Hundred - Volume 9 - Chapter 1

Published at 11th of March 2021 10:07:56 PM

Chapter 1

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Selection of the next President / The Feelings of Erika / The Dream of the Older Sister


She decided to go to the moon.

However, she hasn’t decided who will accompany her.

Who should be the ones that will accompany her?

Claire had been thinking about it non-stop since returning to Little Garden from Calbrera Island where the World Martial Arts Tournament was held.

The result of the selection of <<LiZA>> is to bring almost all the members of Selections with her. Only Liddy Steinberg and Emilia Hermit are out of it.

The reason about why Liddy is staying is simple.

It’s because Liddy Steinberg is worthy to succeed Claire Harvey who is the current President of the Student Council.

But, she doesn’t know the reason why <<LiZA>> has excluded Emilia Hermit.

Claire asks <<LiZA>>.

『Why don’t you select Emilia Hermit』

The answer to that is the following.

『Listen to your heart』

*TN: Both sentences in brackets were written in English by the author.

Claire sighed greatly.

She completely realized her feelings.

– Your excessive meddling is unnecessary masenwayo.

Claire inflated her cheeks.

Even though it’s the judgment of <<LiZA>>, the final decision is entrusted to herself.

(… first of all, let’s talk with the closest one…)

Claire started with her right-hand person.

She decided to call Liddy Steinberg.

– I thought about it and I would like to request Liddy to be my successor masuwa.

Claire began to talk towards Liddy who came to the Student Council Room.

Looking a bit surprised, Liddy asked a question in return.

– Does that mean that I will stay in Little Garden and I will become the President?

– Exactly desuwa. I will head to the moon together with the graduation masu.

– Can I ask one thing?

– Sure desuwayo.

– Is that the choice of Claire-sama herself? Or her Ani-sama’s and Liza’s choice, or Dr. Charlotte’s――

– <<LiZA>> also suggested that you should remain in Little Garden and that you should be the President. But, from the start, that was also my idea――originally, I got a proposition from my older brother to go to the moon, but in the end, I decided it myself desu.

– Is that so…

– Will you accept masuka?

– … of course.

Liddy answered, straightening herself.

If Claire steps down from the seat of the President, then she will succeed her after that.

Besides that, she is the only one suitable for that role.

… but, this kind of way was unexpected.

It was because Claire thought that she would remain in Little Garden as captain of the ship after graduation.

– I thought you would say so mashitawa.

Gently, yet satisfied, Claire smiled.

– Should I take over the title of the captain of the ship?

Claire is the President of the Student Council and the captain of Little Garden.

If she leaves Little Garden, someone must replace her.

– That is undecided so far desuwa. If Erika and Chris go to the moon, there is the possibility that you will be doing both roles masu.

– Have you not talked to Erika or Chris yet?

– No, you are the first. The next one to call is Erika desu.

– I think that it is sure to say that Erika will follow Claire-sama.

– … indeed desuwane. I have the same feeling masuwa.

Slipping out a smile, Claire continued speaking.

– That’s all what I had to say. From now on, in order to become accustomed to the position of the President, I will gradually delegate my work to you, yes? And thank you for accepting the role masuwane.








15 minutes after Liddy left.

Erika came to the Student Council Room.

– I will go to the moon with Claire-sama. I will stay to the side of Claire-sama. Because that is the reason, the meaning of my life.

Erika heard that Claire is going to the moon, and her reply was just as Liddy said.

Thereupon, Claire smiled gently at Erika and,

– It is fine already.

– … what is fine?

What does that mean, I wonder?

Erika asked with a blank look.

– Two years have passed since you entered Little Garden, you have done enough mashita. Forget about obligations and the like by now, there won’t be a problem even if you live doing what you like desu.

– It has nothing to do with obligations! I would like to go together with Claire-sama. It is precisely because I wanted so that I have been working like this. Therefore―

– … I get it masuwa.

Slipping out a smile, Claire said.

– Then, let’s go to the moon together.

