Published at 30th of October 2023 07:28:36 AM

Chapter 181

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Murphy's mind flashed a question that should have been noticed a few months ago, but it was just a flash!

She is in the stage of love, IQ is not so high, although thought of this problem, but immediately found a reason for Yang Yi - he sang English version of birthday song on Xi Xi Xi's birthday!

As a result, Murphy did not go deep into it, and then listened to Xi Xi's story telling.


The next day, Yang Yi sent Xi Xi Xi to the kindergarten to play with her friends, and then she sent Murphy to the company.

She doesn't have time to take care of her children's love. The preparation of her new album has officially begun. Murphy is full of ambition and wants to create a miracle!

Mo Xiaojuan came to the office early. When she saw Murphy, she chuckled.

"What's the matter? I have flowers on my face? " Murphy felt puzzled and touched his face.

Mo Xiaojuan came over with a smile and took Murphy to sit down on the sofa in the office. Then she took out the small mirror for her make-up and showed it to Murphy: "sister Fei, you don't have any flowers on your face, just your makeup! Ah, I know you have a deep feeling with your brother-in-law, but you should also pay attention to it. If you are photographed, you will be in trouble! "

Murphy saw that his face was pink in the mirror. What's more, the lip makeup on his mouth was spent, as if someone had eaten a piece of it.

"This son of a bitch!" Murphy bit her lower lip gently. She was so shy that she could hardly raise her head. She complained to Yang Yi secretly.

But she still refused to admit: "no, I'm just in a hurry in the morning, and I didn't even apply lip gloss."

Mo Xiaojuan curled her lips and hummed, "are you still hiding from me? Sister, it's obvious, OK? Look at your ruddy little face. Yesterday, the world was very moist for these two people. "

It seems that yesterday Mo Xiaojuan was right not to disturb them both. She secretly enjoyed it.

She also came up to Murphy's arm and said with a smile, "come on, tell me, is brother-in-law fierce? He's got such a good figure that he's got a lot of trouble with you, isn't he? "

Mo Xiaojuan and Murphy are not only relatives, but also work partners. At the same time, it can be said that they are close friends. Between girls, this kind of topic can be talked about without fear!

However, Murphy is still thin skinned, she made a big red face, spat at her: "go, don't talk nonsense, the other day you asked you to buy me a sanitary napkin, you don't know!"

"Yes, so that you can't snap! Oh, what a pity Mo Xiaojuan said with regret.

However, she came to her head curiously and said, "elder sister, didn't you say that you have to test your brother-in-law again before? Why is it so easy to give him a hand? "

"Bah, what does it mean to give him a hand?" Murphy wrung Mo Xiaojuan, blushing, but she couldn't help sharing her happiness. She took out her mobile phone and whispered, "I'll show you something."

Mo Xiaojuan mumbled: "I don't want to see it. I don't want to see it. It must be dog food again!"

But the flame of gossip is burning. How can you not want to see it? The mouth said, but the body is very honest to lean past.

Murphy turned out the picture of the pot of "flowers" Yang Yi had made for her yesterday. She could not help but look up at her mouth. She pulled Lamo Xiaojuan and said, "look, this is what he prepared at noon yesterday. Guess what it came from?"

"Flowers Mo Xiaojuan didn't feel anything at the first glance, and she turned her lips, "sister, do we want to be so cheap? Send you a bunch of flowers and you're captured? "

"What! Take a closer look. " Murphy snickered, and she also admired Yang Yineng for being so fake, although it also had something to do with the fuzzy pixels of mobile phones.

Mo Xiaojuan looked at it carefully this time. Judging from the three-dimensional sense of hierarchy, this flower is different from the flower. Moreover, it is still installed in a large plate. She asked suspiciously, "Hey, this is not a flower. What is it from?"

"It's dumplings..." Murphy covered his mouth and laughed. He explained to Mo Xiaojuan a little complacently.

"Oh, I'm blind. I can eat dog food even if I look at a picture! How come nobody sent me such lovely dumplings? The pretty girl here vows that whoever gives me a plate will marry him Mo Xiaojuan envied, envied and hated, and exclaimed madly.

"Hee hee, well, seeing you are so miserable, I won't tell you what poems he wrote to me later!" Murphy forced a smile and said, "it will save you more pain."

But women are creatures that will die if they don't gossip! Murphy did not say that it was OK. As soon as she said it, Mo Xiaojuan couldn't help it. She quickly pulled Murphy and asked, "tell me quickly, what poem has brother-in-law written for you? Isn't it special? "

Under the threat of Mo Xiaojuan's "tickling without saying it", Murphy compromised, and she read the two poems Yang Yi had made for her.

After a while, there was a scream from Mo Xiaojuan in the office: "ah! What have I done? Why die and eat dog food? Now, I'm deaf and blind! "

Why, what seems to be wrong?


Today, Mo Xiaojuan arranged for Murphy to meet with the music producers invited by the company. Tianmei is still different from Tianxiang. Tianmei is a brokerage company and Tianxiang is a record company. Naturally, the former can not keep some excellent music producers in the company like the latter.When it comes to making records, the company will hire producers from the industry to help. It may be some producers who have no schedule arrangement for the time being, or some producers who work on their own.

It's sort of like a mercenary, but the level of the former is basically higher than that of the latter - not all, but it's common.

This time, the producer of Tianmei is a middle-aged musician named Jin Yingming. He belongs to the latter and runs a studio of his own.

The name of Jin Yingming sounds like a person from a small country in the north, but he is a down-to-earth Chinese and a native musician of modu.

He is not unknown. Ten years ago, he made a record for a singer, and he was listed in the selection list of Chinese Golden records, which is also a little famous in the industry.

It was a bumpy road for him, but he didn't expect that when he started to be an independent producer Ten years later, he did not encounter the opportunity that he had at the beginning. Instead, he did not soar to the sky, but brought a negative impact on his fame.

Of course, Jin Yingming did not sink here. After years of hard work, he rounded the edges and corners, and took on some small orders that he didn't care about before. Instead, he honed his own ability.

However, Jin Yingming, who lacks resources and opportunities, is still unknown.

Although Murphy had heard of the producer a long time ago, she can't remember now. Before meeting Jin Yingming, she still asked: "Xiaojuan, who is Mr. Jin? What about Miss Duan? "

Duan Shurong is also an independent music producer. However, before she jumped out, she was already a famous producer with extensive contacts and resources. There are more than a dozen assistants in my own studio, not as embarrassed as Jin Yingming.

In the past, Murphy's records were basically cooperated with her, including the platinum album "love with Mo Lu", and their cooperation was full of tacit understanding. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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