Hybrid - Chapter 16

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:53:49 AM

Chapter 16

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The group travelled through the Valley of Shadows, bringing back some memories. The giant creepy crawlies were as numerous as before, and probably replenished their numbers after 3 years, but the place was called the Valley of Shadows

Aslan was absolute ruler of the shadows, and he didn't care if these monsters became extinct. Thus everything in the shadow of the valley that had more than four legs were killed outright by their own shadows

Then, out of the darkness, mana cores flew towards Aslan. He never really sold the many mana cores that he's collected over the years, including two dragon mana cores. He only gave the lizardmen mana cores to the Academy as evidence after the mid-year exams, which he received only 10,000 gold. But he felt that was purely for his first place and didn't take into account the full payment for the mana cores

Although he was still very rich from the dragon hoard, his mana cores alone might easily make him the riches person in the country right now. He wasn't really hard up for gold, but after killing his enemies, it would be a shame to let other people take them up

After a while, he directed the mana cores directly into his shadow dimension and walked on

The girls were amazed at how much more powerful he was, unlike anyone they have ever known, including the companions of the hero. Aria has met the hero, and doesn't think that even he matches up to Aslan, her lover and future husband

"Look! The tower of Balthazar. Want to go search around?" Aslan asked

"Wouldn't it have already been raided decades ago?" Aria asked

"You never know. Let's try to have an adventure" Aslan smiled

The 3 girls nodded and followed his lead

The previous time, Aslan only really searched the rooms using Darkvision and discovered Balthazar's notes. Who knew what he would discover this time

Like the previous time he came, the place was abandoned and in ruins

They explored from the dungeon to the top floor room, but nothing new was found

"Why do you look disappointed?" Aria asked

"I just hoped to find something left behind. I guess there is nothing here" he gave a wry smile

Anvi sat on a wooden armchair, and decades of dust blew into the sky

"Hey!" Aimee said before sneezing multiple times

Aslan covered his face as he looked at Anvi on the bed

Suddenly, his eyes widened, looking at the rug she was sitting on

At first he thought that it was a lion skin, with the mane on the seat of the chair, and the body upside down on the back of the armchair

But this "lion" didn't have a tail and looked like a human butt

"Get up for a moment Anvi!" Aslan said

She got up and he lifted the skin by it's hair

"Aslan! That's a...." Aria said

"... human skin" Aslan finished her sentence

Aslan flapped the skin to get the rest of the dust off and the skin and breasts could now be seen. The front of her body was placed facing the seat, so only her back was seen on the chair. But now, her body was clearly seen

The texture of the skin was like that of leather and the skin looked weathered and old, but it seemed to be more stretchable than normal. Balthazar must have treated the skin with magic or something

"Hey, do you think...?" Aimee asked

Aslan knew what she was thinking and retrieved the preserved body that he bought at the auction

Controlling the body's shadow, he moved it as if the body was alive and tried to figure out how to fit it into the skin

"Maybe use her mouth?" Aria asked

"I don't want to stretch her mouth in case it tears, then we won't get to see how she looked like and who se was" Aslan said

"Then use her pussy" Aimee said

Aslan thought about it. He didn't mind if her pussy hole tore. She was dead anyway. Once she put on the skin, he could see how she looked like and maybe discover who she was

Aslan moved the body as if she was alive and she started squeezing her head into her pussy hole, then moving her shoulders through it

All 3 girls flinched as the pussy hole was stretched to an unbelievably wide position as the body completely entered, leaving only the legs at the knees outside

Her arms were still inside her torso skin and now she was trying to put on her arms into her arm skin

The whole process looked painful and the girls turned away. Only Anvi continued watching 

She pulled in one leg while balancing with the other, then pulled the leg into the pussy hole while putting the other leg into the leg skin

The process took longer than anticipated, but finally, the corpse was whole

"She's beautiful!" Aimee said, looking at the corpse, which was more like a puppet now

"I wonder who is she?" Aria said

"The hole shrunk back. I would like my body to be preserved like this to, for future generations" Anvi said, inspecting the puppet's pussy

Finding nothing more, Aslan kept the puppet in his shadow dimension and they continued their journey


"What is going on here? I don't remember my trip to the Academy being so dangerous" Anvi said as she smashed the head of a goblin chasing them

"Maybe the Demon King is rising up again. Our journey has been fighting nearly the whole way" Aslan said

"It's a good thing I'm travelling with you guys. I can't imagine taking this trip with the other students" Aimee said as she sliced off the head of a goblin