– Claire-sama…!

The facial expression of Erika got suddenly brighter.

(Yes, this person knows my feelings)

Erika thinks she is very wonderful.

That hasn’t change from that day.

(From that day, I have always been with Claire-sama…)








That was three years ago.

Erika lived in an agrarian community in central Liberia, and was heading for shopping with her father and mother to the huge shopping mall that was 30 minutes or so by car.

In the driver’s seat of the big black light van was her father, he’s a farmer.

Her mother, her helper, is in the passenger seat.

Erika and the food for one week were on the back seat.

It was the regular work of every Sunday.

Erika is reading a book on the Tablet PC as usual in the backseat.

She didn’t want to go shopping if possible.

She wanted to read a book at home.

And yet, she was taken out as if they were a happy family circle.

Erika was discontent with it.

What is being played from the radio that resounds from the driver’s seat is old-fashioned country music that matches the reddish ground that can be seen outside the window.

Her father is whistling in accordance to the melody of his favorite song.

For Erika it was a nuisance to her reading.

The song is suddenly interrupted, and changed to a sound of a piercing siren.

– Huh?

What on earth is that? Erika gave a gaze from the Tablet PC.

– No way――the Savage!?

And in accordance with the prediction of the father.

News flash were coming from the radio.

An announcer in panic informs that there was news of the arrival of the Savage.

The predicted falling place is the place where they are driving now.

*BOOM*! Making a sound, the car shook.

(Don’t tell me that――)

The tremor was because the Savage landed just now?

Erika put the Tablet PC in the seat and tries to look outside.

Then the car shook again.

– Damn it!

The father exclaims.

– Mom! Erika! Get down!

Without knowing the reason, Erika followed those words and stooped.

The world dyed white.

The Savage fired the bombardment!

The sound of an explosion was heard and, a floating sensation.

(… no way, the car is floating…?)

It felt as if they were riding in an attraction of an amusement park.

*THUD*! Then the tremors attack again, and the pain pierced through their bodies.

Without stopping its movement, the car continued rolling, and finally stopped.

(I’m alive…)

That’s what she thought first.

However, when trying to move her body a bit, the pain flowed.

She’s caught between the crushed ceiling of the car and the seat, it seems unlikely that she’ll be able to move from that place.

What is reflected in her blurred vision are rolling onions and apples――

And a part of her glasses was broken, it got cracked.

– Dad! Mom!

Erika desperately calls the two people who were riding the car with her.

– Argh… Erika… are you alright?

What came back was the voice in pain of her mother.

– Mom!

Still, she was relieved.

In this state, her family is alive.

She felt saved just by that.

– Sorry, Erika. Mom can’t move…

– It’s the same for dad… Erika, run away.

Her father was alive.


– I can’t move… so, I can’t run away…

– No way! If it’s only Erika, I want you to live…

Immediately after her mother gave a sorrowful voice.

From the space between iron plate and iron plate, she saw a giant Savage.

– Ah…

Fear runs through her body.

Of course, it’s the first time she sees a Savage.

Since she doesn’t have her glasses, she can’t see its appearance properly.

But she knew immediately what it was going to do.

It was because she saw somehow or other that its head was wide open.

Erika knows that that is a signal of bombardment.

The car protected them earlier and they were able to survive.

But, if they receive the bombardment in this state――.

(I see, we are going to die after all…)

Although she desperately hid her body and closed her eyes, she frankly thought so.

But the Savage didn’t come to attack no matter how much time passes.

… what on earth is happening?

In the midst of chaos, the ground shook in short and repeated movements.

– Huh?

Following that, a *BANG* is heard and a sunlight shone.

When she could see, she saw the figure of a girl holding the hood of the car in one of her hands.

A girl with blonde hair dressed in red armor――

(This person…)

The decisive battle weapons, the <<Hundred Armaments>> Hundred developed by Warslan to combat the enemy of mankind, the Savage.

The ones being able to handle a Hundred are called Slayers.

