fourth and fifth floors. “You all witnessed me killing an investigator. Does that frighten you?”

A heavy silence fell over the group. No one dared to respond as Situ An nonchalantly picked up a piece of flesh from the ground and flung it towards the investigators.

“Some of you joined the Investigation Bureau because ghosts killed your family, others in search of missing loved ones, and some driven by a sense of justice. You are the toughest, the bravest. But once inside the Bureau, you’re confronted with a harsh reality.”

He looked each investigator in the eye, delivering his message with a chilling clarity: “Humans are powerless against ghosts; you’re nothing more than brave cannon fodder.”

His words resonated with a bitter truth.

“But now, things can be different. I offer you a chance,” he gestured towards the piece of flesh lying on the stairs. “There’s a fifty percent chance you’ll gain the power to kill ghosts, and a fifty percent chance you’ll turn into one.”

This proposition struck a chord with the investigators. Only those who had faced the horrors of ghosts firsthand could truly understand how valuable the power to fight back was.

“Why should we believe you? You just killed one of our own!” Some investigators voiced their skepticism and fear.

Situ An responded coolly, withdrawing his intense gaze. “I have no need to deceive you, nor do you have to believe me. When faced with death, you’ll make your choice. Just remember, the person offering you this chance is me, Situ An, Bureau Chief of the Hanghai Eastern District Investigation Bureau.”

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