"I wonder how it is at each of our homes" Aria said, thinking of Elfheim

"Hey Aslan. You can take them all, can't you? Why are you letting us fight so much? We're delicate, you know" Aimee said, realizing that they didn't need to fight with Aslan here

"I'll jump in if I need to. But I'm conserving my strength and you girls look like you like a good battle anyway" Aslan said

"Sure do" Anvi said, smashing another head in, and covering herself with green goblin blood

Aria was using her new weapon, interchanging between shooting mana arrows and using it as a staff to brain the goblins, covering herself too with green goblin blood

Aimee tried not to get blood on her, but as she was using her normal sword, it was inevitable

The goblins might not be touch opponents individually, but they came in such numbers threatening to overwhelm them

Finally Aslan stepped in, as the numbers chasing them were getting too much. The goblins' shadows beheaded them all instantly 

"You could have done this all along, you know. Now look at me. Look at us. How will we wash these off?" Aimee complained


Several hours later, they passed a familiar river. They were covered in dried green blood and the smell was awful

"Remember how we met?" Aslan said to Aria softly while they bent over by the river and tried to wash what they could

"How could I not? I thought you had impaled me and death would follow" Aria replied softly too

"Hey! This is where we fought the hydra" Anvi said loudly with a smile

Anvi started telling the story to Aimee

"Want to join me for a dip?" Aria suddenly asked

"I would love to. But what about Anvi and Aimee?" Aslan asked

"I'm sure they would understand if we wanted to spend time together and wash each other" Aria said

She went over and talked to the girls, before coming back, smiling and pulling Aslan with her

They quickly stripped and jumped into the pool naked

"Aaah! How did you get them to agree to this?" Aslan said

"I said we wanted to have a dip together, and they gave each other a knowing look. So they know" Aria said

Aslan frowned. It doesn't sound like they agreed to leave them alone!

"Cannonball!" Anvi's voice was suddenly heard

She jumped from a ledge over their heads and landed into the pool, exactly where Aria dove and was impaled before!

"What! Anvi!" Aria said in shock

"Gangway!" Aimee's voice yelled as she too jumped in after Anvi

Aslan could see their bodies flying in the air, with their hands and feet tucked in, and their pussies exposed over their heads as both landed where Aslan impaled Aria

"What are you guys doing? I thought I told you we were going to privately wash each other?" Aria scolded

"We're companions now, aren't we? Next year, I believe the Academy would be sending us on missions. Mission buddies are used to each other and bathe naked together too you know. And the lovers among them have sex openly too" Aimee said

Aria didn't know what to say. Both Aimee and Anvi were naked and openly looking at both Aslan and Aria naked

Aria tried to cover up, but Aimee started washing her shoulders and back, causing Aria to relax a little.

"Come on, Aria. Don't be like that. Let's get comfortable with each other" Aimee said and Aria nodded and relaxed a bit. Aimee smiled and moved Aria's hands to start washing her breasts.  She washed the dirt, sweat and goblin blood and started to pinch her nipple

Aria gasped, but remained silent, her breath unsteady as she was scared to even breathe

Aria started washing Aimee's breasts to reciprocate

"You're... so beautiful" Aimee said

"You too" Aria could barely say in return

Aria and Aimee's faces were a mere inch apart as both washed each other's breasts. Aimee reached for Aria's pussy and washed her down there, touching her soft flesh. Aimee moved Aria's hand to her own pussy as Aria followed suit and started washing Aimee's pussy

"Oh shit" Aslan thought to himself and sat lower in the water to try to hide his enormous cock peeking out from the water 

"Why are you sitting so low in the water? Oh!" Anvi said as she reached out to Aslan's dick and found it rock hard

Meanwhile while washing each other, Aimee leaned in to kiss Aria lips

"So.. beautiful" Aslan mumbled when he gasped

He looked down and saw Anvi sucking the tip of his cock which was poking out of the water

Communicating telepathically, Aimee moved Aria towards Aslan, as Anvi moved to the side

While the girl's still kissed, Aslan entered Aria's pussy from behind

The large cock covered with Anvi's saliva entered Aria's pussy balls deep as he slammed his balls into her labia

Aria gasped as Aslan penetrated her, while she continued kissing Aimee. Aimee was also still playing with her breast and pussy with either hand!

Just then, Anvi moved Aimee's hand aside and started licking Aria's pussy, licking the point Aslan's cock was still outside Aria

Aslan lost track of time as he fucked all three of Aria, Aimee and Anvi multiple times

But at the back of his mind, he was surprised how ok Aria was with him fucking the other two openly, and on how open each of them were making love to each other

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