– These people, um…

Behind the girl with blonde hair, girls dressed in similar armor and that are a little older than the girl appeared.

– Claire-sama, we have dealt with the Savage.

– Thank you for your hard work. We rescued a person here desuwa.

It appears that the previous tremor was when the Savage fell down.

She was saved.

It’s alright now.

Thinking so, tears are overflowing.

– There is nothing to cry for masenwayo.

The girl with blonde hair gently called her out.

Claire picked up the glasses that had fallen to the side and handed them to Erika.

– Are you alright desuka?

– Ye-, yyes…!

Even when she replied, Erika was surprised.

– But, mom and dad are still inside…

– Let us help them.

When the blond girl said so, two other girls began to move and rescued her father and mother while destroying the metal board.

– Erika!

Erika was being embraced closely by her mother.

Subsequently, her father also embraced her closely.

Looking at the situation, Claire smiled and said to Erika.

– What a relief desuwane.

– Ah, umm, err…

Erika makes an effort to say her thanks to Claire.


– … looks like another one arrived desuwane.

Claire looks back, saying so as if spitting out.

– I will entertain it masu. You girls, bring these people to the shade of the rock desuwa.

– Ah…

Carried by two Slayers who were ordered by Clare, Erika and her parents were taken to the shade of a rock.

It’s the place where injured people like them are gathered due to the raid of the Savage.

(I see, the person just now…)

Erika, dropped by the two Slayers, and from the shade of the rock, looked at the blonde girl fighting the Savage.

The blonde girl stopped the bombardment of the Savage.

The girl, who was called Claire, heads straight to the Savage.

Standing behind Erika, her father was looking the same scene and muttered.

– Don’t tell me, that girl is――

– Dad, do you know her?

– Yes, I have heard of her in rumors. The daughter of Warslan Company who developed the Hundred, and known as the strongest Slayer at the present time, Claire Harvey, the <<Rose Guardian>> Rose Guardian…. Probably, I’m sure of it.

– Claire Harvey…

She turned her eyes to the girl of that name once again.

It seemed that her age wasn’t different from herself.

And yet, how strong she is.

And, how brave she is.

She doesn’t falter against the opponents who are many times bigger than her.

She disrupted the Savage using a floating battery, and destroyed something like a shining stone in the head.

Then, the Savage stops moving.

The parents of Erika, and of course the rest of the evacuated cheered.

– Amazing…

Erika muttered very emotional.

From that day on, Claire was Erika’s lifesaver, a heroine, a yearning existence.

And then from that day on, Erika began to investigate about the Hundred and the Slayers.

The information was limited only because Warslan didn’t make public a lot of things about them, but as her father said, Claire is a very famous person in the world――.

She saves the world from the Savage, and was revered as a heroic existence.

– Amazing, she’s really, amazing…!

Erika admired Claire the more she investigated, reaching the point of adoration.

(One more time… I want to see you again, Claire-sama…)

At any rate, she has a lot of regret.

At that time, she couldn’t convey her words of gratitude properly.

So, she would like to meet Claire once again and tell her words of gratitude to her.

When she was thinking about it, a turning point came to Erika.

She was in the midst of searching about Claire on the cybernet as usual, using her PC.

– This is…

What she happened to see is that Warslan is about to establish a school with the purpose to train Slayers.

And then, in the news was stated that the school was planned to be built on a huge floating city ship.

It’s also written that the aptitude test will be done extensively in order to gather students of the Slayer apprenticeship.

Besides, the representative of that school is――

– Claire…sama…?

It was written that the captain of the floating academy city ship and the representative of the school was the world-famous Slayer Claire “Rose Guardian” Harvey. In other words, if she enrolls in Little Garden, she can meet Claire.

Maybe she can even fight and trust their backs together.

– It’s being accepted or nothing…

Exactly, Erika will be a senior high school student from next year.

She’s perfectly suited for the recruiting age.

However, she was also scared.

