Horror Game Designer - Chapter 88

Published at 10th of April 2024 06:54:31 AM

Chapter 88: Main Character

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Chapter 88: Main Character

The curved corridors surrounded the building in the middle, forming one after another circle. If outsiders wanted to enter the room in the middle, they had to walk through the intersections of the four corridors. Gao Ming ran in the rain down the new timeline.

“If this is not a coincidence, and there’s someone behind it, then the person is really ridiculous.”

Gao Ming reached Min Long Street Apartment 9. Before he took out his phone, he saw a familiar figure on the balcony. Behind the blurry window, Xuan Wen looked out silently. She was a lot thinner than before. With her current condition, she looked more like a prey.

Gao Ming ran up the stairs and knocked on the door. He realised in shock that the door wasn’t locked. He edged the door open. The pale light shone on his body. There was no furniture in the house. There was no furniture in the room. It looked so lonely.

“Are the colours of my underwear beautiful?” Xuan Wen’s light voice came from the balcony. She held the windowsill and glanced back at Gao Ming.

Gao Ming had never been asked such a question. He shook his head awkwardly. “Can I come in?”

“Be my guest.”

Gao Ming changed into the slippers and looked around. The room was like a forgotten corner. Even if Xuan Wen disappeared, no one would have noticed.

“I’ll make you something to eat.” Gao Ming opened the fridge. It was empty except for two buckets of ice. There was no food. “Should we call a take-out? What do you want to eat?”

“I don’t want to eat anything.” Xuan Wen closed the balcony door. She removed her shoes and sat at the edge of the bed. She leaned against the wall, hugged her knees and looked at Gao Ming.

Sensing her frayed emotions, Gao Ming said softly, “Do you have something on your mind? I can help you with it.”

“I wish... to spy on you.” Xuan Wen saw the shock on Gao Ming’s face. “Do you think I’m abnormal?”


“I am good at manipulation. I can control someone to kill themselves with just my words. You can’t lie to me.” Xuan Wen’s head leaned against the curtain. “No one is willing to be a mad person, and no one is willing to be a crazy pervert, but when you made me, I am such a person. I love you unconditionally. I want to stare at you, kill everyone that loves you. If you fall in love with someone else, I’ll kill them and you. Therefore, it’s normal for you to be scared of me. I am not loveable. I hate myself too.”

The living room lights flickered. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. The knocking was soft. It was like a children’s prank. Gao Ming immediately shut up. He shared a look with Xuan Wen. Who would come to find her? Gao Ming cleaned up his trace on the ground and hid on the balcony.

“No. Why are you hiding?”

“This is called ambush.”

The knocking became more frequent. Someone appeared to be looking through the peephole. Since no one answered the door, the doorknob started to turn. After a few clicks, the old front door opened. A woman’s face appeared at the door. She was cute and innocent. She didn’t look old. She was youthful.

“Is anyone home?”

The girl saw Xuan Wen beside the bed, and she smiled. “Big sister, I finally found you.” The girl pushed the door fully open. Her clothes were stained with blood. “It’s so hard to find you since you hide in such a secluded place!”

The girl was pretty, and her smile was sweet. However, when the blood dripped down her smile, it felt scary.

Gao Ming adjusted his body. She saw the girl who entered the room. The girl looked like one of the female characters. Her name was Li Luxin. In the eight plots that Wei Dayou designed, Li Luxin played with the main character until the male character’s family died and perished. She was a real evil person.

“Why are you looking for me?” Xuan Wen asked calmly. She never even looked at Li Luxin.

“Of course, I’m here to kill you.” The cute girl smiled cutely as she took out a knife from behind her. “You are too dangerous. Therefore, I’ll have to ask you to reunite with the other big sisters down there.”

“I don’t kill anyone, but people come to kill me?” Xuan Wen stood up with difficulty.

“You can’t be forced by fate to your old path.” Gao Ming walked out of the balcony. “Let me deal with her.”

Xuan Wen smiled as she looked behind Gao Ming and Li Luxin. With Li Luxin watching, she purposely leaned on Gao Ming like she was about to die. “She said nothing wrong. I was too dangerous. Even if I hide in a secluded corner and never thought of hurting anyone, it is all my fault.”

“Why are you trying to steal another character’s persona?”

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