Published at 30th of October 2023 07:11:07 AM

Chapter 778

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Like Yu Ying, Yang Yi also wants to inspire Xi Xi Xi's sense of self-protection by telling stories.

However, unlike Yu Ying, Yu Ying creates orthodox fairy tales close to life, and the story Yang Yi wants to tell Xi Xi comes from a classic magic novel in his previous life. Of course, it is also a children's book to the letter!

Xi Xi certainly wants to hear her father tell her new stories, because since she started reading before bed, Yang Yi has reduced the frequency of telling her new stories.

It's interesting to read picture books with colorful pictures with her father, but Xi Xi prefers stories told by her father!

"This story, happened in distant England, Xi Xi, do you know where England is?" Yang Yi took the little globe she bought for Xi Xi before she took it and pointed to the narrow island to show her, "it's here."

Xi Xi curiously gathered in her father's arms and looked up.

"Eh, Baba, it's very close to luweisha's home." Xi Xi's eyes aimed at the globe to draw a circle of the place, some surprised said.

"Yes, it's very close to lucissa's house." Yang Yi said with a smile.

Returning to the story that Xi Xi hopes to hear, Yang Yi describes four children, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy, who are sent to the home of an old professor in the countryside in order to escape the war.

"It's a long time ago. It's about the time when your grandfather was just born. At that time, the capital of England was often bombed by airplanes. The kind of planes with big bombs, flying over, would blow up a whole house!" Yang Yi opened her fingers and exaggeratively described the explosion! It's all gone. A lot of people will be killed at that time. "

Xi Xi's small mouth opened in surprise, but her surprise and fear did not restrain her desire to speak.

"Baba, what about grandfather? Why blow up the house? " The little girl took her father's arm and asked anxiously.

"At that time, our country was also at war. Because some villains wanted to rob our homeland, we flew bombing planes. Fortunately, the army defeated them, so we can have a peaceful life now." Yang Yi smiles and comforts Xi Xi, "grandfather is OK, isn't he OK now?"

Xi Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and the kind-hearted girl murmured: "you can't fight! Fighting is not a good boy. "

Well, she misunderstood the war as a fight!

Yang Yi continued to tell the story. After a while, Yang Yi talked about Lucy playing hide and seek in the professor's big house with her brothers and sisters.

The original work is not hide and seek. The plot of the film is just hide and seek. Yang Yi thinks that it is easier for Xi Xi to understand the plot of the film. She only played hide and seek game with her friends on June 1.

In the cadence of Yang Yi's description, Lucy got into the wardrobe. To her surprise, she wore it and suddenly appeared in a snowy forest!

"The trees are very tall, with leaves as thin as grass, covered with fine ice debris, and the sky is full of snowflakes. They are like fairies, falling on Lucy's hair Yang Yi gently touched Xi Xi Xi's hair and described with language, "it seems that the whole world is covered with very clean white. Only a short distance away, there is a bright lamp post, emitting faint yellow light."

Yang Yi's description gradually constructs a clear picture in Xi Xi's mind.

Xi Xi feels very magical, big eyes are blooming brilliance, also can't help but gently wow.

Is there such a magical world behind the wardrobe?

"Baba, is this where sister Elsa lives?" Xi Xi asked naively.

"No, it's another magical world. Listen to what Dad says to you Yang Yi smiles and tells her the next story.

Lucy met Mr. tunas, a sheep man whose upper body was human and his lower body was sheep legs. Then, at the invitation of the shy Mr. tunas, Lucy, who wanted to go home, decided to follow Mr. tunas to his home.

Half man and half sheep, this is amazing!

However, what Xi Xi Xi has in mind is the small face of sheep, not the appearance of sheep people.

"Xi Xi, if you were Lucy, would you go to his house with Mr. tunas?" When Yang Yi said this, she stopped and asked.

Xi Xi blinked, hesitated, or shook his head.

Yang Yi was very pleased and asked, "why not?"

Xi Xi looked at her father and said, "because, because I don't know him, then I didn't say to Baba, you can go to other people's home to play with Baba."

Yang Yi touched Xi Xi Xi's head happily, but instead of preaching in a hurry, he continued to tell stories.

At Mr. tunas' place, the shy and enthusiastic man sheep invited Lucy to have tea and snacks, and played a song from his hometown, which was actually a lullaby.

As the plot became more and more tense, Mr. tunas finally became cold. He told the sleepy Lucy that he would report Lucy's news to the white witch, because the villain who turned Narnia into a world of ice and snow wanted to seize every human child who appeared."Is Mr. toonas a bad guy?" Originally listening to the story a little sleepy Xi Xi heard such a reversal, her big eyes opened up in disbelief.

Because Mr. tunas described by Yang Yigang is actually a very good sheep man. Although he looks strange, he is actually very timid and kind-hearted. Xixi thinks that Lucy's tea is not a bad choice.

"We don't care whether Mr. toonas is a bad guy or just a good man who is coerced by the white witch to do evil." Yang Yi turned around, looked at Xi Xi's eyes, and began to talk about his real purpose tonight, "in fact! In this world, there are many, many bad people you can't see

Xixi was so absorbed in listening that she forgot to interrupt.

"Bad guys don't label themselves as bad guys. If you know people and know their faces but don't know their hearts, they may look good, but in fact they may also be bad guys." Yang Yi said, "only father and mother are absolutely good people who will never harm you. For other people, you can't judge his good or bad by your intuition, understand?"

"What shall we do?" Xixi shriveled her mouth and asked in fear.

"Don't worry, now you still need Dad to help you judge. When you grow up and have your own judgment ability, you can also judge whether he is a good person or a bad person." Yang Yirou Sheng said, "this is also why, dad told you that no matter where you go now, you should first tell your father and ask for his consent."

Xi Xi nodded cleverly.

"Dad now gives another example." Yang Yi said with a smile, "it's similar to the question asked by Cai teacher. If you are traveling with your father outside, but you are not careful with your father, what should you do?"

"Find uncle security and ask them to call Baba." Xi Xi this is a very smooth answer, "Baba's phone is 13 XXXXXX."

"It's OK. But sometimes, you may not be able to find uncle security or uncle police. Moreover, it is possible that the people you ask for help from may be bad people." Yang Yi said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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