If she doesn’t have the talent to be a Slayer and can’t enter Little Garden, her dreams may end up shattering.

However, if she stops, she won’t move forward.

(It’s a great opportunity, I’ll be accepted, I’ll be accepted for sure)

Erika resolved herself for the entrance examination of Little Garden.

She decided to take the Slayer’s aptitude test.

It’s said that the Hundred also respond to the feelings of the people.

(That’s why, I’m sure that the Hundred will respond to my feelings!)

Believing that, Erika persuaded her parents.

Naturally, her father told her that 「Erika, there’s no way you can be a Slayer」

She thinks that is the case.

It’s because she doesn’t have physical strength nor reflexes.

Still, Erika supplicated 「I want to receive liberty of action only if I’m accepted 」「If I pass the examination, I would like to go to Little Garden」

Her parents knew Erika’s feelings for Claire.

That’s why――.

– I absolutely think that you won’t pass the examination.

Although saying that, her parents gave Erika their consent to take the examination.


And, the very day of the examination――.

While her heart was beating stronger, Erika headed to the examination hall.

Then, she will touch the Variable Stone, the source of the Hundred.

Supposing there was no reaction, then that’s the end.

If there’s a reaction, but her numerical value is low, then it may be impossible to enroll in Little Garden.

(… it’s fine…. I must become a Slayer…. The Hundred is supposed to respond to my feelings towards Claire-sama…)

Erika kept telling that to herself to distract her anxiety.

That doesn’t change until just before touching the Hundred at the examination hall.

– Next is Erika Candle.

Calling the name in the test tube, she stretched out the hand to the Hundred placed in front of her.


Praying, the moment she touched it――.

– Ah…

When she saw that the stone shone in a strong purple, flowers bloomed on the expression of Erika who was stiff.

It was a stronger light than the ones of the other students.

(I did it, the Hundred responded to my feelings towards Claire-sama――)

She passed the exam.

After that, and as they heard it, Erika got first place in the reaction numerical value at that time.


There were secondary examinations that took place at a later date, these included physical examination and physical strength measurements.

And, the intelligence measurement was the main content.

To start with, she didn’t have problems with the intelligence measurement.

She was that much confident.

The problem is the physical examination and the physical strength measurement.

She lacks physical strength, but she is way more than confident with her intelligence.

Her height is short, and her body is stiff.

Her eyesight is bad.

And since her physical ability is inferior, she’s poor at running.

Honestly, for a Slayer, that would be nothing but minus points.

And in the actual conditions, her physical strength measurement was horrible.

She failed both in short distance race and long distance race, she couldn’t do neither push-ups nor sit-ups properly, it’s as if she doesn’t have lung capacity.

Even her grip strength is considerably lower than girls of her same age.

And even though she trained for the test, there are limits.

After all, she went through a hasty preparation

(If the martial arts department is a no-no, then the intelligence department…)

Then she can’t fight together with Claire, but she can live in the same Little Garden.

It was an opportunity to meet her――she may have the chance to chitchat with her, but then, something happened when she had given up enrolling in the martial arts department.



– … it’s a lie…

Without believing it, she received a passing notice of the secondary examination.

(This may be a dream…)

She pulled her cheek, but she didn’t wake up.

This is reality.

As for the passing notice, the third and final test is in a week later.

It was also stated the contents of the interview.


And then, a week later, the day of the interview.

Erika headed to the branch of the Warslan Company that is in the hall.

There is someone who does the interview, and their name isn’t written in the information.

But, maybe――

(Maybe I can meet Claire-sama!)

Thinking that, she got excited.


(… If Claire-sama appears, I may not be able to take the interview in a normal state…)

What should I do?

She was worried.

Even though she arrived at the interview assembly hall, naturally her fast beatings won’t stop.

She came together with 5 people to take the interview.

How many people will be chosen form this?

Of course, Erika doesn’t know.

– Erika Candle――

– Ye-, yes!

Erika gave a loud voice when her name was suddenly called.

