Hybrid - Chapter 18

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:53:46 AM

Chapter 18

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They eventually found their way out of the Underdark and it actually took the girl's eyes 10 minutes to adjust to the sunlight

It took another half a day to find their way back to the pool where they stopped before

They found that it was surrounded by a battalion of elves, led by Prince Lucinder, Aria's brother

"Princess Aria!" one of the guards closest to them approached them

"Galad!" Aria responded to his greeting just as her brother ran to greet her

"Aria! Where have you been? What happened?" he asked and looked at Aslan, Aimee and Anvi

He recognized Aslan having seen his performances, and even sparred him a the Academy finals. He also knew Aimee was possibly an equal of Aimee and Anvi placed only behind them

Knowing this, he was sure that they were capable warriors

Aria explained about being kidnapped by the Illithids and taking such a long time to find their way out of the Underdark

"Illithids! Abberations of Nature! You area all fine?" Lucinder said angrily

"We survived. But barely" Aria answered

"We found your clothes drying but nobody else" Lucinder said

"We had to change and wash our clothes. They were covered in Goblin blood

"Oh! I saw the remnants of your work. That was you?" Lucinder asked

"Yes.. but Illithids were another story. How many day's have we been missing? What day is it?" Aria asked

"It's Thursday. Laureal and your guards were dispatched to meet you last Tuesday" Lucinder said

"Nearly a week has passed?" Aria asked in shock. The others heard this and realized that they've been captured and fucking all these days

"You said there were Illithids.... are you sure? And have you seen Laureal and the other elves? They were sent to meet and escort you home" Lucinder said

Aria looked at Aslan

Aslan created an illusion, causing a bright flash, and took out the dead bodies of the elves with their illithid heads, hiding his use of the shadows

Nobody would associate his shadow abilities to those of the dark elves anyway, since even dark elf magic could not to this or any of the other shadow spells that he invented

The elves probably thought that Aslan was using spatial magic anyway

The elves turned pale looking at the naked female elf bodies

Lucinder bent and checked one of the heads. It was Laureal all right

"Ok. We will be bringing Aria back. Do you guys want to rest in Elfheim for a while first?" Lucinder asked

"Er.. no thanks. We are quite worried about our own families and would like to rush home" Aslan said

"Understood. You need an escort?" Lucinder asked

"No... we should be ok" Aslan said, not wanting elves in his hometown of Sailormon and finding out about his parents

Aria approached Aslan and hugged him, kissing him briefly on the lips. The other elves felt uncomfortable with this and looked away

"See you next semester" Aslan said

"You too. The two of you too" Aria said and hugged Anvi, then hesitantly hugged Aimee

They bade their farewells as the elves rushed off. The carriage they prepared for Aria was used to carry the bodies. Aria ran through the trees with the other elves

"Come. Lets head home" Aslan said after Aria and the elves were out of sight


The trip from where they were to Smithe took over a day. They openly fucked when they camped the night. Without Aria around, the other two were less restrained and already acknowledged that they had gone past pretending they haven't fucked anyway

They took longer due to Anvi's short legs. If it were just Aslan and Aimee, they would have arrived last night. But they all appreciated one more night together 

They arrived in Smithe, and Anvi introduced Aslan and Aimee to her parents Dunggu and Changgi 

The whole town seemed to be in much of an uproar

"What's happening here?" Aslan asked Dunggu, her father

"A rock worm was discovered in our silver mines. The smiths are all excited, but we need to hire adventurers to hunt it. So some adventurers have already arrived and the town is excited about the hunt" he said

Aslan looked confused, as he knew rock worms were dangerous and would be considered a hazard that needed to be hunted and killed. But they seemed excited and happy that it was there!

"You don't know why they are excited, do you?" Anvi smiled

"I guess I don't know" Aslan replied

"Ok. I'll tell you. But don't tell other mining towns, ok?" Anvi asked

"Ok" Aslan said

"Or I will claim your cock and balls" Anvi said telepathically using her ring

"You know mithril?" Anvi asked

"Of course. It's rare and expensive, why?" Aslan said

"You know how mithril is made?" she asked again

"I know that mithril is made from silver, infused with mana. We learned this in the Academy" Aslan said

Anvi laughed. Aimee was intrigued too

 "Do you know the best way silver is infused with mana? Do you know that when a rock worm ingests silver, the mana in its body will mix with the mana...." Anvi said

"The poop and silver makes mithril?" Aslan asked in shock

"Mithril is made from poop? Ew?" Aimee said

Anvi laughed 

"Yes, but only the purest mithril ores. It still gets made the normal ways in the rock. But this would be purer and more valuable. If Cursed were made of this mithril, it would be harder than normal mithril and would outperform it in all ways, including uses with magic! Aimee's sword would break against a sword made from this mithril" Anvi said

