Horror Game Designer - Chapter 71

Published at 10th of April 2024 06:55:15 AM

Chapter 71: Dont Blame Me for Being Talkative

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Chapter 71: Dont Blame Me for Being Talkative

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

Wan Qiu was last seen at a small noodle restaurant adjacent to the Sishui Apartment complex. Security camera footage captured him deliberately crossing the street and entering Building B within the complex.

“Could it really be that this young man hasn’t lost his memory?” Gao Ming pondered over Wan Qiu’s situation.

Moving quickly, Gao Ming spotted fresh, wet shoe prints in the hallway. He raced up the stairs, reaching the fifth floor without stopping for a breath.

“Where did the shoe prints go?” he wondered aloud.

As he turned a corner, he saw that apartment 506’s door was ajar. A bunch of advertising leaflets that had been stuffed into the door were now scattered on the floor.

“This apartment looks like it hasn’t been lived in for quite some time,” Gao Ming observed.

He picked up the leaflets, wiping away a thick layer of dust, and peered into apartment 506. The security door was coated in dust, suggesting it hadn’t been opened in a while. However, the interior of the apartment was surprisingly clean, almost as if it was being regularly maintained.

Gao Ming knocked on the door. A frail figure, Wan Qiu, emerged from the kitchen, awkwardly holding a spatula while wearing an apron that once belonged to the ghost mama living here.

“W-Who are you?” Wan Qiu asked timidly.

Previously, Wan Qiu was known for his shyness, rarely engaging with strangers and keeping to himself. It was only after his encounters with Gao Ming that he began opening up a bit more.

But this encounter was different. Not only was Wan Qiu actively cooking, but he also greeted Gao Ming first.

“I’m Gao Ming,” he introduced himself, slipping into house slippers. “I’ve been sent here to care for two young girls on behalf of their mother. Their names are Xianxian and Nannan.”

Suddenly, the security door slammed shut behind him, and the room’s temperature seemed to drop as though an air conditioner had been switched on. Wet footprints mysteriously appeared on the living room floor.

“That’s not possible, they don’t know you!” Wan Qiu, gripping the spatula as if it were a shield, stepped out of the kitchen, his newfound bravery evident in his stance against Gao Ming. “You’re not welcome here, ple-please leave.”

Gao Ming, noticing a burning smell coming from the kitchen, raised an eyebrow. “I see you’re trying to take care of the kids, but is this really within your capabilities?”

Ignoring the warning signs and Wan Qiu’s defensive stance, Gao Ming walked into the kitchen and removed the nearly incinerated pot from the stove.

Peering into the pot, he couldn’t even identify what vegetable had been attempted: “Is this your doing?”

Wan Qiu, now slightly embarrassed and less sure of himself, admitted, “Yes.”

“Why not ask the girls if this makes them miss their mother even more?” Gao Ming suggested, as he disposed of the burnt food and began cleaning the pot. He opened the refrigerator to prepare something else but found it filled with spoiled food. “Never mind, we should just order some takeout.”

“We mustn’t waste time. Let’s go and gather the others.” Gao Ming’s mission in Sishui Apartment was twofold; apart from ensuring everyone’s safety, he was also intent on finding Granny.

This elderly woman, whose age seemed a mystery, was known for her extraordinary nature.

As Gao Ming followed the corridor shadows, he soon encountered Ms. Nosy, the notorious gossiping neighbor, infamous for never keeping secrets. Despite her fearsome reputation, Gao Ming greeted her with a smile and, relying on his memory, led the three children towards a secluded area on the first floor.

Once the shadows had engulfed the area completely, Gao Ming approached a particular door with respect and knocked. As his hand made contact, the wooden door transformed into a blood-red color, with sinewy blood strands creeping across its surface. Several talismans that had been affixed to the frame shattered instantaneously.

From within, the sound of a statue breaking echoed. Gao Ming pushed the door open to find an elderly woman with white hair kneeling on the floor, a broken clay model of a Flesh Immortal in front of her.

The old woman lifted her head, her face lined with age. Her hand, resembling a gnarled tree branch, trembled as she inhaled sharply. “Flesh Immortal! You are the Flesh Immortal!” she exclaimed.

“You could say that,” Gao Ming replied, entering the room accompanied by the older and two younger children. He glanced at the 365 ghost god statues lining the wall. “Grandma, I need your cooperation on a matter.”

“You seek to alter fate?” Granny slowly composed herself, gathering the broken pieces of the clay Flesh Immortal and placing them on a table.

“There’s no need for that. I’m someone who respects fate,” Gao Ming responded, moving a chair to sit opposite Granny. “I’m not sure what Situ An promised to convince you to stay here, but you need to know that he’s a dangerous man.”

“He didn’t promise me anything. I have no desire to assist him,” Granny said, lighting three incense sticks and paying homage to all the ghosts and gods in her house. “He’s holding my two sisters’ children captive. If I don’t comply, he threatens to annihilate my entire lineage.”

“How can that man be more merciless than a ghost?” Gao Ming mused for a moment before speaking up. “Situ An aims to summon the Flesh Immortal, but I am the Flesh Immortal. His plan is doomed to fail, and your family is fated to be unsavable. How about we alter our strategy instead? If you join forces with me, together we can devise a plan to defeat Situ An.”


“You have a takeout order!”

Sumo, a delivery guy, was hustling with his task. He balanced two hefty bags filled with takeout food as he hurried into Sishui Apartment. Eager to complete his delivery, he sprinted up to the fifth floor, his breaths growing labored. Upon reaching room 506, he knocked energetically, announcing, “Your takeout is here!”

The room, however, was empty. As he wondered what to do next, the door of the neighboring apartment creaked open. A middle-aged woman appeared, her back turned to Sumo. “They’ve all gone down to the first floor,” she informed him.

Sumo, ever the diligent delivery person, asked, “Auntie, I’m really pressed for time. Could I possibly leave the takeout here with you? Maybe you could let them know when they come back?”

The woman, known in the building for her chatty nature, hesitated. “I’m sorry, but I’d rather not take responsibility for these things. And, if I may say so, it might be wise for you to avoid delivering to Sishui Apartment in the future.”

As she turned around to face Sumo, he was met with a startling sight. The woman’s face had four mouths, all moving simultaneously in an unsettling manner.

Shocked by this bizarre and frightening revelation, the bags of takeout slipped from Sumo’s grasp, crashing to the floor. Overwhelmed by the surreal scene, he fainted, collapsing next to the spilled food.

In a frantic attempt to revive him, the woman leaned over his unconscious form, imploring, “Wake up! Handsome boy! Wake up!”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!