– You are the first. Follow me.

It was a woman who called her name, and the one who is going to guide Erika.

It’s a woman of her same age, she’s tall, has stiffy eyebrows, dark skin and is wearing an atmosphere like a Slayer does.

– I am Liddy Steinberg. In case you enter Little Garden, I will be teaching you martial arts.

– Is-, is that so…?

After all, she was a Slayer.

Liddy stopped her feet as Erika though that her intuition wasn’t wrong.

There’s a thick door in front of them.

– The interview of Claire-sama will be held here.

– …huh?

Now, “Claire-sama”――.

Without time for getting agitated, the door was opened by Liddy.

– Ex-, excuse me!

Erika lowered her head with enough momentum to make her glasses slid and fell.

With expectation and anxiety, she raised the lowered head.

And, from the back of the room.

Beyond the placed table, the heroine of Erika, her yearning person―― Claire Harvey, the Rose Guardian, was sitting.

– Eh, umm, well…

She was telling herself to not tremble.

But it’s impossible.

Even though she was prepared, she can’t hide her trembling.

– Is there something wrong? Get inside and sit there.

– Ah, yes!

– This time her nervousness was too much that she replied with a loud voice.

She cannot help but feel embarrassed.

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She moved to the front of the chair placed in front of Claire and sat down.

And in that moment.

– It’s been a long time desuwane.

– …eh?

With those words, she was taken aback.

– Erika-san got involved in the attack of the Savage in Atlalta three years ago, correct?

– Ho-how do you know that?

– It was written in the field of the reasons for application of your resume mashitawa.

– Ah…

I see, now that she mentions it.

Erika remembered that the filled field of reasons for her application has no gaps, because she made a list with everything she feels: that she was saved by Claire, that at that time she admired the Slayers and that she wanted to be like Claire and so on. Because of that, her face got dyed red in an instant.

– Oh, right! At that time――at that time you saved us, thank you very much!

Erika deeply bowed her head.

She finally could give her thanks.

Claire, who saw that figure, smiled and said.

– Raise your head. From now on, you won’t be on the side who is saved but on the side who saves.

In response to those words, Erika greatly opened her eyes.

– That means――

– That you will become a Slayer just like me. That is written in your resume.

– Ye-, yes. I wanted to thank Claire-sama who saved me. I wanted to become a Slayer that can fight together with you. That is my number one way to give my thanks. That’s why I took the test and I――

– The numerical value of the physical strength measurement was insufficient, but the Hundred responded to you and your feelings, isn’t it? Having the intention of being able to live as a Slayer. That is why I am giving you the passing desuwa. Erika Candle, I have my hopes on you masuwayo.

– Claire-sama, that means, that…

Claire stood up and headed towards the confused Erika.

And, she presented her hand――.

– Of course, you passed desuwa. Will you help us to complete Little Garden, the called cornerstone, and protect this world with me from now on masuka?

– … yes.

What should she do?

She can’t stop the tears.

She was so happy that the tears didn’t stop.

Erika squeezes out her voice desperately from the bottom of her throat.

– Thank you, very much….

Erika wasn’t negligent with her efforts, even after enrolling, even after it was decided to enter Little Garden like this.

Not only she diligently studied the skills as a Slayer, but also desperately continued studying to compensate for the parts she fell behind by learning the latest technology, knowledge of weapons, memorizing how to use them and so on.

As a result, within half a year after entering thr school, she’s a member of the anti-Savage force under direct control of Claire――Selections.

After that, she continued raising military gains against the Savage, and after several months since she joined Selections, it has been decided that she would have the position of Vice President together with Liddy Steinberg who was guiding the students as Vice President and as Claire’s right-hand since the beginning of the establishment of the school.








– Is Liddy also heading towards the moon?

Erika asked Claire.

– No, Liddy will succeed me and will become the President masuwa. I already confirmed that it was her own intention too desu.

– … is that so?

She didn’t give an objection about Liddy being the President.


