Hybrid - Chapter 1

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:54:05 AM

Chapter 1

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"Betrayer! I trusted you!" the large High Orc Chief yelled at the dark mage, his mighty arms and feet chained using magic chains, draining all the mana from his body. He was Orcrage, the mighty mage warrior King of the mightiest Orc Tribe the Redfist and was the leader of the United Orc Tribes that waged war against the humans in the 1000 year war between the races of good and of evil

The black mage he was yelling at was Balthazar, the once Chief Mage of the Magic Tower of the Humans, companion of the Hero Arterus who defeated the Demon Hordes, and who recently poisoned the Hero and desecrated the Holy Shrine of the Goddess and raped the Saintess Gloria, making her lose her abilities and blessing

She was so distraught, she committed suicide, jumping from the main Cathedral bell tower

He created a scandal so despicable that he became the enemy of humanity, all because of his love for power after dabbling in the dark arts and necromancy. 

Balthazar was mortally wounded by the other companions of the Hero and managed to escape, but his actions turned the tide of the 1000 year war

That happened 5 years ago, and although he managed to escape, his wounds could not be healed and he was reaching the end of his life. He now had a choice, to make himself another vessel, or turn himself into a lich

He didn't want to transform into a lich yet, as it limited his options and had another plan instead

He suggested an alliance with the Orcs and the mysterious Dark Elves and had tricked them, trapping both Orcrage of the Orcs and the Queen of the Dark Elves, the Sorceress Astra, mistress of the Dark and Chaos 

Although he was still incredibly powerful, he knew his power was fading. The High Orc Warrior Mage Orcrage was known to have tremendous mana, as did the Dark Elf Sorceress Astra. Why not use them to create an offspring of immense mana and power for himself?

Furthermore, as he had mastered every type of human magic in his magically extended 400 years, he was interested in learning other types, such as the racial magics of the orcs and dark elves. As fey creatures, perhaps he could be able to learn the racial magics of the elves and other fey creatures like the nymphs too. And perhaps he could even break the racial barrier and learn dragon magic. His eyes twinkled with excitement

While Orcrage hung on the wall yelling angrily at Baltrazar, Astra silently watched him, with rage filled eyes as she was chained to a table, with the very same mana limiting magic chains rendering her helpless

"Stay away from me!" Astra yelled as Balthazar suddenly approached her with a creepy smile

He pulled up her dress and started fondling her body as she screamed impotently with rage! Was he going to rape her like he did with the Saintess?

He inserted two fingers into his mouth and then shoved it into her birth canal as she screamed angrily even louder as she suddenly found herself dripping wet from whatever Balthazar did to her

Balthazar laughed as he fondled her breast with his other hand and started ripping her clothes off her body as she could only helplessly moan

The dark skin had a dark glow about her, making her look even more beautiful with her silver hair as her juices flowed down her inner thigh

Leaving her naked after a while, he walked over to Orcrage. Was he going to digitally rape him too? Did Balthazar swing that way? But Orcrage wouldn't be surprised if he did. Balthazar was so hated that nothing was thought to be beyond him

Instead, he just ripped off the loincloth that Orcrage was wearing, revealing his gigantic 12 inch orc cock

"Oh my! How big is your penis!" Balthazar said as Astra stared at him, and at Orcrage's enormous cock!

Orcs have been known to rape and pillage whenever they conquered a town or city, or whenever they robbed or kidnapped humans or other humanoid enemies

But she knew that Orcrage himself never had any children, and this most probably wasn't a rapist

She herself had always dedicated her life to her magic and never had time for a lover, although the Demon King had attempted to seduce her before to become his Demon King. 

Balthazar suddenly put his hand on Orcrage's head and a jolt of energy entered his brain, losing all his mental faculties and turning him into a raging sex crazed beast, his cock turning rock hard in Balthazar's hand

He looked back at Astra who has successfully been transformed to a horny female dark elf with her pheromones filling the air in the dungeon

"I didn't think it would be this strong" Balthazar said as he looked at his own erection under his robe

"Let's make a new body for me now" he smiled as he snapped his fingers

Orcrage screamed mindlessly as his chains disappeared, and with a mighty leap he jumped toward Astra

But in doing so he shoved Balthazar to the wall, breaking his left arm and ribs as he shoved his huge 12 inch orc cock into Astra

Astra screamed, but accepted the high orc's cock in her as they fucked like wild animals as Orcrage's cum spurted everywhere out of Astra's pussy

Balthazar groaned as he struggled to get up, casting a spell on the two lovers, chaining them together as Orcrage pounded Astra's pussy

Balthazar teleported to his tower and grabbed a healing potion to heal his wounds when he felt a dagger pierce his abdomen

"What the hell?" he looked up and saw the face of a grinning assassin named Loki, who raised his dagger to stab him again!

