Published at 30th of October 2023 07:31:47 AM

Chapter 41

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"Murphy, when will your new album go on sale?"

"It has been confirmed that it will be on May 14."

"Murphy, do you have confidence in yourself this time around?"

"I've always been confident!"

"Murphy, in front of more than 300 fans who came to support you, do you have anything to say to them?"

"Thank you for your support and waiting Well, I won't let you down! "


It was another commercial performance. Murphy sang several of his classic old songs and a new song with published sound source, and then he was interviewed by the reporter.

There was nothing new in the reporters' questions, as if they were old-fashioned. Murphy said the answers over and over again. Even if she is not likely to have a large range of mood swings, but the faint smile hanging on her face all day long also feels stiff and hard to maintain.

Murphy came back to the hotel almost late at night with tiredness. He had no appetite for dinner. He was even too tired to feel hungry. He just wanted to lie in bed and have a good rest.

Of course, Murphy can't sleep. She takes out the mobile phone in her bag and dials Yang Yi's phone.

After the bell rang for a while, a strong male voice answered the phone: "hello?"

Hearing that this guy has no feelings, Murphy will always have some gnashing teeth, before dialing the phone, that missing is gone.

"It's me, Murphy." Murphy is also cold, don't want Yang Yi to feel her emotional fluctuations.

"I know, Xi Xi is asleep." In Jiangcheng, Yang Yi moved her eyes away from the computer screen and took a look at the night outside.

Murphy doesn't have the habit of calling him to talk to him. Yang Yi knows that she usually talks with Xi Xi on the phone, and the mother and daughter need this to ease their missing for each other.

But listening to Yang Yi, Murphy felt as if Yang Yi was blaming herself for not calling earlier. She felt very aggrieved. She could not help but murmured: "I have no way. Now I'm back in the hotel. I've been busy all day, and I'm exhausted!"

After the last tone, Murphy was stunned and couldn't help blushing.

It's like being coquettish!

However, Yang Yi did not seem to realize that Murphy secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but also some vaguely lost.

On the other end of the phone, Yang Yi was silent for a while before saying, "is it necessary to work so hard? Can't we reduce some activities? "

Yang Yi doesn't know nothing about the entertainment industry. In his previous life, he saw an article on the Internet commenting on the singer Park Shu. The singer who made music attentively and didn't bow down for money, Yang Yi thought he was a real musician!

Why do you have to go around for business shows? Why go on so many variety shows to get exposure?

As long as the music is well done, are you afraid that there will be no fans?

Can you sell platinum albums when you're tired like a dog?

So Yang Yi didn't approve of Murphy's working mode, but he didn't mention it before. Today, Murphy's mood fluctuated greatly, so he couldn't help asking.

Murphy is very useful, this is Yang Yi night, reading literature network, strong son sitting in the editorial room, looking at the empty in box, almost cry!

In the past two days, he has been contacting Yang Yi through the background of the author, hoping to get the contact information of the other party, and then tell him some broken chapters, as well as the follow-up recommendation arrangement and update speed.

Yang Yi now regularly updates two chapters every day, but the number of words has reached tens of thousands of words. Qiangzi is worried that she can't wait for her own recommendation, so Yang Yi will update her book!

Unlike traditional literature, online novels are very important in every round of recommendation, and they need to be arranged step by step. If you don't wait for the best recommended places, Yang Yi's performance will not be the best.

What's more, at present, "soldier assault" is in the forefront of the storm. There are as many people who like it as those who hate it. Every day, they make a lot of noise in the discussion area.

If Yang Yi is updated slowly, it will only be beneficial and not harmful!

But Yang Yi didn't pay any attention to him. It seems that the chapters uploaded to the draft box did not appear again. What can I do?

Fortunately, Qiangzi didn't know it was Murphy who occupied Yang Yi's time, so Yang Yi didn't have time to surf the Internet If he knew, he would have vomited blood and died. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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