– Then, who are going to be the Vice Presidents?

It’s practically impossible to manage the Student Council alone.

The workload is to that extent, that even the prideful Liddy is weak in some areas.

Erika, who got surprised, said.

– Perhaps Emilia Hermit and Kisaragi Hayato are going to do it!?

– If they do it, do you have any problems with them?

– If you allow me, well… those two people, regardless of their skills as Slayers, to say whether they are suitable for the Student Council, I guess they are not so…

– I think the same masuwa.

Erika was staring dumbfounded at the delightful facial expression of Claire.

– However, it’s said that the position creates the person masu. If they join the Student Council, they may become suitable people. Don’t you think so, Erika?

– That’s…

She herself wasn’t that kind of person.

She was weak.

But, she became a Slayer.

She became a member of Selections.

She became one of the Vice Presidents.

She was able to become stronger, both in mentality and as a Slayer.

Certainly, it may be as Claire says.

– … anyway, there is a high possibility that the Vice Presidents will be chosen from the members of Selections who will be in second next year. Nonetheless, the selection is from deciding who will go to the moon desuwa.

– Certainly, it is as Claire-sama said.

– Having said that, the conversation is over desu. Let’s continue fighting together, and protect this world together with me from now on.

– Yes. Of course, Claire-sama.








The two Vice Presidents.

She has confirmed the intentions of Liddy and Erika.

Liddy will remain on the earth, and Erika will go to the moon with her.

(The one remaining is Chris desuwane…)

Chris Steinbelt is also an important talented person for Little Garden.

At any rate, he is the main analyst of this ship.

Of course, there will be a lot of places to play an active role if he goes to Lunaltia Base, but taking into consideration the Earth, it may be better for him to remain in Little Garden.

That was Claire’s idea.


She only got a single call from Judal Harvey, her older brother, after returning to Little Garden.

The talk at that time was about Chris.

『Now that I remember, I have forgotten to tell you something before…』

– … what is it desuno…?

『Can you tell Chris Steinbelt to come to Lunaltia Base with you as well?』

After a brief silence, Claire returned the words.

– What do you mean desuno?

『What I’m saying is that, as for me, I want to take him to the moon』

– There is no compulsion, right?

『Not at all――. But, the moon is where she wanted to go. Because he is a sort of successor, he is her younger brother, so I want to take him to the moon』*

*TN: the kana for successor is かわり. It has a lot of uses, and “substitute and replacement” are the direct ones but they feel a little off in this. Unless Judal really meant one of those.

– A successor, huh…

She’s the older sister of Chris――.

That means Est Steinbelt, who was also the maid of Claire and Judal.

– … understood. I will immediately tell Chris your words and confirm his intention masuwa.

『I’m counting on you』

Claire looked at the ceiling while leaning on the back of the chair.

(Certainly, Est was looking frequently at the moon mashitawane..)

She remembers when she met Est.

And, the days she spent with Est.


– Claire, Judal. From today on, this person will be my substitute, okay?

It was a blunt way of saying it.

As a result, the child Claire couldn’t immediately understand what she was told.

– I have to take a look to the baby in my belly for a while. In the meantime, it has been arranged that she, along with Mei Mei, will take care of you.

– … baby?

Claire knitted her eyebrows in suspicion.

– That’s right, Claire. I made you a little sister to you, you know? So, Est will take care of Judal and you.

She knew that Est was a student of her mother after both of them died.

That was only a few years ago.


– I think I will quit school.

Est, who visited the research institute of Linis, told her own intention going straight to the point.


– … why?

Linis, who was facing the computer, looked back and asked Est.

Linis Harvey was 25 years old.

The story is when Est Steinbelt was 20 years old.

– My mother died due to the raid of the Savage that happened the other day. I don’t have relatives, since my family was one without a father. It is impossible to keep studying while raising a very young brother. Besides…

– Besides?

– I, I have no talent.

– You don’t have talent? I don’t think so, but.