He cast a spell that missed the dodging assassin when an arrow pierced his hand, making him drop the healing potion he was intending to use on himself

The arrow came from an elven ranger who was perched on his windowsill. Balthazar recognized the Elf as the Elven Prince Lucinder, one of the companions of the Hero

The door burst open as several knights rushed in

Balthazar actually didn't know who his assailants were, as he was the enemy of the whole of mankind, but he recognized the uniforms as well as a dozen Elf Rangers who climbed through the window

They were from the Kingdom of Almera, one of the human kingdoms on the human side of light, as well as the Elves of Elfheim. But how did they get in his tower?

Balthazar's left arm was broken by Orcrage's charge and his right hand had an arrow piercing it, and he had his ribs on his left side broken with a stab wound on his stomach

He lifted his injured hand to cast a spell, but he couldn't make the hand gestures that would cast a shield or any counter attacks

"There you are! Balthazar the Betrayer! Do you know what your acts did to our fellowship of the Hero? Your acts alone caused us to retreat in the final parts of the 1000 year war!" a knight in full armor stormed in and pierced his sword through Balthazar's torso

This was Galdrick the Prince of Almera and one of the former companions of the Hero. He was actually one of the closest knights to the Hero Arterus, and a many suspected had a crush on the Saintess Gloria

"I am the one who took Gloria's virginity! Now you can take her as your bride, now that she's no longer a Saintess" Balthazar laughed as he coughed blood

He knew the end was near as he could feel his life draining away. He regretted not finishing his task of getting his new body and transferring his consciousness into the baby

Galdrick's eyes opened wide and he raised his sword into the air

"Galdrick, no!" Lucindar yelled, but it was too late as Galdrick's sword sliced through Balthazar's neck, separating his head from his body

"Better make sure he's dead" one of the assassins said as he took his dagger and pierced both Balthazar's eyes and started stabbing his body several times

"Fucker. Our ruined lands and homes are because he turned the tide and poisoned the Hero and disgraced the Saintess" Galdrick said, shoving his sword into Balthazar's heart from the back

"Search the whole place. Leave no rock unturned. Who knows what calamities this bastard has left for us" Lancindar ordered as the knights, rangers and assassins started searching the whole castle in the desolate wasteland where it was hidden


Orcrage was still fucking Astra, and they were found like this by the knights, but they kept on fucking. Astra's pussy was already bleeding and Orcrage would not stop

"Would you look at that. Do you recognise them?" Lucindar asked with a sly smile

""Is... is that the Orc King Orcrage? And is that.. Astra the Dark Elf Queen? What the hell are they doing?" Galdrick said

"You mean you don't know?" Lucindar asked with a teasing smile

"You know what I mean" Galdrick said

 "I think a spell has been cast on them! Let me... " Merlindar the Elven Wizard said as he cast a dispel on them

They stopped fucking and Orcrage collapsed in exhaustion. Astra looked lifeless as her eyes stared blankly

"Arrest them. Mighty Orcrage and Mistress Astra... what a find. Their heads will be put on a pike for my father as a present" Galdrick said

The soldiers of Almera struggled to get Orcrage off Astra, as he was a large orc, heavy and muscular, it took six men to carry him as another soldier carried the injured Astra, who looked lifeless with blood flowing all over the floor


Astra and Orcrage sat naked opposite each other in the cage, chained to each other as their cage was pulled by horses surrounded by Elven arches and the Knights of Almera

Loki the assassin was using his dagger to rattle the cage, to prevent them from sleeping. One of the soldiers nearby had Balthazar's head on a pike, while another had his body on a pike, shoved up his ass and displayed in the nude

His penis was missing after Galdrick stabbed and slashed it for what he did to Gloria, the former Saintess

Astra looked at Orcrage who stared back at her without a word, knowing that their heads would be on a pike too, as they were famous leaders of the Demon King's army, who had fought the humans in the 1000 year war

Astra's hands were on her pussy, hurt from all the pounding, stemming the blood

"Sorry" Orcrage suddenly said

Astra was shocked. An orc apologizing for rape? 

Her face softened as she suddenly gave him a smile, then nodded, and Orcrage nodded back

Suddenly, a globe of darkness enveloped the area as the Knights scrambled blindly 

A fireball burst open the cage

"They're escaping!" one of the elves yelled as Lucinder, Galdrick and Merlinder sprinted out of their carriage and rushed to the cage

Merlinder cast a spell to dispel the globe of darkness, but found that he couldn't do it. It was a racial spell cast by a dark elf, and so he couldn't dispel it

Instead he summoned a light from his staff that slowly melted the darkness away

All the elves were pointing their arrows at the cage, and the Knights had formed a circle with their swords drawn

But as all the darkness cleared, all they found was an empty cage, and Loki the assassin, dead with his head twisted the wrong way with a surprised look on his face


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