Hybrid - Chapter 14

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:53:53 AM

Chapter 14

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Aslan sat next to Aria in the carriage, sitting opposite Anvi and Aimee

It was awkward, as Aria didn't know that Aslan has been fucking the other two, but she knew that Anvi knows about them being together

Aimee knew about Aria and Aslan fucking, and while she herself has been fucking him, she doesn't know Anvi knows

Anvi knew about Aslan fucking both Aria and Aimee, but they didn't know she was fucking him as well

"What a tangled mess" Aslan thought as both Aria and Aimee bombarded him with their mental messages the whole trip and he was unable to reply mentally

"Why are you joining us on this trip, Aimee? I didn't know you stayed anywhere in our direction?" Aria asked

"Oh, I came from across the sea! I came from another seaside town, but I discovered that it was closer to go by boat from Sailormon" Aimee smiled

Aria pouted, knowing that she would be the first to be dropped off. As it is,  she was jealous of Aimee, because Aimee was openly flirting with Aslan, and the other students in the Academy had assumed Aslan was together with her

Suddenly, the carriage started to speed up and start to swerve as the horses started running. They could hear the carriage driver screaming and the carriage went out of control

Aslan started to open the blinds to see what's going on

But just as he did that, the whole side he was on was smashed in as the carriage was thrown several meters before rolling over several times!

The four of them were thrown all over and were rolling over each other before the carriage stopped, and the girls started getting up

But Aslan was unconscious, blood flowing from his head as he was hit by something massive, which was barely blocked by the structure of the carriage

"Oh God, Aslan!" Aria yelled, seeing him bleeding all over

"Let me help!" Aimee said, starting to heal Aslan by placing her hands on his head

The ground shook and Anvi burst out of the ruined carriage to look what's going on

"Shit. Giants!" Anvi said after looking at their surroundings

"What? Why are giants here?" Aria asked

"I don't know but they spotted me. I'll distract them!" Anvi said as she ran, throwing her hammer at one of them, thunder striking as it landed on them

"Take care of him. I'll help Anvi" Aria said as she also ran to help Anvi

"I wish I could do something more, that will heal you faster, but this is what I can do" Aimee said and kissed him on the lips

Healing energy flowed into Aslan, and Aria was surprised from the other side, feeling energy flow into her as well

But she was too busy with Anvi fighting 5 giants, Anvi with her warhammer, and Aria with magic and her bow

While Aria and Anvi (and Aimee) were capable, but they were still teens. It would probably take an adult expert to deal with merely one of these giants. The only one they knew who could possibly handle this.. was Aslan, who was unconscious

Aimee pushed Aslan's hands under her top to feel her breasts as she groped his cock, all the time healing him

"Aimee? What's happening?" he asked as he opened his eyes and felt her breasts. He felt her pulling on his cock too

He looked around and remembered where they were, and that Aria and Anvi was probably around. He instantly pulled Aimee into the shadows

Right at that moment, Anvi struck one of the giants, sending him toppling over, right on the broken carriage

"Aslan!" Aria screamed, realizing that the giant smashed into the carriage

Suddenly, Aimee ran out of another shadow nearby wielding her sword Noiseless, engaging one of the giants

At the same time, out of the same shadow, Aslan flew out of the shadow, using his flying cape

He counted the giants, and made sure he didn't miss any and he suddenly froze their shadows, hence freezing them

The giant's looked confused, unable to even make any noise

Suddenly, their shadows moved on their own, slicing the shadow of their bodies in two, splitting them right through the middle

The giants looked confused, then split in two, following their shadows

Aslan landed, opening his hand to collect the mana cores from their heads

As the cores flew to him, he suddenly collapsed

The girls, who were shocked at how easily he settled the issue suddenly rushed to him to help him

Aria caught him before his head hit the ground

Aimee immediately rushed to him and kissed him on the lips

"What the hell are you doing?" Aria asked and tried to push her away

"This is the faster way for my healing powers to work!"