Anyway, Est enrolled at Halvald University, which is one of the most excellent universities in the United States of Liberia, and from which Linis Harvey, who is operating this research institute and Bill Harvey, the President of Warslan Company, graduated.

Moreover, although she’s a student, she’s also in the research institute of Warslan――and in addition to that, she was showed in the leading research institute which is conducting major research and she’s learning as a special research student while supporting research in that place. Even when going back to the past when she was a student, there were only a handful of people in that place.

– … that’s not true.

– ?

– Because no matter how hard I try, I think I can’t become a top researcher like the ones in this research institute, to not mention Linis-san.

Listening to that answer, Linis answered calmly.

– … that might be true.

The top researchers belonged to this research institute.

Here where only those who skipped grades and graduated from university in the first half of their adolescence.

The so-called geniuses――they were just people called prodigies.

– Yes. If it was the moon, I thought that I could do a lot of hobby astronomical observations. I am giving up since that dream will not come true now.

Est laughs in self-deprecation.

– If so, I have an idea.

– … an idea?

– Before that thing, I have something to teach you. Sit there and boot up the PC.

– Ah, yes…

Doing as she was told, Est boots up the PC.

– I’ll send the data now. It’s encrypted by the way. The encryption is 83A98B320. Open it and read it.

– This is…

Inputting the encryption exactly as she was told, she opened the file.

And at the same time, Est shuddered.

– Now, I’m studying the weapons that used Variable Stone――together with the Hundred. And now, the data is about the girl who is in my belly. If it’s you, then you know what it means, right?

– Sensei, don’t tell me――

– In order to beat the Savage, you only have to create something with the same power as the Savage. It’s one of the experiments I considered about above all. The suitability of the Hundred should be earth-shattering.

– But, the human rights organization won’t allow it, not even the scientific society…

– …while it may be true that, then it’s fine if mankind is destroyed by the Savage? This is necessary for mankind to overcome God. Besides, I don’t have time anymore.

– Don’t have time…?

– Two years have passed since life was given by God to me. I was told that.

– That’s――

– Yes, one of the diseases that has occurred since the 《First Attack》. No treatment has been found. First, the body won’t move, then the brain won’t work and eventually I’ll die. I’m suffering that kind of disease.

– … why are you telling me this, what do you want me to do?

– Wouldn’t you like to work for the Harvey family?

– … huh?

It was a sudden proposition. It was unexpected.

– I have two other children. But the I’d like to study the Hundred during the time that I have, nurturing the child in my womb and left things after I died. So, this is my way――I created a robot maid as a mother. I want you to raise my children together with Mei Mei. In case that you say yes, I’ll guarantee you and your brother all necessities of life.

Saying that, Linis continued.

– This proposition recognizes your intelligence and human nature. I can’t ask other people. That’s why I revealed everything to you.

– ……

She was glad that she was recognized by her mentor. The conditions presented and the amount of money are perfect.

– Then, do you accept?

Of course, there was no reason to decline.

– Certainly, and thank you for your consideration.

Speaking of results, Est was a very excellent maid and became a private tutor.

She does housework in the morning, teaches studying in the afternoon and studies things related to astronomy while watching the starry sky in the middle of the night.

Est was satisfied in such a daily life.

And, the son and two daughters of Linis Harvey, her deceased mentor, gave her such a satisfied daily life.

And Est is happy to watch over her younger brother’s growth.

It was unimaginable to think about other kind of happiness.

Then that incident occurred in the middle of that.

Est and Judal were involved in a terrorist attack aimed at the president of Warslan Company, Bill Harvey, where she lost her life.

The consequence was that, the younger brother of Est――Chris Steinbelt, has lost the only blood relative he had.

As a matter of course, Chris is still 7 years old.

He’s not at an age where he can be independent, and although it was indirect, it seems that Est have died as a replacement for Bill Harvey.

Even though there was hardly any exchange between them, there’s also the relation that both lived in the same residence.

