Hybrid - Chapter 17

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:53:48 AM

Chapter 17

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Aimee woke up in a dark cave, and she grunted as Aslan hammered his large cock into her

"Please be gentle, Aslan" she wanted to say, but she found that she was immobile and was also unable to talk

She felt her naked back, which seemed to feel like she was on a flat bed of rock

Strangely, she noticed Aria and Anvi's bodies to her, unconscious and was shocked to see another two Aslan's fucking them too!

Next to Aria was another Aslan, who was lying on the table with them, with a doppelganger of herself fucking Aslan!

She started falling unconscious as she climaxed


Aimee awoke again, again fucking "Aslan", with the Aria and Anvi again next to her fucking another two Aslans again

This time, Aslan was fucking a doppelganger of Aria

This time, she noticed a fine slimelike string attached to the back of the doppelganger Aria. She wasn't sure if the other Aslan doppelgangers had the same

But she she started climaxing and fell unconscious again


Aimee awoke again

 Again there were Aria and Anvi, unconscious and fucking their Aslans

This time, she made sure to check if there was a thin slimy string attached to the Aslan's backs. They were

And as she suspected, the Aslan next to her was fucking Anvi!

Aimee wondered why she was the only one able to wake up. Maybe it was her mild telepathic charm ability that enabled her to resist this psychic thing that was happening to them!

Aslan especially was completely unconscious and was like a rag doll. At least the other two girls looked unconscious but had  chance of waking up like her

She remembered the telepathic ring on her hand and tried to wake up Aslan, Aria or Anvi, to no avail

She felt herself coming closer and closer to orgasm

Then, unable to control it, she climaxed and fell unconscious 


Darkness. It was pitch black and no light could be seen

Aimee awoke first again and found herself facing downwards, but was unable to move, or even make a sound

She remembered being in an orgy with Aslan, Aria and Anvi, then waking up several times fucking their doppelgangers. Her pussy and jaw was sore from all that fucking

Speaking of which, there was something thick and long still in her mouth albeit it was now flaccid

She recognized Aslan's cock anywhere but wasn't sure if it was the real Aslan's cock or a doppelganger. But regardless, couldn't move to get it out of her mouth, She couldn't even make a sound with her voice!

She felt her telepathic ring still on her finger and called out to Aslan

"Aslan!" she called, but to no response

Suddenly she felt a presence come near them, a presence so foul, she felt the most fear and dread that she has ever felt

"Aslan!" she screamed in her head and with all her strength, she bit as hard as she could on his dick

She felt something move, and realized that her right had was in someone's pussy, and that the thing was dragging her away. Was it Aria or Anvi? She feared for the worst

Aslan awoke to a soft bite on his cock and found that he could not move, or even make a sound. It was the bite and Aimee's voice in his head that woke him up

He was facing up, with someone's pussy in front of his face, and someone sucking his cock

His darkvision enabled him to see in the dark, and he could see under whoever's body it is, from the side of his eye

He felt a creeping sense of dread coming from beside him and felt fear

"What the hell?" he reacted, as he saw a creature holding tiny Anvi, carrying her away as if to eat her as it's "mouth" slurped on her head

He instantly teleported himself and the two girls on top of him into the shadow dimension, and teleported Anvi too by sight into the dimension

The creature looked like a dragon, but it's face looked like a beheaded dragon's neck vomited out tentacles!

It must have telepathically screamed or something as it's tentacles were waving around angrily, as several other creatures walked in

The new creatures were different, still tentacle headed, but with humanoid bodies

Aslan, who was the only one who could see in the dark, recognized them. He's learned about them in the Academy and was taught to flee if he ever saw one!

They were illithids, aka mind flayers! That means the dragon like thing was a illithid dragon of some sort (he didn't know about brainstealer dragons)?

An illithid would take over a humanoid body and completely control the humanoid's body as it devoured on his or her brains

This would be the third time he's met a dragon. First it was the black dragon, then the bone dragon. Now a illithid dragon?

But the first time, it was with it's allies, the lizardmen, so it never used it's frightening fear ability. The second dragon was dead. But this one made Aslan realize how lucky he was the first two times!

