Published at 30th of October 2023 07:17:51 AM

Chapter 572

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(asking for a monthly ticket)

to paraphrase a lyric, life is like a platform for waiting for a bus.

Yang Yi sent away Lin mu'an and took back her sister.

Yang Huan, who has finished filming the maid, has just returned from the capital with Ding Xianggang. She has to rush to report. Tomorrow is the last day of the freshmen report. Then they have to gather all the time. All the freshmen are arranged to attend military training. No matter which, she can't be absent casually.

In the past, star students like Qin Wen didn't dare to find an excuse to escape military training. Yang Huan was not even a star. Of course, he could not say that he wanted to film and ask for leave.

Ding Xiang and Guo Ziyi start school two weeks late. Lu Xiaoshu and Miao Chuan are like this. They are all prepared to wait until the last day of the class to come to school. It is only because Lin mu'an helps them to uphold justice. When Lu Xiaoshu and Miao Chuan hear that Lin mu'an is going south to the port city, they rush back to see him off.

After knowing about Lin mu'an, Yang Huan and Guo Ziyi reacted very simply. They both felt very relieved. Guo Ziyi made a great change in Lin mu'an, and Yang Huan yelled that "brother an is a great hero, uphold justice and eliminate harm for the people.".

Yang Yi has no objection. He can only tell Ding Xiang, who knows something about the world, to take good care of these two unreliable guys.


Yang Huan went to report, but Yang Yi did not accompany her, because today is Sunday, which is the time for Murphy's fans' meeting.

So in the morning, she entrusted Xi Xi to Wu Jing Jing to let her stay at LAN's house to play with her little friends. Then he and Murphy came to the studio and accompanied her to meet 30 fans who had been drawn.

"Murphy! Yang Yi When the fans saw them, they jumped out of their chairs one by one, and some even called Yang Yi's stage name "Muzi ang".

Among the 30 fans, there are men and women, underage star chasing girls, women in professional clothes, big boys with green faces, and uncles who don't know whether they are really old or old. But everyone is the same. They are all big fans of Murphy.

When Murphy greets them and asks them their names one by one, they are all excited and incoherent.

"Today's fan meeting is mainly divided into two parts and four small links..." Xiao AI is today's host, maintaining order and promoting the activities.

The first part and the first link are the visit to Fei Yisi studio.

"This is our recording studio, which is usually used by Yang Yi and I. the glory you have heard, and the words from your heart, the moon on the fifteenth, and so on, are recorded here."

Murphy likes this part, because she is always satisfied with the decoration and decoration of the studio. What's more, in this studio, she realizes the freedom that Tianmei couldn't give before.

Therefore, although her tone is gentle and calm, the happiness and satisfaction in her voice can not be concealed.

To tell you the truth, there is nothing special about the studio. If you have to say something special, it is that there are three recording studios in this small building, and the equipment inside is of the first-class level in the industry. A small studio is equipped with three luxury recording studios, which is absolutely luxury!

Who made Yang Yi rich, he left a recording studio for him and Murphy, and then another one for Jin Yingming's ordinary use. The remaining one was to be prepared. For example, Guo Ziyi's record of fairy tales by Huayi Brothers was in it.

However, for every fan, the Star Studio is very fresh. How can they feel special when they visit the star's studio for the first time without comparison?

In the small building, fans are filled with praise. With these modern decoration, they feel that Murphy has succeeded in leaving the brokerage company and opening his own studio!

Such a comfortable working environment will surely inspire more inspiration and bring more good works to them!

Next, Murphy took the fans back to the decorated activity hall to start the real fans meeting.

Yang Yi is sitting on one side with a guitar in his arms. He just said hello, but didn't say too much, because this is Murphy's fan meeting, so we can't make a fuss about it.

But the fans were very excited. Before they started, they whispered to their buddies that they had just met: "Yang Yi wants to sing, too? You can see their duet

Murphy sat on a high stool, and before she sat down, she apologized to her fans: "excuse me, can I sit down? Maybe we can't stand up and sing like we did in a concert. "

"It doesn't matter!"

"Yes, Murphy. You're still carrying a baby."

"Sit down, we don't mind!"

The fans were talking, and suddenly, the distance between them and Murphy seemed to be getting closer, and the atmosphere in the activity hall was particularly warm.

"This time I gather with you, I'm sure I have to sing for you. But because of the limited energy, I can only sing a few songs. So what do you want me to sing?" Murphy sat down, holding a microphone, and asked, as usual, for a greeting."In my song!" Said the younger sister, who was still under age.

"Listen to the sea!"

"Across the ocean to see you!"

"The first dream!"

They were excited and gave the names of their favorite songs.

"Do you want to listen to different songs? Well, let's make a simple draw. I'll draw one person at a time, and then he will order the song, and I'll sing it. There will be three people in total. How about that? " Murphy had to follow the process discussed before, let AI take out the draw bucket.

The fans don't have any opinions. Murphy has given them a lot of respect by doing this, and they are very satisfied.

"Jia Siyuan." Murphy drew out a note and read out the name of the fan.

Standing up was the office girl who was very mature in her dress, but she was not reserved. Instead, she was just like a little girl, and she stood up happily.

"You are Jia Siyuan?" Murphy's a little bit of a snack.

"Hee hee, is my name a bit like a man's name? No way. Who asked my parents to give me such a name? " Jia Siyuan's words made everyone laugh, but she was not restrained. Instead, she said, "Murphy, I'm really a big fan of you. When I was in high school, I loved listening to your songs."

Thank you Murphy responded gratefully.

"So the song I want to order, for a long time, is your famous work" love with strangers "!" Jia Siyuan said this, and said excitedly, "really, I've been to Murphy's performance in yangchengchang this year, but you didn't sing this song. Although this song has been in the past for a long time, I think it's very good to listen to it. I hope I can hear you sing it again."

Murphy was a little surprised. She didn't expect that someone would order her old songs, which moved Murphy to tears. She wiped her eyes, nodded, and said, "no problem. In fact, I also practice this song sometimes, because Yang Yi likes my song very much."

With that, Murphy turned to look at Yang Yi.

Yang Yi smiles. He doesn't open his mouth. He just looks at Murphy. Then he sweeps the guitar strings gently with his fingers. The melody rings.

It is the prelude of "love with strangers", Jia Siyuan suddenly heard it. She couldn't help but feel excited, "Oh", and called out a little.

How much love these two must be! Yang Yi can recite the music scores of Murphy's popular songs six years ago! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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