Moreover, Judal and Claire, who had a great debt of gratitude towards Est, continued to make Chris live in the residence of the Harvey family, and managed to guarantee him an everyday life without inconveniences.

This was very appreciated for Chris, but at the same time he felt regretful.

Therefore, Chris thought of a way to thank them and suggested that he wanted to become the assistant of Judal.

Just like her older sister Est, he thought about working as a follower.

However, Judal refused since that wasn’t necessary.

But Chris didn’t give up, he took the initiative by looking after Judal and Claire’s everyday necessities and continued to encourage their studies.

As a result, Claire acknowledged Chris and persuaded Judal.

It was decided that he would occupy the current position as the assistant of Claire.

Several years after that――.


While continuously following the side of Claire, he also continued his studies and got the position of main analyst.

Chris became an indispensable being to Little Garden.

(It is a big minus for Little Garden if Chris leaves this place. But it is also a big minus for mankind if Chris is not at the moon base masuwane…. It is a difficult decision desuwa…)

It’s no use how much she thinks about it, she won’t be able to come to a conclusion.

In the end, it depends on Chris’ decision.

– Thank you for your hard work, Claire-sama. What are your orders?

The door was opened and Chris came to the Student Council room.

– I have something important to talk with you today desu.

Without gossiping, Claire suddenly began to talk.

– … something important to talk?

– As you already know, it has been decided that I will head to the moon――to Lunaltia Base next year masu

– That is what I heard of. The intention of the older brother of Claire-sama, Judal-sama ――

– Exactly desu. Judal approached me and told me to take you with me to the moon desu.

Chris, who heard those words, asked again looking a little surprised.

– Me, to the moon…?

– You are a talented person that is needed in Little Garden――for this reason, I feel that I want you to remain in Little Garden arimasu. However, even at Lunaltia Base you should be able to fully demonstrate your ability and that will also benefit the whole human race. Besides――

– … besides?

– Judal said this. He wants to grant the dream of Est Steinbelt, your older sister――to you, instead of her.

Est Steinbelt.

The moment he heard that name, the expression of Chris who hung his head became stiff.

– It’s that kind of thing, huh…

– You don’t need to arrive at a conclusion right now masen. That’s right desuwane. By the time the spring break is over――

– No, I do not need time.

Interrupting the words of Claire, Chris said.

– Regarding Claire-sama, I will go to the moon.

He said those words gazing firmly at the eyes of Claire.

– … is that so?

– Yes. My older sister was watching the moon from a young age. She showed it to me many, many times too. That is why I also have been longing the moon, besides――

Chris showed signs of embarrassment, and continued his words.

– After the death of my older sister, I devoted myself to the Harvey family who took care of me. That’s why, if I am separated from Claire-sama with whom I spent many years together and who is the reason I live for, I will be alone!

– … you, what are…!

The face of Claire was dyed red, her eyes and mouth were widely opened.

It’s because she never thought that such a thing would be said.

– Those are my honest feelings.

– … Un-, understood.

Claire coughed in order to calm herself and said.

– Then, let’s head to Lunaltia Base together.


She confirmed the intentions of Liddy, Erika, Chris and confirmed each of their paths.

(First stage completed… but I have the feeling that there is still a long way to go desuwane)

She must select those who will be taken to Lunaltia Base from all the members of the martial arts department, interview them and get their decision.

It would be better to do it as soon as possible.

Since to go to the moon, special training is also necessary.

(The first ones I should ask are the teammates with whom I fought together in team battles at the World Martial Arts Tournament desuwane…)

Nesat Olfred, Krovahn Olfred and Nakri Olfred.

Fritz Grantz and Latia Saint-Émillion.

And finally, Kisaragi Hayato and Emilia Hermit.

– … but it is already late at night, so let’s leave it for today…

She will have a talk with each of the 7 of them at a later date.

Deciding that, Claire got up from the chair and decided to return home.

A beautiful moon floats in the sky.

Mankind was about to advance into the place that hasn’t reached even when stretching their hands.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!