Hybrid - Chapter 13

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:53:54 AM

Chapter 13

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King Galdrick, the newly crowned King visited the Academy of Magic to witness the end of year exams. 

While the mid-year examinations were a hunt for mana cores, demonstrating the competency of the students, the end of year exam would be sparring between the students, to see the fighting capabilities of the students

This time, not only would student be pitted against student, but the better students would be pitted against their examiners or guest lecturers!

After the student's assembled, the students were ranked and paired up, and the battle began! The King was eager to see if the next Hero would come out of this batch of 3rd year students, which was the first time they would be allowed to demonstrate their abilities in battle after 3 years of magic training

Many of the matches took place outside on grounds all over the Academy, examined by the many Academy examiners for their grades. Only the top 20 were considered good enough to try to impress the King!

The draw was kept a secret as the examiners seeded them and would only call their names when it was their turn. The students weren't even told who they were fighting!

"Is that your sister? She looks good. The champion for this year I bet" King Galdrick said

"She is the most talented among our generation. But I don't think she will be first" Prince Lucinder said

"Really? Who then?" King Galdrick asked

"The one she is betrothed to" Prince Lucinder said

"Who is this lucky guy?" King Galdrick asked

"I don't know. My parents, King Aldair and Queen Luna only told me his name is Aslan" Prince Lucinder said

"Aslan? Never heard of him. Which one is he Dumbledalf?" King Galdrick asked

"Heh.. do you want to be surprised based on his performance? Or do you just want me to point him out for you, sire?" Dumbledalf said

"Oh, a surprise sounds fun. I hope he is everything you hinted him to be" King Galdrick smiled

Aria won her first match easily. However, since the mid-year examinations, Aslan had overtaken her and took her first place

A few matches later, Aimee won her match easily too

Then Anvi did the same, smashing through the other student's shield easily an knocking her out of the ring

"The girls are impressive this year. But when are the boy's turn to show up?" King Galdrick asked

"Wait and see!" Dumbledalf said with a smile

On the opposite side was a tall and muscular female student. She was Roselyn, and her large breasts and shapely hips were only covered by a skimpy chainmail bikini

She swung her sword around, before stopping at a pose. Then she bowed to the King

"She looks good. Her movements remind me of the captain of your private elven guard, Laureal!" King Galdrick said

Then Aslan's name was called

He calmly walked on stage and bowed before the King. Then he faced Roselyn

The referee was Sir Galahand, the paladin and master of Bolton. He raised his hand and started the match

The moment the match started, Roselyn surrendered

"I yield!" she said aloud

Aslan then bowed again to the King and walked off the stage

"What the hell?" King Galdrick thought

The matches were round robin, not knockout, meaning each of the 20 students would have to fight the other of the 20

Roselyn would actually prove to be a good magical swordsman and gave impressive performances as her rank of 7th would show. She actually fought Anvi to a draw, which was the best fight thus far

Aria and Aimee were also impressive, defeating all their opponents with ease and making the King excited for when they would meet

But Aslan was the most disappointing as everyone yielded to him if they met him, giving him victory in every round without showing anything!

Even Aria and Aimee yielded as they felt they had no chance

Only Anvi challenged him although she had lost to Aria and Aimee

But all their classmates knew that Aslan and Anvi were best friends, and knew he wouldn't hurt her

Straight off the bat, she charged at him with her lightning covered axe/hammer weapon

Aslan barely moved but it got Anvi to miss, creating a dust cloud that covered the area. But upon the clearing of the dust, the audience saw Anvi on the ground, with Aslan pointing his blade at her neck and forcing her to surrender

King Galdrick wasn't satisfied, and since Aslan was the champion anyway, he declared the next match would be between Aslan and Sir Galahand the Paladin!

Aslan remained on the stage and bowed to the king again, as Sir Galahand walked to his starting position

The moment the match started, Sir Galahand charged and closed the distance

Aslan suddenly raised his Cursed and it became a blade as he crossed swords with Sir Galahand. Several times they clashed weapons and Aslan defended every blow

Sir Galahand suddenly used aura on his own body and weapon, and pushed Aslan back

Aslan suddenly "Hulked up" becoming berserk and countered

While Aslan couldn't use aura, his strength surprisingly matched Sir Galahand, as his weapon was mithril and could withstand the Aura infused sword

"A berserker rage, yet being able to maintain his sanity! I've never seen this before" King Galdrick said