The creatures started searching everywhere for Aslan and the 3 girls, who were now safe in the shadow realm, with Aslan watching outside

"What is going on?" Aimee asked telepathically as she managed to move and got off Aslan, turning to face upwards

"Mmmrph" Aria had just woken up but could not talk yet. She also rolled off Aslan's face to face upwards

Aslan cast flame that appeared out of nowhere, burning the illithid dragon

"What the hell is that?" Aria screamed in Aslan's head

But Aslan still couldn't respond, and watched as the illithid dragon looked unbothered by the flame

A brainstealer dragon is unaffected by magic and was thus angry at the flames that appeared out of nowhere attacking it

The other illithids tried to put the flames out, but it was never meant to be an attack, merely a torch to light up the place they were in, which was a cave of some sort

Aslan now felt the sensations from his body again and began to move, struggling to sit up

Anvi only now woke up, unaware of how nearly her brain was devoured. She lay still while her eye started rotating as she saw the frightening sight of the illithid and breakstealer dragon!

Safe in the shadow realm, they watched what was happening in both curiosity and horror

Intending to cause more chaos, Aslan cast fire on the other illithid's clothes

The monsters screamed and ripped off their clothes, revealing slim female bodies underneath their cloaks

"Elves! Those are elves!" Aria said in Aslan's head

Now able to move Aimee crawled next to Aslan and watched

Aria too could now sit up and crawl next to Aslan, while Anvi, still immobile, used her right hand to finger walk and drag her body next to Aria. She wanted to be close as possible as she was scared of the illithids, having learned about them in the Academy with the rest 

Aria felt fortunate that Aslan had developed his magic to an extent that he could silently cast spells with but a look, without gesturing or speaking. But only with his fire spells and shadow spells. But these shadow spells were what enabled him to help them escape harm!

Aria had tried to learn this silent, gestureless casting from Aslan. She could do this with air magic, but she still had to gesture to perform water and nature magic

With so many flames lighting up the cave, Aimee suddenly saw them, the three doppelgangers of Aslan and the doppelganger of Aria, herself and Anvi! Each of he six doppelgangers were attached by a thin slim to actual oozes of slimes behind them

Aimee was shocked, but the other 3 weren't awake when they fucked these doppelgangers

Aslan suddenly remembered about these creatures called Oblexes, which were scouts for the illithids, able to take over bodies and absorb their memories, to trap other humans as the illithids planned conquest

"It looks like they are planning an invasion with these forces! We have to do something!" Aria said

Aslan knew all four of them were barely able to move, and thus he decided to fully reveal his abilities. There was nothing to hide between them now already, since they've seen each other naked and more!

With a thought, each creature's shadow suddenly beheaded their physical body. This was a move that was unable to be stopped as the attack by one's own shadow!

Most of the illithid's heads fell off, and the heads of the doppelgangers dropped off too. But the doppelganger's bodies still stood waiting while the oozes controlling them were completely unharmed. The brainstealer dragon was injured, but managed to stop it's own shadow by sheer will somehow

It seemed to Aslan that dragons were extra tough, since they can resist his shadow manipulation

Aslan attacked with a deadlier attack, with all six oozes suddenly set ablaze by a black fire, and it appeared on the tentacled dragon too

The dragon shrieked and rolled on the ground trying to put out the inextinguishable flame, when Aslan used it's shadow, since it was distracted, to extract it's mana core! The core flew out of it's brain as the dragon collapsed, the black flames still burning it to nothingness

The six oozes simply burned and didn't even move before it melted to the ground, leaving the headless doppelganger bodies of Aslan, Aria, Aimee and Anvi


Aslan and the girls slowly recovered and they slowly ventured out of the shadow realm

He kept the dragon's core and looked at the six doppelgangers. Like the body that he purchased before, he would be able to reattach the heads and control the bodies by controlling their shadows. Since they didn't look like they would rot like a normal body, he thought surely he would have a use for them in the future. If they rotted, he could burn them with his black fire

"No! Laureal!" Aria shouted, when she examined the beheaded illithids. Under the illithid tentacles, the faces of their former hosts could be seen and indeed it was Laureal, who had come to pick Aria up at their pre-arranged meeting point

She checked the other illithids, and six other illithids were created from the bodies of elves. She knew them all as these were her guard. Besides Laureal, who was captain of the guard, the others were known to her for many years as well

Aslan offered to bring them and their heads out for a proper elven send off. The heads would also be used as evidence of the illithid attack, as the elves had their heads already attached to the illithids. 

With Aslan's help, he helped navigate them out of the Underdark!

They were silent the whole time, unsure if what happened to them before that, the orgy, was them being manipulated by the illithids, or was it a consequence of their own lust?

Aimee also told them about the doppelgangers, who also fucked them when they were unconscious

Perhaps its the best to pretend the whole thing never happened, to keep their friendships especially between Aria and the other two girls. Aslan also kept silent, not telling Aria about his affair before this, but having fucked them openly, he didn't know what to say to Aria

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