"Isn't there a better way?" Aria asked

"There is, but you really want me to fuck him?" Aimee asked

Aria shut up and let her kiss Aslan. She herself could feel that lifeforce was entering her faster when Aimee kissed Aslan

She looked at Anvi, who shrugged her shoulders, but looked envious somehow


That night, they were camped around a fire

Anvi collected the mana cores that Aslan dropped

They decided to camp until Aslan recovered enough to walk. They were going to walk and find somewhere to get new horses.

Aslan was physically ok now after Aimee's healing. But he still had a concussion

He lay on Aria's lap as the girls sat around the fire

"So... how long have you known that we were together?" Aria asked Aimee

"I.. found out from Aslan, when I told him I was interested in him. He said he didn't want to hurt me, but you guys are already together" Aimee said, looking a bit sad

Aria nodded understanding Aimee's feeling. But then she noticed Anvi looking sad too

"Do... you like Aslan too, Anvi?" she asked

Anvi remained silent but nodded

"Damn. That's complicated. I thought you were only best friends" Aimee said 

"Only best friends? I saw him first!" Anvi said, bursting to tears

Aimee hugged her, showing her she understood as she was in similar shoes

Aria didn't know what to say. She pitied them, but she wasn't going to share Aslan with anyone

She looked at the dead giant bodies in the distance. No she wasn't going to share him for anything


Aslan awoke and saw the three girls trying to salvage whatever they could from their luggage as the carriage was completely unusable. Three of its wheels were broken, and the carriage compartment looked like scrap wood, which was used for the fireplace last night

"How many days was I out?" Aslan asked

"Only one night. I've healed all your external wounds. But I wasn't sure how to deal with the damage done to your mind" Aimee said

She absorbed and gave lifeforce, which has the benefit of healing wounds. Even if the brain physically was healed, it didn't do much for the mind, which has to heal itself

"Are you alright?" Aria asked

"I think so.. yeah" Aslan said as he got up

"Aslan!" Anvi ran up to him and hugged him

Aslan looked at the three of them, and somehow felt that they seemed harmonious now. Maybe something happened last night?

"Here are the 5 giant mana cores. You should be able to turn them to a large amount of gold" Anvi said

"I will. Lets split them 4 ways" Aslan said

"No. You did most of the work" Anvi said

"I am in no need for cash. Tell you what, I'll convert them then we use them to celebrate" Aslan said

Anvi and Aimee were happy about this and Aria squeezed his hand in happiness

They informed him that they were walking to the next town or city to get new horses to continue their journey home


They ran for half a day. The group comprised of a High-elf, a hybrid high orc and dark elf, a vila and a half dwarf, and they were more than capable of running at full speed for over half a day. Aria, Aslan and Aimee was faster than even horses, but they had to wait for Aimee, as her legs were shorter

The path led them to a hill overlooking a reasonably sized town

Suddenly, Aria reeled back in disgust at an awful sensation. Aimee started reacting negatively as well

Aslan frowned, feeling something off as well, but he didn't know what as he wasn't as sensitive as both Aria and Aimee who were adepts at nature magic

"Anvi, can you.." Aslan asked, but Anvi already anticipated his request

Her eyes changed color as her lens changed to a telescopic lens

"On it!" she said, looking closer at the town

Aria and Aslan were archers and had eyes as sharp as a hawk, but this distance was too far even for them. The foul aura effected them even from here

"What the... undead! Thousands of them! I think they were the residents of this town" Anvi said

"Undead? Ew!" Aimee reacted 

"Trouble coming! It... it looks like an undead dragon!" Anvi said in panic

"Come, follow me" Aslan said as he brought all 3 girls into his shadow. There was no time to bother who was supposed to know about his shadow ability. All 3 of them knew already anyway, only Aria didn't know that Aimee knew, and Aimee didn't know that Anvi knew. 

Within seconds the giant bone dragon arrived at where they were and saw nobody there. It started flying around, searching for them, to no avail

Aslan stood bravely in his shadow, looking at the bone dragon. The girls stood behind him, watching as the bone dragon flew over them


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