"Nor have I. He is the one, right?" Lucinder said

"Yep, he is the one" Dumbledalf said

They watched as the battle became more intense, with neither of them getting the upper hand 

"You've shown your warrior skills. Show me magic!" Sir Galahand said 

Aslan smiled

Suddenly, Aslan used his magic, turning the whole world upside down with illusions, with him adding in attacks from the earth, wind and water to mix illusion and reality, that even the King got confused due to the fact that nothing he knew was true anymore. Sir Galahand couldn't even tell which direction to puke to

Sir Galahand could barely use his aura to protect himself as he was slammed to the ground in a heap

 "My turn. I want to test my future brother in law" Lucinder said as he jumped into the ring

Aslan turned to face him

"Since I'm not a magician, and since you've shown your martial prowess, can I test your martial skill?" Lucinder asked as he drew two elven blades

Aslan looked at Lucinder and smiled, having been told by Aria that he was her brother and put Cursed away and drew two blades out of nowhere

Holding two blades, Aslan suddenly didn't look like a magician anymore, rather a elven warrior!

They both charged and clashed in the middle of the ring, as their blades moved at rates too fast for the eye to follow

But neither could overcome the other and no matter how fast they were, the other matched him and it was a stalemate

"Why do I get a feeling that he is holding back?" King Galdrick asked

"He is like that, sire. I've seen him spar with the examiners and the best students like Aria, Aimee, and that dwarf Anvi, and he could be on par with him, making them look good, but when he turns it on, they never had a chance. That is why nearly all of them conceded earlier" Dunbledalf said

 "If he is such a good warrior, why didn't he join the Knights at the Knight Academy?" King Galdrick asked

"Because he's registered as a Fire Mage, sire" Dumbledalf said

"Fire mage? But he's never shown any...." King Galdrick said before realizing that he has been playing all along and was never serious. Even Dumbledalf couldn't see how deep his skillset was

The combatants halted and both Lucinder and Aslan bowed to each other with respect. It was a draw as Dumbledalf expected

"Where did you learn your combat, Aslan? Your swordsmanship is orthodox elven, yet different using more brutish force..?" Lucinder asked

"My parents taught me. My mother is a half-elf and had learned it from her father, who learned it from his father, who was an elven warrior who died in the 1000 year war. She married my father who is a human barbarian. So my style is probably a mixture of both" Aslan lied

"Oh that explains it. Maybe I can give you a few tips on the proper elven way" Lucinder said

"I would appreciate that" Aslan said

King Galdrick listened in and wondered also wondered how deep his abilities were


Having placed first, Aslan was awarded a flying cloak, which can allow the wearer to fly

He noted that it was black as well, making it perfect to hide in the shadows

It responded to mental commands and thus he could use it to bring objects, or do minor tasks, things that he could do with telekinesis, but requiring no mana usage

He was also awarded an amount of 1000 gold, which was quite a sizeable sum for an average student, but nothing compared to the dragon hoard that he had kept in his shadow dimension. 

Aria and Aimee were awarded joint top two and three and thus divided both amounts in two, which was originally 500 and 300 gold, taking 400 gold each and a telepathic ring each, enabling the wearer to communicate directly with anyone she wants within her line of sight

They both accepted their prizes and suddenly Aslan got bombarded by both girl's communication, unable to talk back but was forced to listen to both at the same time

Anvi was awarded fourth with an equal win-loss ratio as fifth place Roselyn, but she was awarded because she was the only one that faced Aslan

She got 100 gold while Roselyn was awarded 50 gold pieces

And thus ended the Final Year Examination for Third year


And so the year ended with Aslan taking top spot

He also was busy secretly "entertaining" three classmates namely Aria, Aimee and Anvi

But this was the end of year break, and Aslan was glad to have a break from the three girls, each wanting him nearly daily

This was the first time the students were able to return home to visit after three years

Aslan couldn't wait to see his parents after so long. He has been sending letters, but he never dared inform them about his betrothal with Aria, in fear this secret might be intercepted by someone 

So he packed his bag, and don his cloak which he now calls the Black, and his staff cursed and boarded the carriage

The carriage home to Sailormon was unforunately filled with Anvi, because Smithe was the next town from Sailermon, and Aria, because an elves carriage would pick her up on the way to Smithe. Aslan knew that this would not be an uneventful ride home

But Aslan wondered why was Aimee also in the carriage with them?

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