"If they need adventurers to hunt the rock worm, I am interested in helping" Aslan said

"Me too. Maybe I'll get a new sword made from this poop mithril" Aimee said

Dunggu looked at him and Anvi nodded


Aslan joined the hunt with Aimee and Anvi, joining a group of 10 adventurers. Most of them were warriors, so they welcomed mages, even though Aslan and the girls were students

Anvi did say that Aslan and Aimee were the top students of their year, which gave them credibility

The group entered the mines, and the trio were told to hang back, as the others took the lead

Suddenly, they heard a loud rumbling and a huge rock worm, it's head as large as a small house, burst out of the wall in front of them

The adventurers all dodged, but some got caught and ended up crushed and killed as the rock worm trashed around as several of the adventurers attacked

Aslan fired a few fireballs at it, but apparently it was fireproof, and magic proof in general

The rock worm's skin was so tough that the mercenary weapons got damaged instead of the rock worm and the warriors started retreating when their weapons got damaged and became useless 

The rock worm started fleeing another way, digging another tunnel in the rock

"It's running away! After it" Anvi yelled

But the adventurers were all injured or dead from the single encounter, so only Anvi, Aimee and Aslan were left

"Wait! The mayor will not forgive me if I allowed you to get killed" one of the adventurers who was familiar with Smithe said, holding Anvi back from following

"Aimee, you stay and help the injured" Aslan said as he rushed after the rock worm

"Aslan! Aslan!" Anvi yelled as Aslan disappeared into the new tunnel that the rock worm dug

Aslan chased the worm, and approached it from the back, and as it was digging the tunnel, it was completely blocking and Aslan could only see the tail end of the worm

Using his shadow ability slashed the end of the rock worm, As he used his shadow to slice the worm, the actual toughness of the body didn't matter, as the shadow sliced the worm's shadow, and the worm's body split open

It's bowels were ripped apart, dropping several nuggets the size of large watermelons, covered in rock worm blood and bile

Aslan picked them up and smiled

"Mithril!" he said, leaving the badly injured rock worm to flee


"Aslan! Are you alright?" Anvi asked, standing next to Aimee who was busy healing the adventurers

"I managed to flee. But it was badly injured, and would very well die. But I got these!" Aslan said, showing Anvi the mithril nuggets

Her eyes shone brightly with her smile

They headed back to Anvi's home after Aimee finished healing the adventurers

Anvi hugged Aslan and Aimee goodbye, as Aslan didn't want to stay. He wanted to go home soonest, as he already retrieved the mithril

"See you next year! I'll make good stuff with these" Anvi smiled 

Aslan shook her parents Dunggu and Changgi

As they were already out of sight, Changgi commented

"Your... boyfriend is it? He's quite the capable guy" she said to Anvi

Anvi didn't give a denial that he was her boyfriend and started telling them stories about the Academy, but mostly about her and Aslan!


The town of Smithe was actually quite close to Sailormon, and at a faster running pace, Aslan and Aimee arrived in half an hour

They arrived in Aslan's house, and knocked at the door

The door opened and Astrid's eyes widened

"Aslan! You're home! We were worried as we expected you sometime last week!" she said, hugging him

"And is this your girlfriend?" Astrid asked

"Hello. My name is Aimee" she said

"Where is dad? Out hunting?" Aslan asked

"No, he's out fishing!" Astrid replied

"Dad is fishing? He's seagoing now?" Aslan asked 

"Yes! He decided after you left, that since we are in a seaside town, we should enjoy it for what it's worth! I've even joined him fishing many times over the last 2-3 years" Astrid said

At that moment, Aslan's father, Cage returned

"You're back" he said as Aslan ran to hug him

"Oh, is this your girlfriend?" Cage asked Aslan about the pretty Aimee

"Hello, my name is Aimee" she said

"Will you be staying with Aslan? We probably should get a spare mattress in his room" Astrid said

"I.. would like to. But I am passing by to get home. I can get a boat from here to my island" Aimee said

"Which island are you from?" Cage asked

"I'm from Faefie Island!" Aimee said

"Oh! That's not too far. About 2 hours away. I can send you tomorrow. Stay the night!" Cage invited

"O... ok. Thanks. I shall" Aimee said 

That night, they had dinner together and Aimee slept with Aslan

They had sex in the shadow realm, because Aslan's parents were in the next room

The next morning after breakfast, Cage brought Aimee and Aslan to his boat, which Aslan has never seen before, and departed for Faerie Island!





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